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Anonymous Cisgender Female Crazy little cat witch

Jokull Svellauga

EldrweirGemini Cisgender Woman The seers told her she would know great success and great tragedy if she kept pursuing this path. What wouldn't she cut down to achieve her goals? She leaves a trail of blood on the ice.

Elizabeth Larsen

TwylaFalaCaddell Female Serving justice however she can

Jay White

TwylaFalaCaddell Female A mischief-creating ghost


AJ_89 Agender Big voidling.

Cistovher Roze

Anonymous Male

Joli D'argent

Anonymous Male >> MALADROIT PETIT CLOCHE-GARÇON << (clumsy little bellboy) 💎🔔

Krepta Eve Walker

Jabberwookie Gender Fluid Child of the Multiverse. The only heir to a secret war.

Alistair Whitlock

Anonymous Male

Aiysho L. Wulfbane

CoffeehVixen Female ♪♥A curiously mischievous vixen who loves coffee and snuggles♥☼

Grey Sombercrest

Anonymous Cisgender Man A werewolf mage finding his place


Bananasaurus Cisgender Male [Inactive]

Adrian Togoth

TwylaFalaCaddell Male "I'm just a man searching for answers."


CloudWanter Cisgender Woman A siren


Mikonasa Other A tired veteran

1. YM-VB

dead_dogs_two (2022 ref sheet update added!) "Who needs enemies, with friends like these!"

Killian Aleron

MoonMan Male They tried to erase me. I just made it easier for them.

Alzea M.

dying_uggo Cisgender Female "Steadily rocking waves lull tired eyes to sleep, and keep the restless at bay"

Quentin Lalière

Anonymous Male "Well, my plan is simple, run!"

Fareiell Albellane

Anonymous Female "Darling, nothing is forever."

Patches the Hyena

Jooters Cisgender Man Trancends time and space just to kick you down a hole.

Varian X

Anonymous Cisgender Male

Eostre Jørgensen

Nox_et_Aurum Female "Our choices can alter the details. That’s how we rebel against destiny." — Loki

Choale McCarthy

_Apollo_ Male Member of the Golden Triad

Emma Mason

Caelianna Female Available

Lucca Arcasian

Playerfiles Cisgender Male Black Death and the Scarlet Lady

Patrick Reid

Playerfiles Cisgender Male Once a Knight is Never Enough