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Um... idk, I'm listening to opera music, and a specific song came on and it reminded me of a movie...
What movies do y'all really like?
Are there any that you recommend people watch because WOW THAT'S A GOOD MOVIE THO???
What movies are your guilty pleasure movies?
Anything like that! :DDD

Fifth Element is one of those movies that I was raised on as a kid (and is the movie that this song made me think of), and I just... love??? I've heard people don't like this movie and I honestly cannot fathom why because I just love everything about it???

Emperor's New Groove is the movie that I know almost every line to. I can start of the entire intro and just keep going. I don't know the latter half of the movie pretty well, but this is one of those movies that I just cannot stop quoting because it's so funny. This is my feel-good movie that I watch when I'm stressed out because it's difficult to be mad / sad when I'm spending all my energy saying every line of the movie with the movie lmao

Alien: Covenant isn't one of those movies that I super adore, but it has aliens in it, and I LOOOVE the xenomorphs and backbursters (oh my god I forgot what the white ones are called I'M A SHAM! YEARS OF ACADEMY TRAINING WASTED), and they are my children I love them so much you don't understand.

Also, Pirates of the Caribbean because I mean, obviously.
I'm weak for Barbossa okay shutup

Fifth Element is great. People who don't like it are incorrect.

For me, movies depend wildly on my mood but there are some I can watch all day every day.

In Bruges is one of those. Not for those who can't handle violence or profanity but it is both laugh out loud hilarious and dark/depressing as all hell.

The Raid and The Raid 2 are both phenomenal action movies. The first one is more nonstop action and the second is a lot longer and packs in some story but the fight scenes in both are astounding. Iko Uwais is just...there are not words. I can't wait for the third one.

And a few favorites from last year just in a list in no particular order.
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Blade Runner 2049
Thor: Ragnarok
Wind River

So anyway I could go on forever about this so I'll stop now!
psi wrote:
The Raid and The Raid 2

YES! I second these. I'm a martial arts movie lover and these two remain at the top of the bunch (just behind Chocolate 2008, ;)).

Well my top ten favorite movies are

Anastasia (MY FAVORITE movie.)
Secretary (SUCH a sexy but sometimes hilariously crazy movie.)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
The Spirit of Christmas
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 1

MSochist wrote:
psi wrote:
The Raid and The Raid 2

YES! I second these. I'm a martial arts movie lover and these two remain at the top of the bunch (just behind Chocolate 2008, ;)).

Chocolate is pretty great as well!

I maintain though that if you can watch the last fight in Raid 2 without sympathy exhaustion by the end you aren't human.
DarkCrow Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:

Anastasia (MY FAVORITE movie.)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Okay but like, Once upon a December is never not a good song tbh

also, I need to rewatch Atlantis, I haven't seen it in forever, and the fact that I haven't drawn Kida is a literal tragedy

Hercules is always good because gosh dangit it Gospel Truth isn't my absolute jam okay
Princess Bride! (No Storybook Romance totally wasn't our first dance song at our wedding >.>)
Wreck-It Ralph (My son laughs his head off every time Calhoun smacks the shit out of Felix.)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) (That look on his face when she falls from the rafters gets me every time, so you can shut up.)
Willow (Cause Warwick Davis is THE BEST! I will fight you!)
Pride and Prejudice (The 1995 BBC miniseries. So what if it's not technically a movie? Colin Firth is so hot coming out of that pond the brits build a statue to commemorate it!)

I'm sure I'll think of ten million more once I go to bed tonight.
I knew I'd think of more the moment I hit reply. Here's some oldies for you young'uns to look into!

Bedknobs and Broomsticks (Angela Lansbury? Yes, please.)
My Fair Lady (I would go gay for Audrey Hepburn in a heartbeat.)
Arsenic and Old Lace (I laughed so hard. Seriously. Check it out. Cary Grant's comic timing is god like.)
The African Queen, The Lion in Winter, On Golden Pond (Seriously, just go watch everything Katharine Hepburn ever did. The woman was a gem and there will never be another like her.)
Pretty much all the Road movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, but specifically The Road to Morocco and The Road to Singapore

My mom loved old movies so we would watch them together all the time. It makes me sad sometimes that even people my own age haven't seen some of these gems!
DarkCrow Topic Starter

Dndmama wrote:
Princess Bride! (No Storybook Romance totally wasn't our first dance song at our wedding >.>)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) (That look on his face when she falls from the rafters gets me every time, so you can shut up.).

I knew I liked you for a reason tho tbh

My "Dad's Movie" growing up was Princess Bride (well, that and Matrix cause he used to look like Keanu Reeves lol). I love that movie <3 Robin Wright is yes

I literally audibly gasped when you put Mr. & Mrs. Smith because I am honestly furious that I didn't put it myself???
One of my all time favorite movies, I just -squeals-
I've honestly been dying to do a Mr. & Mrs. Smith type RP for about a week now with Shyael because hnnnnngh

Soap Dish (ZOMG Kevin Kline!)
The Road to El Dorado (ZOMG Kevin Kline AND Kenneth Branagh!)
Much Ado About Nothing (1993, Denzel does Shakespeare like a god. Keanu Reeves does it so bad it's hilarious.)
Stranger than Fiction (I usually hate Will Farrel but he's genuinely good in this and Emma Thompson is the shit, as always.)
Tropic Thunder (I didn't even realize that was Tom Cruise until someone told me. Like holy shit.)
The World's End (Simon Pegg and his gang at their absolute finest and the script is's just a thing of beauty the likes of which the world may never see again.)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Gary Oldman is the badassest peacock the world will ever see. I don't care that isn't a word.)

Shape of the water seemed a good movie, what was it about exactly?
DarkCrow Topic Starter

Alright, DnDMama has me wanting to put more down lmao

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (again, Keanu Reeves)
Be excellent to each other.

Lion King / Lion King 2 - Okay but listen to me, aside from having a wonderful soundtrack, Kovu and Scar tho

The Kingsman / 2 - I mean guys being super spies in well tailored suits is good enough for me, but they added Colin Firth and I am WEAK for Colin Firth okay shutup don't judge me
Also, the cinematography on those fight scenes is phenomenal and you can't convince me otherwise though OKAY

Flubber because I grew up on this movie and also Robin Williams

Aladdin because Genie made that entire movie because, again, Robin Williams

Oliver and Company - My grandparents had a van when I was younger that had a TV and a VHS player, and every so often we'd drive over to NM to visit some estranged grandparents and I literally just watched this movie on repeat the entire ride over.

John Wick / John Wick 2 because this entire movie is so aesthetic I LOVE IT WHAT???

I guess I should add Matrix and not just mention it since, again, my dad's movie growing up lol
DarkCrow Topic Starter

RedLantern wrote:
Shape of the water seemed a good movie, what was it about exactly?

Granted, I haven't seen it (another literal tragedy within this post of my own doing), but from what I understand, a fish-man is captured or created by the FBI and a deaf or mute lady ends up saving him but they also fall in love???

Again, haven't seen it so I could be wrong, BUT I WANT TO SO BAD
DarkCrow wrote:
RedLantern wrote:
Shape of the water seemed a good movie, what was it about exactly?

Granted, I haven't seen it (another literal tragedy within this post of my own doing), but from what I understand, a fish-man is captured or created by the FBI and a deaf or mute lady ends up saving him but they also fall in love???

Again, haven't seen it so I could be wrong, BUT I WANT TO SO BAD

I've seen it. That's pretty accurate but it also has a lot of really interesting subtext about people with disabilities, women and men in general but specifically in the 50's, 'The American Dream' as an institution as opposed to the ideal, sex and masturbation, homosexuality and, of course, love no matter the boundries.

Edit: He is captured, not created. She is mute, not deaf.

And while I'm here...

Bruce Almighty (Jim Carrey is funny!)
The Truman Show (Jim Carrey is earnest!)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrey is sad...damn.)
Clueless (Let's just be clear, I love Jane Austin all her incarnations)
DarkCrow Topic Starter

Dndmama wrote:
Bruce Almighty (Jim Carrey is funny!)
The Truman Show (Jim Carrey is earnest!)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrey is sad...damn.)
Clueless (Let's just be clear, I love Jane Austin all her incarnations)

I've only seen The Truman Show once, but god it was so good! It was years ago though, I'm going to add that to my 'to watch' list lol
Jim Carrey is wonderful. <33

So on that note!
Ace Ventura
-~AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty theeeeeeeeeen~
-Also, this movie is how I learned to spell 'Beautifu' lmao - Edit: APPARENTLY I DIDN'T WOW OKAY FINGERS Y U DO ME LIKE THIS -- beautiful* gosh dang

Addams Family - what a cast... I had both movies on VHS back in a day. RIP Raul Julia

Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty - all that was needed to be said, had been said.

Back to the Future - Christopher Lloyd XD

Bicentennial Man - I didn't expect to like this movie as much as I did. RIP Robyn Williams

Flubber - watched it and rewatched it several times when I was a kid. *sigh* RIP Robyn Williams

Some dark stuff incoming
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - both versions have strong performances by both Noomi Rapace and Rooney Mara.

Scream - 3 was the weakest, 4 was so-so and still, I love the franchise. RIP Wes Craven.

Silence of the Lambs - Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster were amazing, and Ted Levine gave an underrated performace.

Alien franchise - Sigourney Weaver rocks!
DarkCrow Topic Starter

Eli_Broady wrote:
Addams Family - what a cast... I had both movies on VHS back in a day. RIP Raul Julia

Silence of the Lambs - Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster were amazing, and Ted Levine gave an underrated performace.

Alien franchise - Sigourney Weaver rocks!

I am mad that I didn't put Addams Family I hate myself
Also, Sigourney is my wife I love her in the Alien franchise oh my god

My mom forced me to watch Silence of the lambs a while back, and for the most part I was sort of bored? I remember the scene where Sir Anthony Hopkins is talking about the lambs, but idk... Maybe I need to re-watch it now that I actually care about movies and their plotlines lol

I'm going to try to read the book at some point soon, maybe that'll help lol
What movies do I like? Too many! lol :p Seriously, I could go on and on about movies. There are probably over 1000 movies that I loved just as a child. So I don't know. But here I will attempt to post my top 50 favorites just in the genre of horror action films - even though I could easily post a part two of this list as well lol. Here it goes:

1 - Child's Play (the Chucky films)
2 - Leprechaun (all the films)
3 - Stephen King's It
4 - Bram Stoker's Dracula
5 - John Carpenter's Vampires
6 - Hellrazor (the Pinhead films)
7 - The Exorcist
8 - Blair Witch Project
9 - Saw (the Jigsaw films)
10 - Jeepers Creepers
11 - Dusk Til Dawn
12 - Blade (all the films)
13 - Hannibal (all the films)
14 - Friday the 13th (all the films)
15 - Nightmare (the Freddy films)
16 - Halloween (all the films)
17 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre
18 - Wrong Turn (all the films)
19 - Thirteen Ghosts
20 - Ghost Ship
21 - Children Of The Corn
22 - Stephen King's Cat's Eye
23 - Lord Of The Flies
25 - The Ghost And The Darkness
26 - Jurassic Park (all the films)
27 - Amityville Horror
28 - Critters
29 - Gremlins
30 - Stephen King's Sleep Walkers
31 - The Sixth Sense
32 - The Shining
33 - Aliens (all the films)
34 - Predator (all the films)
35 - Reign Of Fire
36 - Hostel
37 - I Am Legend
38 - The Conjuring (all the films)
39 - They
40 - Rose Red
41 - The Haunting
42 - Tales From The Crypt
44 - Candy Man
45 - Frankenstein
46 - Sleepy Hallow
47 - The Village
48 - Underworld (all the films)
49 - Resident Evil (all the films)
50 - Silent Hill

Others worthy of mentioning here are Dead Silence, Skeleton Key, Jaws, Primeval, Anaconda, Arachniphobia, Pumpkin Head, The Ring, Signs, Repo Man, Cable Guy, One Hour Photo, and See No Evil... That's just horror movies.
I love movies. Most of my recommendations are older movies, but here we go...

Push - This one is not massively popular. It has Chris Evans (Captain America) and Dakota Fanning (Man on Fire) in it. It's a movie about a world with different psychics. It's not super high profile or anything, but I really enjoyed it.

Man on Fire - Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington. Absolutely amazing movie about an alcoholic ex-special forces who gets a job as a bodyguard to protect a young girl. When she gets kidnapped, it wakes him up, and he does everything in his power to get back at the ones who took her

Deja Vu - Another Denzel Washington movie. This one is Sci-Fi. It's about a detective who is given an opportunity to find a person that was behind a terrorist attack and part of the investigation leads him to a murder victim that looks like she could be the clue to solving the whole thing. He's then shown a prototype experiment where they are actually able to look a few days into the past, live, and things go a bit more sci fi from there. Really good movie.

Goon - An amazing movie about ice hockey, with Sean William Scott playing an enforcer. Goon 2 is also out, and while very good is not as good as the first one. It has Liev Schreiber in both movies too, along with the dude who played Tigg on Sons of Anarchy. Very funny and pretty violent, but a really good one. I don't think it ever came out on cinema in the US, but still, check it out!

Four Brothers - A really good movie about 4 men that were adopted as troubled boys who return home after their adopted mother is killed. It has Mark Wahlberg and Tyrese Gibson in it.

The Crow - My all time favourite movie, and Brandon Lee's (Bruce Lee's son) last movie. Most people know I think, he was actually accidentally fatally injured on set near the end of filming and they had to do digital overlay for some of it. No small feat when you think of the time the movie was made. I absolutely love this movie. It's really dark, but has some really funny lines and moments in it.

Role Models - Sean William Scott and Paul Rudd. This one is about two guys that do a kind of "Older Brother" programme to help out a couple of younger kids. It's pretty funny and involves Live Roleplay which becomes pretty amusing.

Serenity - I'm a massive Firefly fan, and if you've not heard of or seen Firefly, it's basically the Wild West meets outer space. I love the show, and I highly recommend watching it, as you really need to gain the understanding of the show before you watch the movie. But the movie is a great way to kind of finish off the show after it was prematurely cancelled by Fox (because they're a**eholes)

Deadpool - I doubt anyone here as not seen Deadpool, but it is absolutely brutally, and crudely, brilliant. There's some obvious stupid humour but they make it work so well. If you've not seen this, you really really should. It's a guaranteed way to cheer yourself up if you're having a miserable day.

Lethal Weapon Quadrilogy - Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. I know Mel Gibson isn't really anyone anymore after he shamed himself and did some stupid shit, but he used to be a golden boy. You never heard him getting into trouble or being a butthead, and this was before all of that. If you've seen the TV show, you owe it to yourselves to watch these movies. Very funny if a little dated.

The Breakfast Club - So this one has recently come into the news after one of the actresses Molly Ringwald aired her concerns about a sexual harassment part in the show. I'm not going to jump on Molly Ringwald or to the defense of the show. If you watch it, take what you will away from the movie, but I still recommend it being a worthy watch.

Hot Shots Part Deux - This is pretty old (Nineties I think). It's a piss take of an old Tom Cruise movie called Top Gun. It's really bloody funny - Probably more for the guys this one. It's stupid, but I loved it.

Brain Dead - This is Peter Jackson pre Lord of the Rings and Hobbit. This movie is so stupid it works, and is kind of a legendary movie. It's crude, it's bloody ridiculous, and it has zombies. You need to watch this movie at least once, just to say that you have. There is no other movie like it, at all.
Hey, all.

As a film major, I was naturally drawn to this thread, haha - any excuse to talk about movies, boom, here I am! *jazz hands*

Ironically, I don't have a number one favorite movie: I can never pick. :( BUT, what I do have are some films I really, truly adore. And I could nerd out on everyone and be annoying talking about the cinematography (big fan of good cinematography, lol) - but I'll promise to try and keep this short and sweet. Unlike going to an actual movie with me, where I'll literally jabber about it for a good hour after getting out of the theater.

Fargo - I. Love. This. Movie. It's so bizarre and has such dry humor - the Coen brothers are brilliant, too. But this film, I just saw it last year for the first time, and I loved it so much that I'm drawing a lot of influence from it on the project I'm working on right now for school (I, Tonya and Psycho were also enormous inspirations for me).

Titanic - Judge me all you want, lol. Leonardo DiCaprio forever has my heart - and I've always loved ships, for some reason? Anyway, Titanic (the ship) always fascinated me as a kid (I know, weird, haha); I even had a book on it. Still think it's an incredibly interesting and (obviously) tragic story. Also - James Horner is amazing, and I live for movie soundtracks. But Titanic is one of those things where if it's on TV, no matter what part, I'll sit and be absorbed with it until they roll the credits.

Me Before You - One of the rare occasions (besides Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings) that I actually loved the film adaptation of a book. If you haven't seen or read this one...God, I recommend it so much. Especially if you like romance. Also: Emilia Clarke is in it. Enough said. <3

No Country for Old Men - Another Coen brothers' film - and I also only saw this one about a year ago. But I'm so glad I did. It was on Netflix for a while, and if it still is - I would highly recommend checking it out. Javier Bardem is brilliant in it (brilliantly insane...?).

The Wolf of Wall Street - My man Leo again. <3 Okay, but really. I looooove Martin Scorsese as a director. Goodfellas is another huge favorite of mine. They're both so dark but wonderfully comedic in their timing - and they feature "bad" men you can't help but find fascinating.

The Dark Knight - One of the first films I fell in love with. I'm sure a lot of people have seen this one - if you haven't, do yourself a favor and check out Heath Ledger's amazing performance.

The Silence of the Lambs - Ahhh, more dark subject matter. I love this one. Particularly for a very clever trick the filmmakers pull near the end. But I don't want to give away any spoilers! Also, who doesn't love Anthony Hopkins? He somehow makes a cannibal weirdly charming. Emphasis on weirdly.

I, Tonya - If you can't tell, I thoroughly enjoy dark comedies, haha. But I, Tonya just came out last year and I already own it. I love the fourth wall breaks and how brilliantly the whole bizarre story is done. Margot Robbie and Allison Janney steal the show, and it's such full of moments that cause you to raise your eyebrows. I love it.

***inset every Lord of The Rings, Hobbit (Desolation of Smaug <3), Pirates of the Caribbean (except the 5th one, sorry), and Star Wars (yes, even the prequels - gotta give them somewhere to stand for nostalgia's sake: but I'm not a savage, the originals are where it's at *coughs* Harrison Ford as Han Solo *coughs), annnnnd every Harry Potter movie (****Prisoner of Azkaban and Half-Blood Prince are my favorites, though).

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Again: Harrison Ford. Lol. But really, I was spellbound when I first saw this movie as a kid. I watched it over and over again, and it hasn't lost its charms yet.

Misery - Really, really messed up movie that I love for its simplicity. Two characters, essentially, and just...well, a lot of screaming on my part when I saw it. Don't watch it if you're sensitive about your ankles, lol.

Shutter Island - Another really incredible book turned into a great movie. And featuring my favorite pair of Scorsese and DiCaprio again, haha. It also has one of my favorite quotes near the end, but I won't give it away, could be a little spoiler.

Anyway, I'm sure I missed some because I always have so many movies I want to share that I end up forgetting them in my rush to recommend them, haha. I'd also like to mention Game of Thrones in this...and yeah, I know it's a TV show, but honestly, it's my all time favorite television show and I can't emphasize enough how wonderfully well done it is. I could definitely go on, but I don't want anybody to fall asleep!

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