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Forums » Epic Week 2022 » Puzzle 3 Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Puzzle 3 Symbol in Epic Week 2022. Please stay on topic. Remember, these puzzles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. In puzzles, all information you will need to solve it is contained within Epic Week materials.

Click here to visit the location of the Puzzle 3 Symbol
I think the image link must be broken or something: from my side, I can't load it properly?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It's been fixed! :)
Dragonfire Moderator

An acronym, eh? When I gazed through the research materials quickly earlier, I did see something that looked like one - DOPE. But... unsure what it might stand for yet.
So the plan is to stay up all night until there are fewer people online? XD
Guesses I've tried for this one so far:
- Department of Public Enchantments
- Huwoline Brewriver
- Ambassador Aarqeil
Dragonfire Moderator


"Today's celebration of the King's 50th year of reign was opened by the commencement of the new temperature regulation project from the Department of Public Enchantments. Festival-goers were treated to a sudden cooling of both tunnels and associated homes, and the new temperature remained stable for hours. Even the great press of bodies in the festival tunnels did not seem to challenge the new enchantments.

"Better temperature control to make our volcanic home more comfortable has long been a goal of ours," said Huwoline Brewriver, who was present at the celebration to answer public questions about the project."


"I suppose it makes sense that the monarch would want to keep a close relationship with the head of the DOPE… But it’s eating at me.

You knew her when she was a pebble. Please, reassure me that this is the sort of thing she wonders about in quiet moments back in the days of the Dragon. I fear that if I continue to speculate, I will drive myself mad.

Yours, Huw B."
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "Huwoline Brewriver Head of the Department of Public Enchantments".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)

The December 4 37 letter from "Huw B" tells about being summoned to consult with the King. Huw says the King claimed it was an excuse to have him over for dinner, and further stated "I suppose it makes sense that the monarch would want to keep a close relationship with the head of the DOPE".

In the Drumbeat article from July 24, 39th year M.o. Uni. someone named Huwoline Brewriver is present to answer questions about a project from the Department of Public Enchantments.

Thus, we can deduce that the full name and position of the dinner guest was Huwoline Brewriver, Head of the Department of Public Enchantments

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