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Forums » RP Discussion » Valentine's Day Unofficial RPR Event Ideas?

I'm excited for Valentine's Day, because the color scheme is so pretty and it's all so adorable to think about <3

Is there any Unofficial RPR events you'd like to see from me for Valentine's Day?
Maybe Crossover Ships? I dunno.
A few silly games? Maybe a confession game?
I'm siding with both Fictionaldragonborn and reithesniper's ideas. :P
Prom night!
I like the idea! Not much a fan of commercial holidays but I think love should be celebrated every day so I'm for a long-standing thread :)

Maybe a sort of "creative lab" activity where OCs can shop for or craft something for their significant others?

*imagines my gals Molly and Ailith raiding a biker shop and then going to celebrate at a steakhouse with LOTS of beer* XD
Claine Moderator

There is usually an official Meet Cute event :)
Claine wrote:
There is usually an official Meet Cute event :)
I was just thinking that! The box of chocolates should be coming as well!

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