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Kudos for Zelphyr

  • Zelphyr has been a beacon of positivity and community spirit for some time. I'm always happy to see them around the site getting involved. Kind and understanding - Auberon

  • One of the reasons you should get to know Nova is that she's the kind of person who helps lift you up. I recognize how much effort she puts into being a better version of herself, not just by analyzing, understanding, and processing her thoughts and feelings, but also how she's leading by example in doing so. She shows people what it's like to develop coping skills and encourages them to do the same, and that makes her a wonderful friend and a great asset to the community. :) - Sanne

  • I haven't RP'd with Novalyyn in a long time, but her name keeps coming up as she endlessly comments on people's posts offering help. Even when she's not there to help, she's offering perspective on why certain things on the site cannot change, or why a rule is in place. She helps out everyone she comes in contact with and even if I don't play with her, I love seeing her name. - Cacophony

  • Novlynn is one of the most helpful, spirited, and kind members of the entire RPR community. They are always willing to share knowledge openly on the forums, or privately in PMs. I happen to know that Novalynn frequently assists the mod team with reports and messages. Thanks for being you <3 - Ben

  • I haven't actually talked to Novalyyn, but can't help but say a few things. This wonderful person always seems to be there in the group chats, and has great ideas and kind words to offer. I know you don't know me well, Nova, but hey, I'm glad I get to be on the same site as you! - BunBunUke

  • She's is one of the coolest members on here.She always has the correct answers and right on responses to any answer in the forums. She represents all what is makes this community of freinds and roleplayers great. - LakotaSiouxWarrior

  • Nova is a force to be reckoned with in our community. She is insanely helpful, both by answering questions, contributing to topics and discussions, welcoming new players, and submitting reports that help us keep RPR neat and clean. And her writing is stellar: concise when needed, jam packed with perfectly constructed phrases, with just the right amount of humor sprinkled on top! - Ilmarinen

  • Nova is just honestly a very generous and understanding soul. Especially with the fact that she hosts such events that means her putting her own money (and inspiring others to do the same) toward getting those that are less able to get certain things something nice. Despite this, she has a admirably assertive personality, and I find that very respectable that she can approach things with a sense of conviction. - FreeJayFly

  • Both within & outside the RPR, Novalyyn is an amazingly helpful person! She's always prepared to answer questions and impart her wisdom onto others. <3 You rock! - Copper_Dragon

  • What I feel the most of all for Novalynn is respect. She probably doesn't know how much I respect her. When I "see" her around, I see this analytical mind that is so detailed. Everything she does has this sort of veneer of excellence. She helps people with those big brains and big heart, but always with a practical and logical bent that makes her sincerity unquestionable. When she writes something that I relate to, and words, as they can do, fall short, I sit back and silently route for her. - Abigail_Austin

  • Novalyyn is one of those people who makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I consider her my family, one of my best friends and someone I will fight for with every fiber of my being. I greatly value her perspective on things and admire her desire to discover who she is. She's inspired me to do the same, and it's only one of the many reasons I love her. - Sanne

  • Nova is just... Nova.
    I know that's not much of an explanation, but trust me... It'll make sense when you get to know her, she's awesome! Obviously words escape me as I try to describe her xP - iolhantheX

  • I have not written with Novalyyn, but I can easily say that talking with them is absolutely calming. Their ability to listen and adhere their own experiences and perspective to topics of discussion are heartwarming and enjoyable. If not to write, I still suggest approaching Novalyyn as a friend. :) - Hades_

  • Okay, so I've never actually RPed with this person, and we've never really talked much. But they contribute a lot to the community- offering helpful advice and starting interesting and insightful discussions on the forums. So that's worth a Kudos, in my opinion. - Hollyfrost

  • I'm toast and Nova is butter. We're two very different people but go together so well it's crazy to think there was a time we weren't friends! She's always there for me and offers me viewpoints I never considered, educates me when my knowledge falls short, and always puts peace and understanding before anything else. I absolutely adore her and I'm so glad to call her my friend. <3 - Sanne

  • When I log in, most of my home is filled with all the good that Nova is doing across the site. I'm so happy to see how active she still is and how much she contributes to the community! - Cacophony

  • Chasu Maru (played by Zelphyr)
    This character has always intrigued me when I was first shown them. What attracted me was the artwork and how curious it made me. Reading further on its page made me realize how neat this character truly is! Novalyyn, you always make such different and dynamic characters! Great job! - InquisitorCat

  • Someone still remembers me~! Oh nice :2 Well, I can say that Nova is surely a nice fella, great support and an all around nice person. Definitely. I can remember having some pain on my middle section but with people like Novalyyn and a few others, I'd say it got fixed right quick + I really enjoyed to even just open my phone and see what people were up to in the chat, just messing around with them is great~ No RP chances as of yet, but guaranteed this here is a good person~ - Reima

  • Nova is the definition of unbiased zen and fairness. Her ability to distance herself from something and analyze it without judgment and bias makes her an incredible person to center you when you feel unsteady. I've enjoyed watching her discover her own self and blossom as a person over the past few years, and I hope to enjoy the privilege of being there to witness it for many more years. - Sanne

  • I saw her icon and it made me smile! I love Calvin and Hobbes! Seems like she's an awesome person/RPer too! - Dragoncat