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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool life (closed group)

Andrew walked into the building with a sigh. "Welcome back to school," he mumbled to himself and looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands and he walked towards his locker. "At least all my classes are nearby my locker..." he said and began putting his stuff away.

The girl walked in with a proudness in her step as if she ruled the school. She knew she didn't and she didn't really want to. She had friends, she was fine with what she had.
"Hey, stupid," she said with a smirk as she walked up to a black-furred wolf and smacked him on the back of the head then opened the locker next to him.
"Hey, Mariah," Andrew muttered under his breath and grabbed what he needed then walked away. Mariah frowned but went about doing exactly what he had: putting stuff in her locker.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian walked across the schoolyard,wearing a hoodie,to protect him,and keep the sunlight from touching his skin.He walked up the school front steps,and once in the shade,he took his hands out of his pockets,and pulled his hood down.He looked ahead,and began walking again,Here's to another wasted day of my life he though walking though the school corridors,He went to his locker,honestly,he was surprised he didn't see a note on his locker that read,freak or devils child.Not that he didn't mind.He entered his combination on the lock,and it unlocked,he pulled it off,and opened his locker,he got the stuff he needed for first period,closed his locker,locking it back,and moving along.Not saying a word to anyone.
Drusilla Vantille (played by Miss)

Dru’s colorless form walks into the hallway, from an adjacent room, her right arm holding the strap to her backpack, her left hand holding a note card. Her lips moved silently, as her brown gaze drifts from each printed word, onto the next. Her brown gaze snapped upwards, glancing to each side, before she moves through the crowd and to her locker, which was right across from the black wolf and bow-wearing cat.

Dru’s right hand releases her backpack’s strap, her fingers deftly opening the lock with three, short spins of the dial. Her right hand pulls down the lock and picks it up by the hooking part in one fluid motion, while her right pointer finger hooks into the locker’s door, opening it, as she takes one step back. Inside the locker, the bottom was completely clean, while the top featured her books turned upon their sides, all neatly set against each other. With the lock curled about her middle finger, the dial facing outward against the back of her hand, Dru’s right pointer finger and thumb pull out a medium-sized, red book. The other books stay perfectly still, a gap where the red book was.

Dru’s right hand opens the book to the middle, her left hand placing the note card within it. Her right hand closes the book and her left hand closes the locker, the book being passed to her left hand. Dru’s right hand places the curling lock back into the slot, and her fingers pinch it together, locking it once more. Her form then turns, walking down the hallway, not too far behind a dark haired, pale boy.
Meiko and Miku Shimi (played by Sundrop)

Meiko and Miku ran down the street towards their high school. Thanks to Miku forgetting to set the alarm clock, Meiko being too lazy to get up. The two twins were running late for school. One with a half eaten toast in her mouth, and the other one with a green apple in her mouth. Once the two ran towards the school at full speed, The twins finally arrived at their high school. "Lucky us we made it..." Meiko said sarcasticly throughing aways her apple. Miku walked ahead of her into the school, towards her locker, Meiko catching up, and going to her locker.

Once Meiko arrived at her locker. She opened the combination, and grabbed everything she needed for class. Meanwhile Miku walked over to her locker, which was down the hall from Meiko's. Grabbing her things, and preparing for her things for class. Meiki and Miku walked down, the opposite side of the hall, towards their classes.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(Just so that everyone knows, it's the first day of school ^_^" I should have probably said that in my first post, but I thought we agreed about that before)
Drusilla Vantille (played by Miss)

{It may be the first day, but there may be students that are not freshmen. Minor details~}
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(fair enough, but whether or not you're a freshman, your stuff isn't there on the first day of school. You don't keep the same locker, right? Or is that just a Colorado thing?)
Drusilla Vantille (played by Miss)

{Oh, the books would not be there, as they are handed out during class. That is, if they were school books. Showing up early enough to deposit books should not be too difficult, as long as they are out-side reading material. I have been outside highschool for so long, it seems. From what I can think of, it will hopefully not be too game-breaking to have the same locker every year~}
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(Are we waiting for someone else or am I just holding this up? ^^")
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

(Wasent Aiden supposed to reply too?)
Meiko and Miku Shimi (played by Sundrop)

(What order are we going in?)
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(The order of posts. Once everyone has posted once then I'll post again and we'll go in that order. Also, Rhythm, Sebastian is gonna need to be human for this if his vampirism will somehow affect the RP, sorry :/
Also, here's an OOC we can post in now instead of messing this thread up. )
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

(His vampire ness won't effect the rp,I wasent going to make him bite anyone or anything)
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(In which case, for the purpose of the RP, he's human to everyone else. Nobody knows and nobody should learn.
If Aiden doesn't post soon, we'll continue without him.)
Aiden (played anonymously)

(( sorry guys dident see you started ))

Aiden stepped into the school pulling his black hood over his head and sighed softly as he looked around. He hated being around people.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter


The wolf walked slowly to his first class of the day, keeping his head down. No need to attract any kind of unwanted attention on the first day of school. At least Mariah was her usually self it seemed. He gave the cat a smile then walked away down the hall.


She smiled right back at Andrew then started chatting with her friends as she tossed everything into her locker. "Junior year, here I come," she said with a broad grin then looked around to see if she could spot any other familiar faces. Nearby she spotted Meiko and Mariah nearly tackled her to the groun in a hug, "HI!!!" she squealed.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian walked through the halls.The halls were filled with chit chat amongst the students.An average thing for the first day of school,seeing as though they went all summer without seeing each other,their friends.He said not a single word to anybody,he just wasent talkitive right now.Why talk to people when all their going to here's is blah blah guess what blah blah blah,then you have to listen to what they did ALL summer.Why waste precious time doing that? He didn't see the point.
Drusilla Vantille (played by Miss)

Dru’s brown gaze stares steadily forward, her colorless form drifting between the other students. Her fingers curl about the book’s spine, her arm bringing it closer to her side. Her string-tied shoes carry her between groups of chatting groups, her form turning to the side and scooting past them in elegant strides, with her left arm lifted upwards, her left palm facing outward, and her fingers curled inward.

Dru’s form returns to walking with her arms near her sides, though between the clutter of sentences of the other groups, she states, quietly, “Abide, abjure, abroad, adamant.” A few students separated her from the pale skinned, dark haired boy. Brushing past a few students along her left and right sides, she continues, quietly, “Afield, aforetime, aghast, agin, alms-guest, amiss.”

Some students were diverting from the main flow to enter classrooms, but Dru’s class was at the end of the hallway, on the left side. Her first period class was art.
Meiko and Miku Shimi (played by Sundrop)

Meiko walked down the hallwally, her first class which was French. As she walked down the hallway, using her manners, "excuse me, pardon me..." Meiko said in a soft voice. Soon after Meiko arrived at the fith classroom to her right. She opened the door, about half of the class was inside. Probably because the rest of the class, was still trying to figure out where to go. Meiko walked over to a desk in front of the chalkboard, sense that would be the best place to sit.

Meanwhile.. Miku pushed and shoved everyone out their way. "Move it, you're blocking up traffic!" Miku yelled, obviously this twin wasn't to big on manners. After pushing everyone out the way. Miku arrived to her class, "geometry..." Miku said in a deep voice. Her arch enemy of all time, the subject that she was never good, or bad in. Miku grabbed a seat in the back of the class, thinking that was the best seat in the world. Miku placed her binder on the table, only a couple of students were here. The rest were probably lost or something.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter


Andrew proceeded down the hall towards his first class which was also art.
"Hey there," he said as he spotted Meiko. At least one person he recognized from the previous year and he at least hoped he could consider her a friend. "Happy first day of school," he forced a smile to her.


The cat frowned upon being ignored and her ears drooped, "Meiko?" she asked but the girl had already walked away. She walked back to her locker and grabbed her stuff. She glanced at her schedule. "God I hate English," she mumbles and starts going down the hall, quickly arriving at the class.

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