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Jay Greene

Lunarshines Male A human who was abandoned as a child and left to survive in the wilderness.


Steamanubis Transexual Female A girl who can't escape the life of a slave, no matter how hard she tries.


Anonymous Female Queen of the Miasma Hive.

Ectus Anathorne

iiRhythm Male A newcomer who thirsts for adventure.

Rei-Lynn Mayfuss

RushPuppy Male A weary wanderer who has seen the world at all of it's highs and lows, fought many fights, and at one point in time knew true companionship. And it has all decayed at his own hands.

Griselda Abel

AmarisiDoesEverythin Female An Assassin girl who wonders daily how many fools she needs to kill every day and how many people can stay out her way as her tomahawk is a death blow

Frances Pate

Wishful_Thinking Male An adventurous witch with a bad side.

Emma Roy

Dino_23 Female


VenumSnacke Male Elf thrown out of Santa's workshop and on his own.

Spark De'Sota

SparkDeSota Hermaphrodite

Cassius Archer

Cometzap Male A tall, rogueish eagle with a top hat low over his eyes and a devilish smile.

Sophie Gray

sophiegr Female A nerdy librarian girl.


princesslily0011 Female A witch that needs help figuring out how to control her powers.

Ayato Haden

Anonymous Male


Mixsin Female A girl born in to the darkness of this world.She soon learn there no reason to fight it. It made her strong, but broke her as well. Broken inside and out, she a monster.A unknow part of darkness.

Maximus Para

iiRhythm Male An ascended being who went from hell to the light slowly, realizing what was right.


Hideake Male A dragon who left his home to explore the world.

Alexandria Free

Wishful_Thinking Female A bad ass in the sifi world and normal