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Town Hall Meeting: What Should We Do About Our Host?

Posted by Kim on January 29, 2012, 6:45pm

My fellow citizens of the RP repository,

Today our site was done a mighty blow on the field of battle. Its shining steed, our server, collapsed from under it, and toppling in its full suit of armor left the site most injured.

Although the elven healers have since been able to come to its aid, the time has come that we cannot ignore the infirmities of our current server.

This is the worst downtime we've ever had. On a personal note, I am frustrated and deeply embarrassed that this occurred on the same day that I spent hours seeking out sources of drain and waste on our server and taking steps to eliminate them to help stave off further down time. And then our host goes down completely, for reasons beyond my control. I'm so sorry it disrupted your game time.

I want to begin by thanking our host for giving us this shelter over the past year. When we first outgrew our original server, this one was the perfect size for us, and a price that we could actually afford.

Since then, we've grown so rapidly that we've had to upgrade our current server twice, and as we continue to grow we can be assured that we'll need to do it again.

In light of the level of unreliability our host has shown, it may be time that we move to a "big boy" server with a much more professional rig. This is an exciting and frightening step. Protecting the site is my greatest priority, but even small steps up from here come with an associated price increase that is quite steep.

We knew that we would have to go eventually. I had just hoped that we could wait to do it until we'd also grown financially strong enough to make that transition easy. We had just reached the point of breaking even on our current monthly costs. If we were to go now, we'd be right back to where we started: Nervous about breaking even every month.

We've done this before. The real question is: Do we want to do it again?

If you have ever purchased a power up for your RPR account, know that you are the reason the site is still around in a very real way, and you have the thanks of everyone who uses the site. If we move, we will depend on Epic Members like you more than ever.

So what say you, citizens of the Repository? Shall we sally forth into the wild unknown in search of a new land to build our empire? Or should we try to stick it out here a little longer?



January 30, 2012

I skimmed through the rest of the comments briefly (I'm wardriving right now, which is why I'm even on), but when I can, I plan on helping the site to keep itself afloat no matter what it is - paypal, spare hard drives, whatevs. I think for the moment, it would be easiest to almost go back to square one and reassess the argument of hardware capacity vs. people joining the site vs. hopes and dreams: I do want the site to grow, and I DO plan on donating cash for the site (What do I have to spend money on? Repaying student loans, and saving up for car stuff. That's it.), but it's not the end of the world when the site is down for a few minutes or an hour at a time. Is it a big deal? To be honest, well yeah, it is to me, but on the same note, I would MUCH rather deal with a short outage than facing the possibility of the end of the site. I've met some great friends, and it's always a topic of interest among Andy and I.

Cliff notes: I'll help in any form, and reassess what you wanna do, Kim. Want to chill out for a while and save bank? Fine by me. Want to upgrade straight a way? Then I'll donate enough paypal money for you to buy a family of white rhinos.


January 30, 2012

@Kim - Oh! In that case! Thank you, I'm glad I was a little help then. :D


January 30, 2012

@Mermaid -- Don't worry, I don't think you offended anyone. You were just brainstorming, and your ideas were much appreciated. :) It was good to hear both of those perspectives.


January 30, 2012

@disducibus OUCH. I knew they'd slap gifts with fees, before long. *sobfest* Then, maybe donations aren't such a superb idea unless they're bigger. Phish tosh.


January 30, 2012

I find this really fascinating. In my day job, a half hour of down time is considered a disaster and people get fired over an hour of down time. Your perspective that 16 hours isn't really that bad is... Well, it's like night and day to me. I've never seen or heard of a site going down for more than a few hours, much less months!


January 30, 2012

I Kind of have to agree with celestina. A day of downtime compared to the weeks and months I have seen isn't so bad. If you guys are worried about making bank, then perhaps take a step back, wait a little while, or perhaps even try some of these donation ideas before switching to the server, to see if it helps?


January 30, 2012

On a note someone made above, when I got to send payments with paypal, I *do* get slapped with a fee even if I send it as a gift.


January 30, 2012

I didn't meant to rub anyone's feathers the wrong way - just offering my input. :} I'm sorry!

Yes, the templates donation bin at least sounds fun, I love new templates very mucho. And... I don't know if this would be 'wrong' but sending money via gift shooould eliminate the fee. That's what a lot of people seem to do to get around these unfair fees (in my mind, I just see PP dipping their hand in the money pot over and over between people *sigh* Who knows how long before even "gift" and "personal" payments are slapped with a fee)!

Whatever happens, everything will work out I'm sure!


January 30, 2012

I find that Dylan and Sanne make perfect sense. Can the RPR be supported by Epic Memberships and Power Ups alone? Will the 'big boy' host cause for financial drain down the line?

Those are two very key points when it comes down to having and maintaining a publicly viewed and used website.

I can understand the frustration it caused others, and you as well Kim, when the site experienced some down-time due to a fatal error in the security coding. However, as you stated in your words that they try to download the new security software as quickly as possible due to they want to keep their clients protected. Meaning they want to keep you and your website protected from potential hackers, lagging issues, identity theft, phishing scams, etcetera.

Though in the end, the decision is ultimately yours. We, the users, have only opinions that are emotionally based. Perhaps even biased, when it comes to mishaps like these. All I ask is that you review every option and weigh the pros and cons evenly before a final decision is made. You've all my trust Kim on what ever you decide. I will support it.



January 29, 2012

Small donations would be throwing your money out of the window. Anyone who has ever received a small amount of less than $5 on Paypal will know. :( Most of a small donation will be taken up by a default fee of like.. $0.30 and then an additional percentage, leaving as good as nothing to the receiver.

It seems like a waste to me as more money will go to Paypal than to the site. Why not save up until you can afford a package? A package is designed to work as a thank you for the donation and doesn't cost Kim anythjng extra after all.

You can already send donations through Paypal to if you really don't want/need a package though. :) (Though why you wouldn't is beyond me!)

In regards to offering an epic for a day when the right amount has been achieved, or.similar rewards... Call me silly, but rewarding all members for donations made by a few really rubs my feathers the wrong way. I want everyone to be able to enjoy the perks of an epic of course and spread the joy, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. It seems... unfair, I think that's the right word I'm looking for.

I'd much rather see more package deals like with Christmas! Those really stimulated people to buy more and people who never had packages before can enjoy the perks for a while too. It's similar to the donation reward, but more limited.

As for the hosting issue, as much as I suffered from withdrawal, rage and sadness, this host has actually had a nice uptime so far. I've seen and experienced worse with my own sites before.

It would be a bad move to switch if the site isn't ready as far as the money goes. Right now it's a small inconvenience to deal with downtimes. It would be awful if the hosting couldn't be paid for anymore and RPR's future would be uncertain!!

Just my two cents. :)


January 29, 2012

Now, I'm far too lazy to go through and read what others have said or suggested here, so I'm just going to throw my own out and if they've already been mentioned, then I WILL GO BACK IN TIME AND SAY IT FIRST SO THEN YOU CAN SIMPLY WALLOW IN THE SHAME OF YOUR REDUNDANCE, FOR I AM THE ETERNAL CHAMPION.

Anywho. Why don't we do something like a Kickstarter donation setup? You know, set up a fund where everyone can donate whatever they like, and certain people who donate certain amounts get a specific prize associated with that amount: I.E. An extra character slot for $5 donations, a special sketch from somebody else for $10, and, like, (as an example only) a short animated feature by Darth featuring their character of choice for anybody who donates $50 or more. Anybody can donate, aside from also doing epic memberships or whatever.

As you can notice, the exact details of this plan aren't entirely thought out, but it's just a crazy little idea, which I have a lot of.

You know what I don't have a lot of? BEER. NEED MOAR.


January 29, 2012

Thanks guys. Your advice really, really helps. My head has been spinning all night.

I like the idea of some kind of donation, although I would point out that all memberships, purchases of pages, and character slots are also in-effect one time donations. They don't ever charge you again unless you decide to send more money on your own. :) Something tiny like $1 voting to get a template to the top of the production list is a grand idea. I'll see what I can do to get something like that out. My only concern is that micro contributions like that tend to get slapped with a very high paypal fee, so a smaller percentage of your money would actually make it to the RPR than it does with larger contributions of, say, $10. I'll look into ways around that.

As to questions about whether we can afford a new server, here's a few ways to look at it:
  • In August, October, December and January we brought in enough to afford an upgrade to more space and processing power, but not for our very own dedicated server. That would be fine, we're on VPS hosting now and most of the time it works great. If the trend continues, by the middle of the year we should be in much better shape to afford it.
  • A small, completely dedicated server - meaning we'd never share it with anyone else, as we do now - costs about $1,000/year if we prepay the whole year in advance.. Every single day, about 250 members log on to the site. If each one of those people contributed an average of 4 dollars, we could pay for an entire year's worth of hosting in a single day. Although that assumes we wouldn't need to expand again due to our continual growth, it's still pretty impressive to think about.

For questions as to whether we can survive on this server:

We have a good number of months left before we completely outgrow it. I can't really be more accurate than that, since our numbers keep changing, but if our host doesn't completely screw up like this again we could do okay here. I had planned to move more toward the end of the year, expecting that if both financial and usage trends continued the way they're going, that would be around the time it was really needed and around the time I could rely on the income to sustain it.

It sounds like most of you are in favor of playing it cautious and not moving early. In a lot of ways that's a big relief. In other ways, I'm really shaken and I want to flee the host that put us through such a nasty experience. Thanks for being my rock.


January 29, 2012

Referring to what Heimdall just stated, in addition to notification or instead of? There could be a small donation button to click. I don't see a small pretty button getting in the way of our maneuvering the site. Or something.


January 29, 2012

I can personally tolerate the downtime, since overall the site runs BEAUTIFULLY. The little rough spots are really not so big a deal when they come... just hurt pride. ;)

I'd like to agree with the notion of a donation button. I think having a goal wherein something awesome happens would be great, but I don't need it. When my Epic runs out, I'm not sure I'll be able to renew... but dropping ten dollars in here and there I can! If you do donations, it would be cool if it went out as a notification (that you can toggle, of course) to your friends.


January 29, 2012

I say "Onward to New Lands of Untold Fortune!" but I admit baby steps are a good thing. I. Believe it would be best to wait for a time when we are more financially stable. After all I (and I have no doubt others) can tolerate any amount of downtime as long as we see a brighter future ahead. I myself am planning to go epic before long and contribute to the cause myself!

To Kim an those who have kept us running for so long I thank you. May the halls of Valhalla echo with the words of your epic story and may those who seek wisdom lend an ear to the sound!


January 29, 2012

I say go forth and be strong! I would help as much as I can, but I'm broke and have the computer experience of a duck. I wish you the best of luck in finding the promised land! //salute


January 29, 2012

It really comes down to prices.

Can RPR afford the move? I'm not asking this to be answered directly, but it is something to think about. Once we move, can RPR continue to be supported via Epic Members and other Power Ups? Will a more professional or 'big boy' hosting service dig into your pocket a bit too much?

If Epic Members can support the site (especially at the current rate of members purchasing Epicness) I'd say yes. Or if the stress of what happened today is just too great...

I suppose I always think about the cost, both financially and emotionally/mentally. I think a donation bar would be an excellent idea. Perhaps, if you do move, offer a moving sale on certain items? If money is needed badly enough for the move.


January 29, 2012

I'm not very knowledgeable about this, but...

If you're worried about making payments for a bigger server, I'd personally say wait. If this is the worse of the downtime we've had and probably will have, then I wouldn't mind sticking it out for a while longer-- and it looks like a few others share the same sort of idea. It's better to have an RPR at all than to lose it to a lack of cash to keep it running in the first place.

Today's downtime aside, the site has been running well from what this regular ol' member's been seeing. It seems to be tickin' away at a pretty good pace otherwise-- if downtime for a day is our biggest problem, then it's probably the least of our problems.

So yeah, I say stay for now, if money is an issue and would only worry you more, Kim.


January 29, 2012

I'm in two minds...

As you know Kim.. I am BEYOND excited at the possibilities of this place. If we are going to be limited here and experience downtime then of course I vote that we move servers.. however, as I have tried to run a site myself and have had to deal with the cost involved.. Im also :/ about the whole issue..

On a personal note.. I too am a poor university student who currently can not afford to pay for membership. I will be able to next year once Im teaching full time!! :D But until then.. me has no monies :(

I love the donation idea!!!! A one off payment.. even if its ten dollars.. I could manage that.. kinda :D If its a matter of simply having a bank account or something.. easy.. where we can just transfer the money directly into the RPR fund? ( me no likey credit cards.. :/ ) I for one know that I will try to put in as much money as I can. :D


January 29, 2012

Burn them alive!