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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

But yeah, the idea that they could be reasoned with amplifies the sentiment. XD
I feel like I could make a full argument that we're definitely the bad guys this year, even.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I was listening to a lot of stuff about the extreme precautions - and sometimes reversal methods - the Galapagos islands have had to implement against invasive species being brought in, because of issues they've had with goats and lizards and the like just eating everything and endangering/wiping out many many other species only found on those islands
Mostly revolving around the usage of walruses for war. >.>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yes, that part has to be *highly* fictionalized XD
Oof. Yeah, awareness of how damaging invasive species can be is the main reason I haven't been whining a lot more about the lizards. ^^;
Whoops, looks like an effort was being made on
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I tried to really underscore that the problem isn't that they are lizards, it is that they are *invasive* -- and then the magic of the isle interacted with them and kicked the whole problem up a notch in terms of adventuring excitement and into the stratosphere for moral questions we really have to not think about too much for a plot that can be resolved in one week XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

When my partner heard the outline for the plot I was working on this year his first response was, "What if there was an alternate ending where you use diplomacy??" and I was like YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL THE WHOLE EW PREP TEAM XD
Haha, it's true they really were just big gulp-a-whole-person lizards before. Plus an evolution this sudden can't be too good. They're so fight-ing-y!
You know people would be on board with a diplomacy option. :D
But hey, we've had at least one adventure already focused around dealing with the repercussions of our own actions.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

They would, but they would also complain terribly if I removed the whole combat mechanic. People LOVE it. Maybe one day I will figure out how to stick that landing!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Next year for EW it's just model UN where we all debate treaties intensely between the Struth and the Lizardpeople XD
Would a Persona-style, free the darkness inside their heart! Plotline be too cheesy? Lol XD

Unlock their heart! 🗝️ 🔒 😇 👩‍🍳🖌️🎨 X
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

If anyone can say anything about Epic Week, it is that I have never, ever shied away from cheesy, and instead often ask for extra cheese and then make a cheese cocoon XD
Rescuing a living people from captors (like the first bossed ended up becoming); something Undertale-style somehow with an option to fight or spare; uh... brain go flop.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh lordt just like a 24 hour vote that opens up for the site to decide
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin


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