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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Official event: Winter Masquerade 2022

The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The ghost wolf prowls along after Jacob, and then curls protectively around his chair when he sits down.
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

He hugged the Handyman tightly, smiling, and when he let go. Vincent Van Vladimir... ...Still wasn't his name.
The boy looked around and whispered, "My name's Varian, by the way." He said.

(( The spoiler tags is so no one else can see his name, that way the Handyman would only know it. :D ))
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Mini Might knocks his hat off to look at it and nods and picks it up in his jaw and bounces over to Mimi waging his tail all happy
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Hey," Mimi called out to Jacob, offering him what she hoped was a comforting smile. "Don't look so down! You won a big ol' puppy! That's a great prize!"
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"I'm gonna call you Barry," snuffles the handyman. This appears to be some kind of caring gesture from him, from the way he says it.
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"And you can call me Pops, everyone who calls me anything calls me that."
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

Madelyn listens carefully and gasps audibly when each participant receives their prize. How fabulous! She puts her drink down and claps with each prize reveal, sharing the joy of the winners. She does take a small step back when an enormous wolf manifests next to Jacob, eying it warily. Surely the hostess would ensure everyone's safety, right? Right??

Alas, it appears Jacob is not too happy with his winnings and moves away to what appears to be sulking. Madelyn isn't sure how to feel or react, but she chooses to walk on over and sit down next to him to give him a little encouragement.

"Hey, at least it's not a ghost, but a friendly furball, right?" She grins at him. "Imagine having to sleep with a ghost bemoaning how terrible their fate is, and how lonely death is. I would go bananas having to deal with that! At least this fellow will keep you warm and cozy during the cold nights."
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

He shrugged, that'll work.
"Thank you. Pops." He used the nickname for him and smiled.
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

Jacob looked down, he wouldn't pet the wolf or touch wolf. Part of him was tempted to shoo it off, what one thought was a win, was really a hating. Jacob didn't smile. "A puppy? I would hardly call a wolf, my worst enemy, a nightmare a win. This is haunting me, not a prize...not a prize at all." Jacob looked over at Madelyn, "Oh darling if only you knew who I really was you would know this is haunting me."
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Scooping up Mini Might once more, Mimi gave the little dragon a hug. "Congratulations, Mini Dino! You did great out there! And your prize looks great on you! Very fierce. Very cute." She nodded surely.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The Duchess raises an eyebrow at Jacob's reaction, a bit surprised, but the fae appears politely remorseless. She turns to say something to Tabetha, but is interrupted as the very earth itself shakes. And then it shakes again. And again. In the rhythm of massive footsteps, something approaching from the forest.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Nuzzles into the hands holding him and tucks his hat under a wing.
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

"Ah, but I don't!" she responds cheerfully. "Tonight is the night when we are all not ourselves, but whatever we choose to be - and you could choose to be friends with a loyal compa-" She's interrupted by the shaking earth, gripping the table with both hands and looking around wide eyed. What in tarnation??
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"It's because I'm loud," adds the man, tapping his temple as if sharing some secret with the boy. But, he is sharing a secret, which he doesn't trust himself to not belt out now that it's shared. But then everything starts shaking. "What in tarnation --"
Tabetha Marrowheart (played by GingerHades)

Tabetha was about to say something, too. But she could feel it. The sudden tremors.

"What the hell is goin' on-" Tabetha mutters to herself, clearing her throat to go back to her dramatic persona. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy was startled by this. "What" He panicked. The last time he felt tremors, it was due to something he did, that he would not be talking about right now.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Yelps at the earth shake and tries to hide behind Mimi ending up climbing to be on her shoulder
Jacob Walker (played by FrostWolf)

Jacob looked at Madelyn. "Yeah, see here's the thing when wolves haunt you, you hardly call this a-" Jacob followed Madelyn's reaction. "What in the world!" He looked at the wolf skeptically. What was going on?
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Whoa, what the heck is that!?" Mimi gasped, clutching tight to Mini Might both out of being startled, and to ensure he doesn't fall out of her arms. She glanced around quickly, trying to determine why the ground was shaking all of a sudden, and if she should be afraid or intrigued... For now, she was both.
((I'm just gonna reappear again-)

Koi was sat down with a pink, fizzy drink, before almost spitting it out
"Whats going on..?!"

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