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CloudWanter Female an orphan who was lied to by her parents saying that they were died

Dubhaus GrundelWald

Anonymous Cisgender Male Monster Butler Assassin


Anonymous Cisgender Female Crazy little cat witch

Finlay Duncan

Anonymous Cisgender Male A well off lawyer with much to hide and a penchant for drinking.

Elizabeth Larsen

TwylaFalaCaddell Female Serving justice however she can


DumboOctopus Male A monster hunter who developed empathy for his targets.

Ty Lyndale

Anonymous Male

Henry Samuel Adams

TwylaFalaCaddell Male Ready for an adventure, like, now

Jay White

TwylaFalaCaddell Female A mischief-creating ghost

Oriana Tomek

TwylaFalaCaddell Female "Appearances aren't always what they seem."


AJ_89 Agender Big voidling.

Ophelia Arden

SmallTownWitch Cisgender Woman A spunky redhead with attitude!


Screechening Demigirl A sickly esper born from EON facilities that got caught up in cosmic nonsense.

Ambrose Meleran

WillowRue Male [🧛] -- A disgraced noble turned vampiric assassin who avenged his family's fates now seeks a greater purpose.

Ruby Comet

Seven_of_Beasts Transmasculine "Hell just ain't big enough for the two of us."

Taeria MacGavin-Farrell

Anonymous Female werewolf copmom

Allison Joden

TwylaFalaCaddell Female "Of course I love uni. It's fun!"


FadedTapestry Male Yuan Ti Rogue/Warlock Captain. Pirate-Lord. Once-Deposed Noble. Hunter of Slavers. Ruthless with a Heart of Gold.

Aluel Deng

Samiakki Cisgender Female "I wouldn't try that if I were you."


LunarValravn Transgender Male "How does one live when Chaos itself has marked you as it's own?"


CloudWanter Cisgender Woman A siren

Joshua Wolf

CoyBoat275 Male The biggest puppy ever


Mikonasa Other A tired veteran


DumboOctopus Other Always traveling, as he is never welcome anywhere.


Veliona Female The Guardian of the nature

1. YM-VB

dead_dogs_two (2022 ref sheet update added!) "Who needs enemies, with friends like these!"