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Kudos for Keo

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Keo
    Though we haven't been rping for too long and only have one rp going, I'm hooked! Their characters are quite original, not only them but his worlds are highly detailed and thought out on top of that; which has inspired me completely! He is brilliant and a joy to discuss ideas with or figure out how to combine two worlds together. As an rper and a person in general, Keo is fantastic no doubt. You'll never get bored when rping with them as I know I tend to want to read their replies over <3 - OpenToThings

  • Keo
    Finn is an incredibly kind person! Not only a lovely artist, but also a creative RPer with amazingly detailed characters. Neither of which account for the sheer compassion and kindness he possesses outside of RP. - SolonaAmell

  • Keo
    Finn is totally awesome! He's a lot of fun to plot with and has some of the sweetest characters ever. I always look forward to his posts. <3 - AncientCatKing

  • Keo
    Finn is a great partner for RPs! For the whole time I've been RPing with him, I always get excited when he replies because our RP(s) are super interesting and I don't ever get bored. I wish to RP with some of his other characters one day.., Also, he's a lovely person OOC as well. We've recently become buddies and he's such a sweet and fun guy! - GeniuslyGenius

  • Keo
    Keo is a wonderful RP partner who has many interesting characters that I wish I could get the chance to have a character interact with. There is no boring when RPing with this lovely guy. - Ohermichi

  • Keo
    Max is the person who can get you unbelievably excited for a roleplay, regardless of genre and plot. What started out as a laid back plot to 'let out some steam' for the two of us turned into an epic mix of modern fantasy, romance and comedy with a complex relationship blooming between our characters. As soon as we began posting, I was officially hooked and we had put in over 20 sizeable posts within a single day. It's definitely the company that counts in RP and Max is irreplaceable! <3 - Silovit

  • Keo
    What to say about this guy here? Besides he is an amazing roleplayer. He has great ideas and easy to work with and get along with. His characters are interesting and different and you just don't know what to expect form him. I nightly recommend you don't pass up a chance to rp with him! - KuroSakuranbo14

  • Keo
    Keo (or Max) is a guy who has a list of characters, that makes me turn my head. None of them are the same! Each and everyone one acts differently, each from a different placement for stories!

    If you are looking for a cast of characters who are all different and unique, check out Keo! Do it now, you won't regret it!~ - SummerNights

  • Keo
    Keo is a JOY to rp with! His character is wonderful and very realistic, his replies always make me smile! Im really enjoying our rp and hoping that he is too! - CatNoLastName

  • Keo
    Keo is adaptable, quick to learn, and easy to please! If you open up the dictionary and look up "easygoing", his profile picture will be right there next to the definition. I really enjoy plotting with Keo because he is so open-minded and great at coming to satisfying compromises. Hit him up if you want an experienced, laid-back, stress-free RP partner! - OfTheFalls