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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forever Fall Campgrounds

Raphael (played by Alliyus)

The Sand Crawler nodded silently, sitting on the tree.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha continues to swim and play in the lake, it remains warm even as the sun goes down to a perfect sunset. She looks towards the setting sun and the array of colors that dance on the body of water. To the setting sun she decides it was best to get out of the water and dry off. Swimming back to land and trudging out of the water until her paws touch the silt at the edge of the lake. She continues to walk, the terrain changing from grass to a graveled path.

In their rush to get to the lake, Natasha forgot to grab a towel, so she dripped along the way to her tent as her fur collects into damp clumps along her form of the fur around her suit.

Once she reaches her tent she steps inside, then has a look of surprise as it had looked like someone rummaged through her belongings. Checking though, she didn’t seem to notice anything missing, not that she was crazy to carry any personal belongings to a campground. Then she collects a plush towel from her duffel and using the towel to dry herself off.

After a little time she steps out off the tent and walks over to the bonfire in the middle of the camp, checking out the s’mores and treats table. Picking up a stick and a couple long cuts of pepperoni, bringing her choice selection to the fire to roast it. Waiting a couple minutes until she sees some oil pooling from the meat, she brings it to her mouth, delighted by the savory taste of the cooked pepperoni, her tail curling upward along her back, joined by her twitching whiskers.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

The Sand Crawler appeared right next to Natasha. "Anything interesting goin on here?" He was just bored. His dark golden eyes pierced into hers.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She turns to the figure that suddenly appeared to her right, causing a bit of stir as her fur ripples in the fire light. She swallows a bite of the roasted pepperoni. “There’s a huge selection like a campfire buffet of roasting snacks. This fire roasted pepperoni is delicious. I also swear this fire is dancing.” Then her eyes light up, “You know what would really be cool? If someone could talk a tale of lore or maybe a scary story.” She seemed pretty excited, and if one couldn’t guess, despite her clothes looking on the fancier side, her fondness for the outdoors really shows.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

The Sand Crawler smiled and he appeared sitting down before she even finished. "Where I come from, we have sand creatures called Cephosseous." He took a pad out of his back cloak and showed her a picture of it.

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha sits down and leans over to look at the crazy looking creature with a shiver to her form. “That does look rather scary. I have trouble enough dealing with teeny tiny earth worms.” Even at mentioning her phobia she has a tremor shake her.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"It's 64 feet tall." He smiled softly, I run into them everyday. He chuckled. "That was nothing." He went to the next picture on the tab.

"Imagine one of these crawling under you, and you'd never know until it surfaces and swallows you whole. Believe me, I've seen it do that many times. A 81 foot tall Sand Worm."

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha puts her hands in her face and peaks at the picture of the giant monster, “Uhm, what would you even do to something like that? I can’t even fathom. I wasn’t really planning on sleeping tonight anyway.” She jokes, though still mesmerized by the size of the monster worm it the little silhouette.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

He chuckled "You'd have to slice it in half." He then switched the picture. "I woke up to this, this morning in the desert today."

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She falls off the log seat with a start, then stares at him in amazement, “You literally see the stuff of nightmares. How do you sleep? Do you even sleep?” Her fur bristles outward until she swallows a shaky breath.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

He smiled at this. "No. I often don't sleep. I usually tend to move through the desert during the night. I have no home to go to anyways. And sleeping on the sand for more than 10 minutes without moving is like a death wish. One day, when you come to Kemet, I'll show you around." He chuckled softly. "To put it in aspect. We have Sandcrawlers outside in the desert, that are around 90 feet tall, give or take. This is a sand worm, literally swallowing one like it is nothing. All those thorn things, are teeth. Thousands of teeth." He switched the tab.

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

At the look at the next.. whatever that thing was she just shakes her head.. “I need my beauty sleep, whether that is during the day or the night, usually the day, but anyway I don’t think I’d be getting very much of any on that island. You’re really selling that brochure.” She chuckles in his direction. “Although the sand between the toes has a selling point.” She jokes again, looking down at the monster. “And yet the little tiny versions of those already send me into a hyperventilating state, if I saw one of those, I’d be feeling two lives leave my body.”
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"I can show you one if you'd want." He smirked, grinning mischievously.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Looks at him with an expression of concern and deepening worry, “Uhhm, what? I.. thought we were just sharing tales and lore.” She laughs nervously.
Esmeryle (played by Noah-Bear95)

While wrapped up in a towel and curled up in an outdoor cot, Esmeryle listens to the stranger's story about Sand Worms with bated breath and wide eyes. She then stood up, peering over the bars as she asks. "These Sand Worms, are they docile when they're tiny?" She looks over to Tasha, noticing the look on her face.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"Buddy, who said anything about them being tiny? They're 40-90 feet tall, even taller. No. They were wild beings that devour and kill people when they get close." He chuckled softly, curiosity and loving to scare people about the desert life that he has been in for his whole life, even as a kid, he saw those creatures at the windows, devouring, and it amazed him.
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

"They aren't born at that size, though, right?" Karlach asked as she wandered over from her campsite, having overheard the conversation.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

Raphael looked at her. "We don't know that for certain. It's way too dangerous to really get close. Because once they tunnel down under you, you're doomed. So. Maybe." He shrugged.
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

"I see."
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"Wanna see one?" His eyebrow raised with a smile of mischief crossing his face. He was daring her to see a 90 foot creature that could eat a whole building and swallow it whole with ease. That is 10 times bigger than a human, and has thousands of teeth. Daily life for him. He sees 50+ a day.

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