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Kudos for Libertine

  • This creator of characters can always make me fan girl. I have finally found a plot to wiggle myself in, if you call it that. I always enjoy taking time out of my day to glance over their characters. Even if I have read them all before, but that's OKAY. A beautiful mind of creativity plus a friendly demeanor of personality. Is a combination I adore and miss in this game. Luckily Lib has all of that and more. - Nekomanics

  • Dralt (played by Libertine)
    This is just a wonderful character! Old as sin and ready to take on a bratty, teenage progeny with patience and understanding. Calm and rational, with spontaneous moments of hilarity and fun quirky adventures, he makes for a great read every time. - Mina

  • Never one to fall into standard conventions Libertine stands as a trailblazer. Full of mystery both in and out of character she will keep you guessing on what will happen next. *Stamps the VG seal of approval* XD - Virus

  • Libertine has been my friend for only a short while, but she's proven herself loyal and has all the love to give. She is a great player who always works on moving the plot forward while helping you stay on track. - Cacophony

  • This crazy woman here is a must-have in your RPR experience. Her spawn is intensely adorable and follows her mother's crazy footsteps, but that just makes me love them both more! Lib has a fantastic sense of storytelling and her characters never fail to excite and inspire all sorts of creative nuggets in my brain. She's all around a terrific friend, one I intend to keep as long as possible! - Sanne

  • I've already given kudos on why she is a great RPer, so now I will explain why she is a great OOC friend! Libertine always cheers me up when I am down. She posts the funniest things, has the wisest insights, and is just a wonderful, sweet, caring and understanding person! So not only is she great to RP with, she's fantastic to be friends with too! She's the whole package!! - CelestinaGrey

  • Libertine is chilled out, creative, and has her act together. Add that she's also hugely supportive of artists and she's everything you could ask for in a roleplayer. - sland

  • I've known Lib for a while through Furcadia, but our RP time had been sparse. Still, I always adored her character. Now that I'm RPing with here through RPR, I have fallen more in love with her incredible characters and thoughtful posts! She has such intriguing characters and every post gives me more than enough to work with. I compulsively check my messages just to see if I have a post back from her! She is truly an amazing RPer! - CelestinaGrey

  • Through Epic Week 2014, Libertine was awesome enough to keep track of the clues everyone gathered for the mysterious portal - even though it meant working from a mobile device! - Zelphyr

  • Libertine, Libertine, my dearest Libertine. What words could adequately describe how I feel about you? I've known about you for a while, but we only became friends recently.

    You astound me with your beautiful personality. Loving, caring, and giving in every way you can afford to be. We can talk about silly perverted things and giggle like 12 year old school boys about it, but seconds later we discuss the deeper philosophical meaning to life.

    You rock. <3 And I love you. - Sanne

  • Dralt (played by Libertine)
    I fell in love with this character just from the beautiful artwork they had of him, but what really sealed the deal was the amazing work they did with the rest of him that kept me hooked! He looks super intriguing, and I can't wait to get a chance to RP with him! - Minstrelsy

  • So determined to give money to RPR was she that she gave out random epic memberships! <3 - Zelphyr

  • Dralt (played by Libertine)
    How have I not given this character kudos yet? He's incredible! He's a very mysterious and fleshed out character, with his fair share of strengths and weaknesses. Has a good head on his shoulders as far as sticking to things goes and is perfect for any adventure, let alone RP in general! I suggest you hit them up. You won't be sorry! :3 - MadRatBird

  • Dralt (played by Libertine)
    Takurasho is probably the one character that ever truly surprised me. The man is a calm and clever and a collected leader, truly a great companion. He is a great addition to any story! - Pirate

  • Libertine is the perfect example of an amazing roleplayer! In fact, she's an amazing person outside of roleplay as well!

    Great grammar, descriptive and lengthy posts, very interesting and deep characters, all can be found with Libertine. Not to forget that in OOC she's a very friendly person to talk to. Even I hardly feel shy around her!

    Kudos to you, my friend! Stay awesome! - Pirate

  • Dralt (played by Libertine)
    Cool under pressure, Takurasho seems like the kind of character I'd like to have on my side of the fight. He's quick to act and very observant without giving away what he knows. He'd be a great addition to any group. - TheLily

  • Libertine is simply amazing! I'm actually surprised she doesn't have kudos yet! She's a wonderful person to talk to (none of our chitchats have made me feel like the convo was turning stale), and an excellent RPer. Her posts are very detailed and well-executed, covering every topic and staying wonderfully in-character. From what I've seen, she has an excellent way of keeping ooc info from leaking into the RP. I highly suggest you message her! - MadRatBird