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Elena Rivera

Stormcrow Cisgender Female Deadly Sniper

Dubhaus GrundelWald

Anonymous Cisgender Male Monster Butler Assassin


Anonymous Cisgender Female Crazy little cat witch


milktea_dollie Male Artificial Idols

Juliet and Julien Everly

milktea_dollie Other A well-mannered pair of siblings

Theia of Teos

Danaros Cisgender Female Goddess of Thorns & Decay

Mine Laru Query

Jooters Cisgender Man Immature dragon man that sings.

Tyson Cook

Jz96 Male A Hero with a burning passion.


EldrweirGemini Cisgender Woman She long needed to move on from the ruins of her old life. New things awaited her; there was no way they could be as terrible as things were before.

Jokull Svellauga

EldrweirGemini Cisgender Woman The seers told her she would know great success and great tragedy if she kept pursuing this path. What wouldn't she cut down to achieve her goals? She leaves a trail of blood on the ice.


DumboOctopus Male A monster hunter who developed empathy for his targets.

Ty Lyndale

Anonymous Male

Henry Samuel Adams

TwylaFalaCaddell Male Ready for an adventure, like, now

Jay White

TwylaFalaCaddell Female A mischief-creating ghost

Oriana Tomek

TwylaFalaCaddell Female "Appearances aren't always what they seem."

Cistovher Roze

Anonymous Male


Anonymous Female College Student at USC. Part Time Barista at Bean & Gone Espresso near Campus.

Adrian Donovan

Anonymous Cisgender Man Working at G&J Auto Repair in Inglewood California.

Montrier Arcaze

AliRevellian Cisgender Male 'The Golden Prince' who faked his death and plots to take over the country of Jerram and returning it to its evil ways of the past.

Amber Díaz-Wysocki

Anonymous Cisgender Woman A washed-up teen popstar.


Anonymous Male Vine Mage

Ophelia Arden

SmallTownWitch Cisgender Woman A spunky redhead with attitude!