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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Walking the World Again (Closed)

Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren picked up his blunderbuss and pointed it once more at the Liothryth's group, this time the grip was pointed at them instead of the barrel.
"Ren... no, Rawx, Squad Captain of the Forlorn Children, Soldier of the Treasoners, slayers of the tyrants", He said standing there with the grip still showing, then holstered the weapon. Slowly he approached the group with Azumi and he cautiously held onto the knife on his right holster.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi felt she had the need to explain herself and said, "Showing the grip instead of the barrel means, 'We mean no harm, friend' to us Treasoners. If a gun isn't used, then the grip of a sword could do!". She smiled, lacking any sign of hostility or wariness.

She had to ask again, "We came from another world. A friend of ours sent us here, possibly on a mission to fight an interdimensional- oh wait, I might've said too much!". She giggled and realized that the threat was no laughing matter, especially to strangers who most likely don't know about it.

"Where are we?", She said, changing the topic
"I dont have my sword with me it got confiscated which side of this lead pipe do i point at you to be nice?" cairo asks looking over his long lead pipe that didnt have grips for his hands
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Huh, they never told me about pipes...", Azumi said tilting her head, "I'm guessing you may mark one end with paint, but as I said, we are just lost travelers at the moment. May I also ask if your party has encountered any troubles? Who knows, maybe Rawx and I would find a way back to our home on during our travels together".
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"The portals", Ren uttered a single word out of his mouth. He paced back and forth, muttering rapidly to himself about the events prior to ending up here. As far as he can remember, Finn told him that the dimensions he'll send them to are related to the aforementioned Interdimensional being that could destroy anything it pleases. The last words the Former Squad Captain uttered were, "Keep it crystal clear, got it?". Crystals, he thought to himself wondering what he meant. He knew what he was hinting at some sort of crystal, but he and his familiar were in a possibly hopeless predicament. He sat down on the ground, sighing.

"Do any of you know any great mage or sorcerer around these parts?"
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio dropped the protection spells, these two didn't seem like trouble, at least not yet. "Come closer so that we can speak easier. I am Master Liothryth Terandes and these are my..." she paused what were they to each other? "companions."

She waited until they drew closer. "You are in the country of Telmaar, near the village of Pendel, but it sounds as though you are from much further away than we can imagine. Are either of you injured? Do you need assistance?"
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota nodded at Liothryth’s answer about Assallya and prepared to answer her question about Radigan when a sudden noise came from only a few paces away. It was as if Lio had summoned Ren with the word 'surprises’. A small voice followed behind the gruff one and Linota looked at them with interest. And even more interest when the gun was pointed, though that was settled quickly enough. Still, her left hand gripped one of the orbs in her pocket, ready to throw it at these strangers and hoping it wasn't a dud.

At the question of ‘any troubles’ they had found, Linota glanced at Cairo hoping to meet his eyes, then a sly smile wormed up her lips. It quickly vanished.
“Yeah, we found some trouble,” she said, interjecting between Lio's questions for their well-being. “This man, Radigan, stole our magical artifacts and is using them against us. I’m sure Liothryth here–” she presented the scarred woman with her hand “--the sorceress would be happy to help you as soon as you help us. She can't conjure well without them, you see.”

She turned to look at Lio then, her eyes all but pleading with her to accept this lie for the sake of defeating Radigan with ultimate definity. She had no idea what Lio was exactly, but she looked like a sorceress, what with the electrified scars and the robe. As for her needing magical artifacts, Linota didn't know if there was any truth in that. But these two, Ren and Azumi, needed something and that was always a good bargaining chip.

Radigan had indeed stolen Linota’s staff, but that was all he had taken from her. He had other artifacts from other people, but Lin didn't know their power. She hardly knew the staff’s power and she didn't think Radigan did either. She couldn't decide if that made things better or worse.
She would explain all of this to Lio and more when they had a moment. For now, she waited on Ren’s reaction to her proposal.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio looked at Linota and raised one eyebrow, the look quite clearly stated that they would be having a conversation later. She could definitely think on her feet, that one. "I'm a mage, actually," she said, not in a tone of correction, just stating the fact.

She resisted the urge to rub her face with her hands. What to deal with first? She had set off to find the Athanasia Orb in Elsen's tower and now she was going to help liberate children from some kind of manipulative crime boss and help strange travelers with...whatever their problem was.

It was unlikely she was going to be able to do anything about the travelers right now, and she wouldn't have Linota and Cairo's help until she dealt with Radigan so...

"While this Radigan did steal my property," another look at Linota, "I did not interact with him myself. She was about to tell me us more details so that we are better prepared to confront him. After we do that, they are going to help me retrieve another magical item that is further north. You are welcome to join us and in return for your assistance I will do what I can to help you."
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Neither of us are injured. But this Radigan fellow, he sounds familiar", Ren said arms crossed, thinking to himself. Radigan, Radigan, Radigan..., he thought to himself once again. He has heard of an individual named Radigan who was a tyrant king and served the interdimensional being. Knowing that coincidences in other dimensions are common, though, he brushed it off.

"Alright. Take these, then", he said dropping his blunderbuss and a few small red marbles to the ground, "I say we don't kill Mr. Radigan and just interrogate him... nicely". Then a white sparkle burst out of his hands, materializing into another blunderbuss that had a blade below the barrel this time. Being quite the forgetful person, he suddenly remembered to explain that the small marbles were bombs that must be handled and used carefully and did so.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"I shall assist in finding these stolen magic items as Kitsune are naturally sensitive to magic!", Azumi said, smiling. She then saw Ren drop his weapons for the group to take. It was then she dropped the smile and grabbed him by the arm tightly.

"What did I say about giving weapons out to strangers?"

"Come on, they seemed nice, Kuzu", Ren replied.
"Radigan doesn't negotiate with anyone hes an unhinged maniac any kind of opposition is killed" cairo explains to ren
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

A madman? Guess it could be the actual King Radigan...or not, he thought to himself, arms crossed, yet again. he made himself aware that standing still won't explain anything.

"Huh, well that sucks", Ren said, shaking his head, "Well, where are we headed? Oh yeah, there's only one bomb for each of us. You don't know how long Viper took to make those... if you did know him, that is"
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota gave Lio an ever so faint smile, glad that she went with the flow of her half truths. Linota would take that later talk, staff in hand. When Ren laid his blunderbuss and the red spheres on the ground before them, Linota only waited one second before she hurriedly picked up the gun and scrambled to pick up all of the marbles. She looked the blunderbuss over, flipping it around in her hands again and again. Then she studied the spheres, not certain what they were.

When Ren mentioned treating Radigan ‘nicely’, she scoffed, though Cairo was quick to set that record straight. Then Ren told them that the ‘bombs’ were for everyone, making Linota look over the marbles in her hand. She slowly set two of them back on the ground with newfound delicacy and stood to hug the blunderbuss. Her gaze rested on Ren, cautiously thankful, yet afraid he would take it away from her. She had seen use of the firearms before, though it was rare and she never got to even hold one, let alone use one herself. She did, however, know that they packed quite a wallop.

“Radigan’s home is on the west end of town,” Linota explained. “But a lot of the kids will be there too. We have to lure him out, away from them. We can’t have them getting hurt.”
Linota averted her eyes from the rest of them, as if having compassion for even children was deemed pathetic and weak.
“And the townsfolk will interfere anyway,” she rushed to say, burying her last statement. “Even if they weren’t under his spell, his gold keeps everyone nice and suggestible. And they like the fact that he takes in the ‘street dwellers’, so they don’t have to.”

Linota’s words were filled with disdain, though it was nothing she didn’t already know as a fact. Radigan used one or more of his treasures to make people more susceptible to his influence, but Lin had always wondered why he wasted it on the adults here. She stopped to think about how they were going to get Radigan away from the comfort of his home. He didn’t leave home often, usually only to attend social events. That maniacal man loved to show off and used the events to do just that. He would be hard pressed to miss one.

“He hasn’t met any of you before, I take it?” Linota asked the group, looking mostly at Liothryth and Assallya, who had been leaving the town. “Perhaps we can throw a party?”

(( i can play Radigan if no one else wants to :D
i think it would be a fun little boss battle! he can have 70 hit points (or so?), i can secret diceroll on everyone’s hits, and then state how the characters’ attacks did in the boss’ posts while keeping track of the math? ))
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

Now that the magic rod was lowered Assallya relaxed. In general, rods were nasty things, only wizard's staves were more dangerous. There were, of course exceptions, but that was the general rule.

Gah. Her eyes still hurt. She must still look like an abomination.

"Okay," the blonde woman said after some thought, trading her finger against her black painted lower lip."I haven't studied this man yet but I'm thinking he needs to be lured out. We'll need a ruse and a good one so that he doesn't simply send a lieutenant. Something he simply must see to personally."
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio looked down at her right hand, more specifically the thin gold band with the design of oak leaves that she wore on her middle finger. "What if an old elf mage with a magic ring were to come to town? And if they rented a house for a while and started inviting the powerful people over for dinners? That would give him a powerful person to try to control and another magic item to try to steal."
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"A party would be nice. Yeah, a set of explosives close to the buildings near Radigan. We'd just need to evacuate or at least drive people out so no innocents get hurt. If that makes Radigan come out, two of us have to be lurking in the shadows and get the first strike", Ren said, pausing to think to himself again. Treasoners generally used such extreme methods to win a battle. If the collateral damage would involve innocent people. Finding a way to make them all escape was the highest priority. Alas, he was no longer with his entire squad, the only remainder being his familiar, Azumi, who was watching for any signs of danger.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Before we make any sort of noise", Azumi said, giving Ren disapproving look, "We must gather intel on people related to Radigan. If they refuse to talk, we shall find ways to make them. After that, well, I guess you could say we'll be planning out a heist after that". Saying that word stung her a bit. She was a kitsune, why would she ever start stealing? Then again, The magical items in question were already stolen, so it's simply taking back something.
Cairo sighs trying to think of a way to lure radigan until it hits him "what if we say they're offering an ancient magic treasure? Im just throwing an idea out there, Ugh! I wish i didnt get my sword confiscated i would be more effective if i had it"
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

When Assallya echoed Linota’s own words as if she had come up with the idea to lure Radigan out, Linota glared up at her briefly then simply rolled her eyes. Next to offer an idea was Lio, who’s idea held the bait, but not the execution. Then the new guy spoke up, talking about bombing the whole place. Linota gave him a perplexed look that mingled crudely with her permanent judgment. Azumi spoke of gathering people ‘related’ to Radigan, which was only them and the children he kept, making Linota shake her head at the little creature. Then Cairo added his two cents, to which Linota smiled.

“That couldn’t hurt,” Linota told her friend, then her tone grew militaristic in order to snag everyone’s attention. “But I meant it about the party. If you tell him it’s a social gathering for the elites, he won’t say no. Tell him there are artifacts there for good measure! Two things he can’t resist. And tell him it’s in a neighboring town, get him to leave by carriage. Say what you must!”

She looked at Liothryth, Assallya, and Ren, up and down, before her eyes landed on Lio. “You’re the best one for the job,” Linota told the mage. “He won’t react well to.. That–” she pointed at Assallya and her outfit “--and I’m not sure how he would react to that.”
She pointed at Azumi. There were familiars and the like in their world, Radigan just didn’t react well to mythical creatures. He said they were ‘abominations’ and he held the utmost derision for the ‘little beasts’.

"Play up the mage bit," Linota continued to tell Lio. "Really make yourself sound all powerful when you invite him. Let's see it." She waited for Liothryth to show her acting skills expectantly.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi, along with the rest of Liothryth's companions, were suggesting ideas and planning, probably getting them deeply absorbed in their own thoughts. Azumi listened to each and every person's suggestion. It was then she had another idea, combining all these suggestions into one. She explained that they should start with her plan of getting intel and scouting Radigan's home, after that, another group would cause some sort of ruckus around. She explained that Liothryth, Ren, and herself attempt this as Liothryth still owns a powerful magical item while She and Ren are both incredibly adept at destructive magics, he might even want her especially, as kitsune get more powerful as they grow older. She then suggested that Linota and Assallya infiltrate Radigan's abode, with Liothryth following after them once the chaos ensues.

"Do not worry about us", she said, smiling once more, "We have a little bit too many tricks up our sleeves to deal with him"

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