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Anonymous Transmasculine


forgot10 Cisgender Male A faithful assassin who lost himself in isolation, though not his faith or devotion in his Brotherhood.

Joffrey Baratheon

Anonymous Cisgender Male


Robyn Female Wild child! A Dryad apprentice; a future scribe.

Eileanóra Mahoneyi

Anonymous Female Ugh it’s “the foreign one. The other granddaughter.”

Roger Adams

Anonymous Male WW2 Fighter Pilot

Diana Raies

Snowwayhome Female "A girl who sold her soul for agoraphilia until she falls in love"


littlewerewoof Male Dope reincarnated dryad man

Sterling Melizée

Spider Male A prime target for forced trophy servitude, a blind boy with albinism just wants to live a life of his own.


Anonymous Male Crow-boy looking for romance


Robyn Female An Infernal future Ruler learning to navigate the Court.


Kdkkddkdk Female I don’t see you, but I can see your soul


Chrove Transmasculine "H-Hey! We can talk this out, right?"

Aranello Catalona

Lyndis Male Reluctant heir to the throne, soon to be crowned Acre's first King.

Sadiyaa de la Calle

Danaros Female A child of born of sin and blasphemy, eager to bring pain and hurt to the world.

M1917 Enfield

AgitoAceXIII Female A soldier of misfortune


Robyn Female 6 inches tall with something to prove beyond the secrets of generations before her. Aspiring Illusionist.


Stormiedayz Female Kyria is a very curious, adventurous, and mischievous angel. She is a fierce and strategic warrior when necessary, but has a gentle and loving nature.

Caterina Aries

Anonymous Female