As the group eagerly made their way to the primitive robot, The Doctor watched them. At a distance, it appeared to be a older model kitchen appliance that had been modified into some sort guidance system and temporarily repurposed into a welcome ambassador and dispensing machine. The robot reminded the Doctor a bit of K9.
"K9," The Doctor suddenly said aloud to himself. "I forgot! I have to get Ramona and K9!" He stepped back into the TARDIS. He turned back toward the group who were racing toward the robot.
They didn't hear him, but none-the-less, The Doctor turned and called out, "Tata!" He wiggled his fingers on his right hand in a wave before closing the TARDIS doors again. A moment later, the blue Police Box dematerialized with a strange metallic whooshing noise.
"K9," The Doctor suddenly said aloud to himself. "I forgot! I have to get Ramona and K9!" He stepped back into the TARDIS. He turned back toward the group who were racing toward the robot.
They didn't hear him, but none-the-less, The Doctor turned and called out, "Tata!" He wiggled his fingers on his right hand in a wave before closing the TARDIS doors again. A moment later, the blue Police Box dematerialized with a strange metallic whooshing noise.
"Lemme try it again. This time, like I mean it" Jet repeated quietly, he rather liked that sample as well. It got saved in his overdeveloped memory for sounds as well, although like many of the sounds floating around in there, it might never actually see the light of day again.
Just having the perfect sound in there didn't mean he would remember it in just the right moment.
He listened to the Operator as she made him the gift of new swear words to use on his enemies, friends and unsuspecting cashiers. Oh the damage the Operator just had caused to the universe.
Well, her blood pay was hopefully worth it. Jet gave her a quick hug."Yay!" yet another gaggle of children declared via the medium of his beak.
Not only did he have swear words, but also her signature line. This was the best day of his life!
Jet let go of the Operator, and gave her a curious bow. "I'm your biggest fan!" he assured the Operator, this time his voice-clip was clearly stolen from some kind of concert: even some background noises had mixed into his speech.
Luckily, Jet wasn't as obsessed with her as his limited ability to communicate made it seem. He took the serviette, just to also add "littering" to his growing rap-sheet by just dropping it, as if he had just lost interest in this particular toy.
Jet's mannerism made it easy to misjudge his actual age bracket, but he was fully allowed to actually drink the alcohol flute he swiped off the tablet - once again making it look annoyingly easy - and then he turned towards the source of Jelly Babies, just in time to see the police box disappear.
He repeated the wooshing sound as he blinked. Despite being technically a perfect recreation, it somehow managed to sound disappointed, and he let his beak hang for a moment.
No Jelly Babies for him? This was the worst! day of his life!
Just having the perfect sound in there didn't mean he would remember it in just the right moment.
He listened to the Operator as she made him the gift of new swear words to use on his enemies, friends and unsuspecting cashiers. Oh the damage the Operator just had caused to the universe.
Well, her blood pay was hopefully worth it. Jet gave her a quick hug."Yay!" yet another gaggle of children declared via the medium of his beak.
Not only did he have swear words, but also her signature line. This was the best day of his life!
Jet let go of the Operator, and gave her a curious bow. "I'm your biggest fan!" he assured the Operator, this time his voice-clip was clearly stolen from some kind of concert: even some background noises had mixed into his speech.
Luckily, Jet wasn't as obsessed with her as his limited ability to communicate made it seem. He took the serviette, just to also add "littering" to his growing rap-sheet by just dropping it, as if he had just lost interest in this particular toy.
Jet's mannerism made it easy to misjudge his actual age bracket, but he was fully allowed to actually drink the alcohol flute he swiped off the tablet - once again making it look annoyingly easy - and then he turned towards the source of Jelly Babies, just in time to see the police box disappear.
He repeated the wooshing sound as he blinked. Despite being technically a perfect recreation, it somehow managed to sound disappointed, and he let his beak hang for a moment.
No Jelly Babies for him? This was the worst! day of his life!
Gary wandered over to the robot and noticed Tabby was staring at it blankely.
"It wants you to take a bablefish," Gary explained. When Tabby's confused gaze wandered to him and he could tell the red haired teen still wasn't processing what she was being told, he reached for the Guide tucked under her arm and opened it.
Gary flipped through the pages, found an entry and handed the book back to her. The main illustration was a creature resembling a fish. As Tabby read through it, Gary went over to the dispenser, pushed the red button and a yellow fish dropped from the slot at the bottom. He scooped it up, took it by the tail and stuck it in Tabby's ear startling her.
"It wants you to take a bablefish," Gary explained. When Tabby's confused gaze wandered to him and he could tell the red haired teen still wasn't processing what she was being told, he reached for the Guide tucked under her arm and opened it.
Gary flipped through the pages, found an entry and handed the book back to her. The main illustration was a creature resembling a fish. As Tabby read through it, Gary went over to the dispenser, pushed the red button and a yellow fish dropped from the slot at the bottom. He scooped it up, took it by the tail and stuck it in Tabby's ear startling her.
Tabby was startled when the bablefish was put in her ear. Before she could even ask what Gary had done to her, the little robot that came up to her knees began speaking in Engish!
Suddenly, the page she was reading in The Guide made sense! The babble fish reminded her of the Ceti eel that was placed in Chekov's ear in the recently released Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan movie she and the band had seen together a month earlier.
"Mr. Beeblebrox is glad you are here in attendance and hopes he can count on your vote on election day. Vogon poetry, weapons and fruitcake from the planet Roosu XI are strictly prohibited. Please enjoy yourself and take a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button. Let me know if I can be of any assistance..."
Tabby just returned her attention to the robot, now able to understand its welcome when it made a series of noises and then there was a small explosion and she was momentarily engulfed in a stinky cloud of smoke. When it cleared, she heard several metal objects clatter to the ground.
They were promotional buttons similar to the ones that adorned her guitar strap for bands she liked. Each one the robot had just spit out was identical and had the same message with two-nearly identical heads on it. Noting that there were no variations, Tabby picked one up to examine it. Matt had already explained who Zaphod Beeblebrox was to the group in the TARDIS. So, this was what he looked like.
Instead of wearing the button, Tabby stuck it in her pocket for now. She was eager to see what an intergalactic political fundraiser was like. Without waiting for the others, she entered the main hall and immedatialy saw a giant crow person and a woman in a blinking dress that changed colors every few seconds.
It looked like they had just ended their conversation and the woman turned to walk away. "Look, Gary! One of your Warblettes," Tabby exclaimed a bit louder than she had intended. The bird-like being was right there and in ear shot.
Tabby was referring to the 3 crow characters in the robotic animal band that sang background vocals in the pizza place Gary managed back on Earth. She immediately locked eyes with the bird person and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and hoped the creature wouldn't take offense at her remarks.
(OOC: we are just getting started! There's still plenty of room for new players to join. Please read the opening posts in this thread first.)
Suddenly, the page she was reading in The Guide made sense! The babble fish reminded her of the Ceti eel that was placed in Chekov's ear in the recently released Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan movie she and the band had seen together a month earlier.
"Mr. Beeblebrox is glad you are here in attendance and hopes he can count on your vote on election day. Vogon poetry, weapons and fruitcake from the planet Roosu XI are strictly prohibited. Please enjoy yourself and take a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button. Let me know if I can be of any assistance..."
Tabby just returned her attention to the robot, now able to understand its welcome when it made a series of noises and then there was a small explosion and she was momentarily engulfed in a stinky cloud of smoke. When it cleared, she heard several metal objects clatter to the ground.
They were promotional buttons similar to the ones that adorned her guitar strap for bands she liked. Each one the robot had just spit out was identical and had the same message with two-nearly identical heads on it. Noting that there were no variations, Tabby picked one up to examine it. Matt had already explained who Zaphod Beeblebrox was to the group in the TARDIS. So, this was what he looked like.
Instead of wearing the button, Tabby stuck it in her pocket for now. She was eager to see what an intergalactic political fundraiser was like. Without waiting for the others, she entered the main hall and immedatialy saw a giant crow person and a woman in a blinking dress that changed colors every few seconds.
It looked like they had just ended their conversation and the woman turned to walk away. "Look, Gary! One of your Warblettes," Tabby exclaimed a bit louder than she had intended. The bird-like being was right there and in ear shot.
Tabby was referring to the 3 crow characters in the robotic animal band that sang background vocals in the pizza place Gary managed back on Earth. She immediately locked eyes with the bird person and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and hoped the creature wouldn't take offense at her remarks.
(OOC: we are just getting started! There's still plenty of room for new players to join. Please read the opening posts in this thread first.)
At 5"2 Jet wasn't really a giant crow person, he was more of a miniature giant space crow.
His beady eyes looked at Tabitha for a moment. The hint of guilt he at lesat imagined seeing in her eyes got the best of his curiosity, and so he just walked over.
If he would've been outright asked about Earth, Jet would've told you that it was a small, mostly harmless place whose inhabitant didn't mind living on a place that was called dirt. According to him, that was the first and last thing he knew about the planet.
According to the writer, Jet knew a lot more about it than he realized: surprisingly often, Earth's pop culture found its way into space, more specifically into Jet's mind.
Tabitha was just lucky he didn't know what Warblettes actually were, but he seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the first syllable.
"War, huh, yeah. What is it good for?" he (or rather Edwin Starr) asked, before answering the question himself: "Absolutely nothing!"
He shook his head, then pointed at his chest. His voice had changed on a dime, now sounding like a male voice-over as he pointed at his own chest. "He is a lover not a fighter."
He nodded, before quickly adding "But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas"
That was probably enough voice-clips to almost get Jet's point across.
His beady eyes looked at Tabitha for a moment. The hint of guilt he at lesat imagined seeing in her eyes got the best of his curiosity, and so he just walked over.
If he would've been outright asked about Earth, Jet would've told you that it was a small, mostly harmless place whose inhabitant didn't mind living on a place that was called dirt. According to him, that was the first and last thing he knew about the planet.
According to the writer, Jet knew a lot more about it than he realized: surprisingly often, Earth's pop culture found its way into space, more specifically into Jet's mind.
Tabitha was just lucky he didn't know what Warblettes actually were, but he seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the first syllable.
"War, huh, yeah. What is it good for?" he (or rather Edwin Starr) asked, before answering the question himself: "Absolutely nothing!"
He shook his head, then pointed at his chest. His voice had changed on a dime, now sounding like a male voice-over as he pointed at his own chest. "He is a lover not a fighter."
He nodded, before quickly adding "But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas"
That was probably enough voice-clips to almost get Jet's point across.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A wrote:
Read this intro post before responding- You can opt to bypass this encounter if you sneak in or enter some other unintended way such as teleporting into the main room.
Upon arrival, you see a small toaster on wheels with two round eyes on a stock with a red light bulb above them placed outside the door to the main ballroom. Should you approach, the little droid tilts its eyes up to you.
"Welcome gentle being....," It says in a bored sounding monotone voice. "I am U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A, property of Intergalactic Telephone Company or ITC for short, the presenting sponsor of today's event. ITC, we keep you connected. If you cannot understand me, please take a babblefish." Next to the droid is a box mounted to the wall. It has a picture of an orangish-yellow fish and a bunch of writing you can't read. There is a slot at the bottom with a big red button. If you press the button, a small fish like the one pictured appears in the slot for you to take.
"Mr. Beeblebrox is glad you are here in attendance and hopes he can count on your vote on election day," The toaster drones on. "Vogon poetry, weapons and fruitcake from the planet Roosu XI are strictly prohibited. Please enjoy yourself and take a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button. Let me know if I can be of any assistance..."
The droid then makes a series of whirring noises, dings several times and the red light on its head glows for a moment. There is a small explosion as it belches a cloud of smoke that smells of burnt toast and blue Gotu salad dressing that has been left out of the fridge a day too long from a vent on its side. As the cloud clears, a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button with a 2 headed humanoid on it clatters to the floor from the droid's mouth. The robot has no obvious hands or other appendages and seems unable to pick it up to hand it to you. The droid tilts its eyes down to the button and then back to you waiting expectantly for you to pick it up.
(OOC: This interaction repeats each time a new guest arrives, assuming you come in through the intended entrance.)
Upon arrival, you see a small toaster on wheels with two round eyes on a stock with a red light bulb above them placed outside the door to the main ballroom. Should you approach, the little droid tilts its eyes up to you.
"Welcome gentle being....," It says in a bored sounding monotone voice. "I am U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A, property of Intergalactic Telephone Company or ITC for short, the presenting sponsor of today's event. ITC, we keep you connected. If you cannot understand me, please take a babblefish." Next to the droid is a box mounted to the wall. It has a picture of an orangish-yellow fish and a bunch of writing you can't read. There is a slot at the bottom with a big red button. If you press the button, a small fish like the one pictured appears in the slot for you to take.
"Mr. Beeblebrox is glad you are here in attendance and hopes he can count on your vote on election day," The toaster drones on. "Vogon poetry, weapons and fruitcake from the planet Roosu XI are strictly prohibited. Please enjoy yourself and take a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button. Let me know if I can be of any assistance..."
The droid then makes a series of whirring noises, dings several times and the red light on its head glows for a moment. There is a small explosion as it belches a cloud of smoke that smells of burnt toast and blue Gotu salad dressing that has been left out of the fridge a day too long from a vent on its side. As the cloud clears, a 'Vote Beeblebrox' button with a 2 headed humanoid on it clatters to the floor from the droid's mouth. The robot has no obvious hands or other appendages and seems unable to pick it up to hand it to you. The droid tilts its eyes down to the button and then back to you waiting expectantly for you to pick it up.
(OOC: This interaction repeats each time a new guest arrives, assuming you come in through the intended entrance.)
Hanley strode into the party venue, hoisting her towel over her shoulder, the red and blue terry cloth with the faded pink hearts making a soft fabric sound as it laid comfortably across her fit captainly body. Dropping some adjectives, she walked to the door and greeted the robot with a bow. "Thank you. May I address you as Three Zero One A, or would you prefer your full title?" She knew that some droids had preferences between the humanoid efficiency of nicknames or the beautiful computer exactitude of a full numerical name. Hanley took a babel fish and said "Sure, I can count on your guy for an interesting time. He seems pretty good with kids and all, too, so that's a bonus in my opinion. He's not gonna turn into a shark and eat them, or whatnot..." She nodded along, then with a pure focus she unloaded her weapons and ammo clips and set them into the provided slot in the wall. With a whooshing sound, they were evaporated, it seemed, as they disappeared into thin air and the clunky noise of their removal was paired with the near instantaneous distribution of a shiny little key. "For your retrieval," a machine spoke from the wall, and then was quiet.
Hanley gave a brisk nod and said "Thank you!" Then adjusted her wrist-watch and proceeded into the room.
The hall was glorious! She was glad she wouldn't hear any Vogon poetry here. The sound of birdsong emanated from one side of the room, and she turned her ear to it. It resolved into regular speech that she could understand, and she smiled and headed toward refreshments. The tables were elegant, really, but then weren't most things in space? In their own style?
She reached for a sandwich. It looked like it had been crafted by God (but not Bob), and was a truly magnificent creation of layers. The captain took a juicy bite with perfect layers of meat and cheese and mayonnaise with essence of dill and something similar to grapes, but spicy, in the shape of an orange slice - some kind of extraplanetary radish, perhaps? And began her game plan for the party. She couldn't wait to see whom she'd encounter.
"War, huh, yeah. What is it good for?" he (or rather Edwin Starr) asked, before answering the question himself: "Absolutely nothing!"
Tabby was taken aback for a moment. She shouldn't have been surprised the crow person could talk, but yet, she was. At 5 foot 2, the avian was about the same height as she was. "Uh... no, no, no," The red haired human teen attempted to correct what she had said.
He shook his head, then pointed at his chest. His voice had changed on a dime, now sounding like a male voice-over as he pointed at his own chest. "He is a lover not a fighter."
"Uh, me too," Tabby quickly added. She was about to explain what the "Warblettes" were and that she wasn't talking about a conflict between nations, or planets or galaxies or however wars were fought in outer space.
He nodded, before quickly adding "But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas"
That was probably enough voice-clips to almost get Jet's point across.
Tabby realized the birdperson wasn't using its own voice. Parrots on Earth were usually green or red. Maybe the being was a giant mocking bird, or was it using some sort of technology to play recording tracks.
"Oh no, no ideas," Tabby said quickly raising her hands in an attempt to show she meant no harm before grabbing a red lock of her hair and twirling it around her finger. She blew a huge bubble with her pink bubble gum nervously.
Tabby was taken aback for a moment. She shouldn't have been surprised the crow person could talk, but yet, she was. At 5 foot 2, the avian was about the same height as she was. "Uh... no, no, no," The red haired human teen attempted to correct what she had said.
He shook his head, then pointed at his chest. His voice had changed on a dime, now sounding like a male voice-over as he pointed at his own chest. "He is a lover not a fighter."
"Uh, me too," Tabby quickly added. She was about to explain what the "Warblettes" were and that she wasn't talking about a conflict between nations, or planets or galaxies or however wars were fought in outer space.
He nodded, before quickly adding "But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas"
That was probably enough voice-clips to almost get Jet's point across.
Tabby realized the birdperson wasn't using its own voice. Parrots on Earth were usually green or red. Maybe the being was a giant mocking bird, or was it using some sort of technology to play recording tracks.
"Oh no, no ideas," Tabby said quickly raising her hands in an attempt to show she meant no harm before grabbing a red lock of her hair and twirling it around her finger. She blew a huge bubble with her pink bubble gum nervously.
Hanley strode into the party venue, hoisting her towel over her shoulder, the red and blue terry cloth with the faded pink hearts making a soft fabric sound as it laid comfortably across her fit captainly body. Dropping some adjectives, she walked to the door and greeted the robot with a bow. "Thank you. May I address you as Three Zero One A, or would you prefer your full title?" She knew that some droids had preferences between the humanoid efficiency of nicknames or the beautiful computer exactitude of a full numerical name.
"Ummmm," The computer replied, a bit unsure of how to respond. A moment later, it said, "Yoo-nit."
"Sure, I can count on your guy for an interesting time. He seems pretty good with kids and all, too, so that's a bonus in my opinion. He's not gonna turn into a shark and eat them, or whatnot..." She nodded along, then with a pure focus she unloaded her weapons and ammo clips and set them into the provided slot in the wall. With a whooshing sound, they were evaporated, it seemed, as they disappeared into thin air and the clunky noise of their removal was paired with the near instantaneous distribution of a shiny little key. "For your retrieval," a machine spoke from the wall, and then was quiet.
"Ummmmmm," Yoo-nit said again, still not sure how to respond. The newcomer was then checking its weapons and was no longer addressing it, so Yoo-nit turned its eyes to the next guess before going through its same spiel again.
Hanley gave a brisk nod and said "Thank you!" Then adjusted her wrist-watch and proceeded into the room.
The hall was glorious! She was glad she wouldn't hear any Vogon poetry here. The sound of birdsong emanated from one side of the room, and she turned her ear to it. It resolved into regular speech that she could understand, and she smiled and headed toward refreshments. The tables were elegant, really, but then weren't most things in space? In their own style?
She reached for a sandwich. It looked like it had been crafted by God (but not Bob), and was a truly magnificent creation of layers. The captain took a juicy bite with perfect layers of meat and cheese and mayonnaise with essence of dill and something similar to grapes, but spicy, in the shape of an orange slice - some kind of extraplanetary radish, perhaps? And began her game plan for the party. She couldn't wait to see whom she'd encounter.
(OOC to Hanley, see Gary's post further below)
"Ummmm," The computer replied, a bit unsure of how to respond. A moment later, it said, "Yoo-nit."
"Sure, I can count on your guy for an interesting time. He seems pretty good with kids and all, too, so that's a bonus in my opinion. He's not gonna turn into a shark and eat them, or whatnot..." She nodded along, then with a pure focus she unloaded her weapons and ammo clips and set them into the provided slot in the wall. With a whooshing sound, they were evaporated, it seemed, as they disappeared into thin air and the clunky noise of their removal was paired with the near instantaneous distribution of a shiny little key. "For your retrieval," a machine spoke from the wall, and then was quiet.
"Ummmmmm," Yoo-nit said again, still not sure how to respond. The newcomer was then checking its weapons and was no longer addressing it, so Yoo-nit turned its eyes to the next guess before going through its same spiel again.
Hanley gave a brisk nod and said "Thank you!" Then adjusted her wrist-watch and proceeded into the room.
The hall was glorious! She was glad she wouldn't hear any Vogon poetry here. The sound of birdsong emanated from one side of the room, and she turned her ear to it. It resolved into regular speech that she could understand, and she smiled and headed toward refreshments. The tables were elegant, really, but then weren't most things in space? In their own style?
She reached for a sandwich. It looked like it had been crafted by God (but not Bob), and was a truly magnificent creation of layers. The captain took a juicy bite with perfect layers of meat and cheese and mayonnaise with essence of dill and something similar to grapes, but spicy, in the shape of an orange slice - some kind of extraplanetary radish, perhaps? And began her game plan for the party. She couldn't wait to see whom she'd encounter.
(OOC to Hanley, see Gary's post further below)
The kenku seemed distracted and a red-haired teen human, at least The Operator assumed that was her race and age and that she was in fact female seemed to attract its attenteion. Having given the bird person the requested words, she saw an opportunity to slip back stage. Unfortunately, she heard the voice of another being calling her before she was able to take more than a few steps in that direction.
"Operator! Operator," The blue skinned alien in a suit called much more loudly than she would have liked. The woman in the blinking dress spun around on her heels and saw the ITC representative approaching her. She glanced around and hoped no one had taken notice. Unfortunately, what appeared to be an older human male, a companion of the red-haired younger female had overheard and was staring in her. direction. From the look in his eye, The Operator had a bad feeling he knew who she was and was going to want to speak to her.
The Operator glanced between him and her superior nerviously.
"Operator! We need to get the introductions made with the official welcome announcement...," the being in the suit began.
Great, just what I bloody need! she sighed.
"Operator! Operator," The blue skinned alien in a suit called much more loudly than she would have liked. The woman in the blinking dress spun around on her heels and saw the ITC representative approaching her. She glanced around and hoped no one had taken notice. Unfortunately, what appeared to be an older human male, a companion of the red-haired younger female had overheard and was staring in her. direction. From the look in his eye, The Operator had a bad feeling he knew who she was and was going to want to speak to her.
The Operator glanced between him and her superior nerviously.
"Operator! We need to get the introductions made with the official welcome announcement...," the being in the suit began.
Great, just what I bloody need! she sighed.
Gary watched the exchange between the overgrown sparrow and Tabby with amusement. He looked around for Matt and Shelley, but they had disappeared seemingly into the crowd. He started to turn back to Tabby who was nervously interacting with the bird. It was about the same height as she was which to Gary, was quite tall compared to birds on Earth, but quite short when using Tabby as the standard of measurement.
Gary was about to join in the conversation when something else caught his ear. "Operator! Operator!"
A blue alien in a business suit was rushing toward a human woman in a blinking dress that changed colors every few seconds. She had long, jet black hair down her back. But that voice... that voice... could she be?
Spying another human woman nearby who had just taken some food from a passing tray, Gary decided to approach her. He had no reason to believe she could answer his question, but the person he wanted to speak to was currently occupied and he hoped this person might know the answer.
"Excuse me," Gary said approaching Hanley. "I don't suppose you would know this, but is that..." His voice trailed off as he pointed to the human woman in the flashing dress talking to the blue alien in the business suit about 20 or 30 feet away from the pair.
(OOC: Welcome new posters! Feel free to join us! Before you do, please be sure to read the opening posts of the game first.)
Gary was about to join in the conversation when something else caught his ear. "Operator! Operator!"
A blue alien in a business suit was rushing toward a human woman in a blinking dress that changed colors every few seconds. She had long, jet black hair down her back. But that voice... that voice... could she be?
Spying another human woman nearby who had just taken some food from a passing tray, Gary decided to approach her. He had no reason to believe she could answer his question, but the person he wanted to speak to was currently occupied and he hoped this person might know the answer.
"Excuse me," Gary said approaching Hanley. "I don't suppose you would know this, but is that..." His voice trailed off as he pointed to the human woman in the flashing dress talking to the blue alien in the business suit about 20 or 30 feet away from the pair.
(OOC: Welcome new posters! Feel free to join us! Before you do, please be sure to read the opening posts of the game first.)
Tabi really should look into the remarkable mimicry ability of ravens, although Jet was taking it to yet another level. You had to listen pretty closely to his words to hear the trace of a crow-like croaking in his audio-samples.
As for now, Jet was really peaceful. Even if he would ever found out that Gary confused him for a sparrow, it wouldn't be enough for him to make the poor guy find out if he'd rather fight one one Tabby-sized bird, or a hundred bird sized Tabbys. Jet could only help with the first part of this thought experiment anyways.
Jet quickly shook his head and took a step backwards. He lifted his own open hands, showing that he was carrying no weapons and meant no harm as well (of course he was hiding weaponry below the poncho, but that wasn't the point. Also, Lasers didn't kill people, at least not as long as they were in Jet's hands. His aim was terrible!)
"I bring you peace" he promised in a high pitched voice.
But then, the bubblegum sphere reflected in the black of his beady eyes. It seemed huuuuge. As if hypnotized, he looked at it, opening and closing his beak. He extended one of his claw-like fingers to pop it, still moving as if he was in a trance.
(OOC: Also welcome everyone, welcome to the party and have fun, it is nice here!)
As for now, Jet was really peaceful. Even if he would ever found out that Gary confused him for a sparrow, it wouldn't be enough for him to make the poor guy find out if he'd rather fight one one Tabby-sized bird, or a hundred bird sized Tabbys. Jet could only help with the first part of this thought experiment anyways.
Jet quickly shook his head and took a step backwards. He lifted his own open hands, showing that he was carrying no weapons and meant no harm as well (of course he was hiding weaponry below the poncho, but that wasn't the point. Also, Lasers didn't kill people, at least not as long as they were in Jet's hands. His aim was terrible!)
"I bring you peace" he promised in a high pitched voice.
But then, the bubblegum sphere reflected in the black of his beady eyes. It seemed huuuuge. As if hypnotized, he looked at it, opening and closing his beak. He extended one of his claw-like fingers to pop it, still moving as if he was in a trance.
(OOC: Also welcome everyone, welcome to the party and have fun, it is nice here!)
"Um, I also bring you peace," the red haired teen returned making a V peace sign with her fingers and then switching it to a Vulcan peace sign. The bird person then seemed to become fascinated by her gum. It reached for it but Tabby suddenly burst it and sucked the gum back into her mouth before the claw popped it. The avian being seemed to be mocking her chewing her gum.
"Nope, uh at least on my planet, gum can kill birds. It will get stuck in your stomach for like 7 years," Tabby said quickly. "Oh, hang on, dude!"
She pulled out her copy of The Guide and flipped through it. Tabby spotted a page with an illustration of a bird-like being like the one she was interacting with. She skimmed it.
"The kenku... is that you," She asked holding up The Guide for Jet to see.
"Nope, uh at least on my planet, gum can kill birds. It will get stuck in your stomach for like 7 years," Tabby said quickly. "Oh, hang on, dude!"
She pulled out her copy of The Guide and flipped through it. Tabby spotted a page with an illustration of a bird-like being like the one she was interacting with. She skimmed it.
"The kenku... is that you," She asked holding up The Guide for Jet to see.
The man pointed in The Operator's direction for a moment, stopping another random woman. The Operator took the opportunity to hurry to the stage. She quickly ascended the stairs.
There was a podium with a microphone. "Welcome...," She started to say, but the microphone howled with feedback. Many beings grabbed their ears if they had them. At least one being apparently had its hearing organs near its stomach and grabbed its tummy region as if it had been hit by a terrible stomach ache. Another being that looked like a giant detached ear just fell over. A creature near it that looked like a giant eye looked down at it. The feedback subsided after a moment.
"So sorry, loves," The Operator quickly apologized. "Uh, a little technical difficulties there. Uh, so welcome beings across the galaxy! Let's hear it for Mr. Beeblebrox." That last part sounded a bit less than sincere.
(OOC: There is still plenty of time to join us. Please be sure to read the opening posts.)
There was a podium with a microphone. "Welcome...," She started to say, but the microphone howled with feedback. Many beings grabbed their ears if they had them. At least one being apparently had its hearing organs near its stomach and grabbed its tummy region as if it had been hit by a terrible stomach ache. Another being that looked like a giant detached ear just fell over. A creature near it that looked like a giant eye looked down at it. The feedback subsided after a moment.
"So sorry, loves," The Operator quickly apologized. "Uh, a little technical difficulties there. Uh, so welcome beings across the galaxy! Let's hear it for Mr. Beeblebrox." That last part sounded a bit less than sincere.
(OOC: There is still plenty of time to join us. Please be sure to read the opening posts.)
Jet stood there, like the bang had come from a shot aimed at his loved ones and not just a gum bubble bursting. In a gesture universally understood as 'but… but… but…' he lifted his clawl-ike finger again, to poke it at the air where the bubble just had been.
After a few unsuccessful attempts at bursting Tabi's bubble, that mainly failed because time sadly tended to be linear and there just was nothing for him to poke anymore, he seemed to slowly recover, although he still looked like someone had stolen his candy.
His reaction to the 7-years-gum story was just a quote by Jonathan Frakes, closing off one of his Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction-stories: "It is an urban fiction, that never happened!"
When asked if the entry of the Hitchhiker's Guide was him, Jet nodded proudly, once again providing a fitting cartoon sound effect for his motions, as if he himself wasn't a strange enough creature.
Jet gave Tabi a 'Watch this' smile, before he turned towards the Operator. Just as she finished her speech, he used his just acquired vocabulary to loudly add an outro to the Operator's words: "Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!". It had been entry three on the serviette.
His mimicry was truly as remarkable as his juvenile sense of humor: not only did the voice truly sound like the Operator, his loudness matched the one of the loudspeakers, making it easy for unwitting bystanders to think the Operator herself had closed her speech on this deadly insult.
After a few unsuccessful attempts at bursting Tabi's bubble, that mainly failed because time sadly tended to be linear and there just was nothing for him to poke anymore, he seemed to slowly recover, although he still looked like someone had stolen his candy.
His reaction to the 7-years-gum story was just a quote by Jonathan Frakes, closing off one of his Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction-stories: "It is an urban fiction, that never happened!"
When asked if the entry of the Hitchhiker's Guide was him, Jet nodded proudly, once again providing a fitting cartoon sound effect for his motions, as if he himself wasn't a strange enough creature.
A short introduction to Kenku, courtesy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
If you're reading this entry, you're most likely wondering what type of creature has stolen one of your, most likely shiny, possessions, and the thief had striking similarity to the illustration above.
The pictured creature is a Kenku.
Imagine, if you will, a crow that decided bipedalism was more chic but then got booted out of the bird club for imitating everyone too well and too often. They stand about 5 feet tall, covered in dark plumage with wings that sadly can't remember how to fly.
Once upon a time, Kenku were blessed with the ability to soar the skies and speak in their own voices. However, due to some incident (probably involving mimicking the wrong cosmic entity) they were cursed by a to forever walk the planes, flightless and voiceless. They communicate now by mimicking sounds they’ve heard. Think of them as the ultimate copycats, but birds. Copycrows, if you will.
Jf you encounter a Kenku, be prepared for an auditory adventure. You might hear echoes of your past conversations, the bark of a dog, or endless re-purposing of auditory memes. Just don't expect originality: everything they sing is a cover.
Remember, a Kenku’s mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, even if it gets you into trouble.
The pictured creature is a Kenku.
Imagine, if you will, a crow that decided bipedalism was more chic but then got booted out of the bird club for imitating everyone too well and too often. They stand about 5 feet tall, covered in dark plumage with wings that sadly can't remember how to fly.
Once upon a time, Kenku were blessed with the ability to soar the skies and speak in their own voices. However, due to some incident (probably involving mimicking the wrong cosmic entity) they were cursed by a to forever walk the planes, flightless and voiceless. They communicate now by mimicking sounds they’ve heard. Think of them as the ultimate copycats, but birds. Copycrows, if you will.
Jf you encounter a Kenku, be prepared for an auditory adventure. You might hear echoes of your past conversations, the bark of a dog, or endless re-purposing of auditory memes. Just don't expect originality: everything they sing is a cover.
Remember, a Kenku’s mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, even if it gets you into trouble.
Jet gave Tabi a 'Watch this' smile, before he turned towards the Operator. Just as she finished her speech, he used his just acquired vocabulary to loudly add an outro to the Operator's words: "Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!". It had been entry three on the serviette.
His mimicry was truly as remarkable as his juvenile sense of humor: not only did the voice truly sound like the Operator, his loudness matched the one of the loudspeakers, making it easy for unwitting bystanders to think the Operator herself had closed her speech on this deadly insult.
“How adorable!” Shelley said when they arrived at the cute little toaster-like robot. Although It looked cute, it was making a bunch of noise that sounded like gibberish to her. Turning to Matt, she said, “It sounds like it’s trying to say something. You don’t actually understand it, do you?”
The robot, seeming to realize Shelley’s confusion, rolled its eyes to point at the dispenser box with a picture of some kind of weird-looking goldfish on it.
“Not yet, but I think I know how to fix that,” Matt proclaimed. He stepped up to the dispenser and pushed the red button. When he did, a small yellow fish like the one in the picture dropped into the slot.
“A goldfish? How is that supposed to help…WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” Shelley’s question turned into a yell as she watch Matt putting the Babel fish in his ear. “OH, GROSS! What did you just do? Are you okay?” she continued with obvious concern and disgust in her voice.
Matt grinned at her and replied, “It’s fine! It’s just a Babel fish! And now I can understand the robot!” He hit the button again, and another fish like the first dropped into the slot. He scooped it up and approached Shelley. “Here, we’ll just put this in your ear and…”
“Oh no you don’t, Matthew Hunter! You are NOT putting some slimy fish in MY ear!” said Shelley.
“But it’ll let you understand the robot, and everyone else at the party. Don’t worry, it’s like the Earth: mostly harmless,” replied Matt.
“MOSTLY harmless? That means it’s a little bit HARMFUL!” proclaimed Shelley while taking a couple of steps back from Matt.
“You won’t feel a thing! I promise!” said Matt, taking a couple of steps toward Shelley.
“You know who else doesn’t feel a thing? DEAD PEOPLE!” said Shelley while taking another couple of steps back from Matt.
Matt frowned at Shelley in consternation. “Now I know how ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper felt when he tried to put the sunglasses on Keith David. But I can’t resolve it the way he did, cause I’m not about to fight you, and besides, I still have bubblegum.”
“What? You mean the wrestler? And who is Keith David, another wrestler? Am I supposed to know what you’re talking about?”
“Not for another six years or so,” Matt responded. “Keith David’s an actor. He’s in The Thing.”
“In the thing? What thing?” asked Shelley with exasperation.
“You know, that movie that just came out. The one that Starla still hasn’t forgiven Trevor for taking her to see,” answered Matt with a grin.
“Oh, THAT Thing,” said Shelley.
The robot, seeming to realize Shelley’s confusion, rolled its eyes to point at the dispenser box with a picture of some kind of weird-looking goldfish on it.
“Not yet, but I think I know how to fix that,” Matt proclaimed. He stepped up to the dispenser and pushed the red button. When he did, a small yellow fish like the one in the picture dropped into the slot.
“A goldfish? How is that supposed to help…WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” Shelley’s question turned into a yell as she watch Matt putting the Babel fish in his ear. “OH, GROSS! What did you just do? Are you okay?” she continued with obvious concern and disgust in her voice.
Matt grinned at her and replied, “It’s fine! It’s just a Babel fish! And now I can understand the robot!” He hit the button again, and another fish like the first dropped into the slot. He scooped it up and approached Shelley. “Here, we’ll just put this in your ear and…”
“Oh no you don’t, Matthew Hunter! You are NOT putting some slimy fish in MY ear!” said Shelley.
“But it’ll let you understand the robot, and everyone else at the party. Don’t worry, it’s like the Earth: mostly harmless,” replied Matt.
“MOSTLY harmless? That means it’s a little bit HARMFUL!” proclaimed Shelley while taking a couple of steps back from Matt.
“You won’t feel a thing! I promise!” said Matt, taking a couple of steps toward Shelley.
“You know who else doesn’t feel a thing? DEAD PEOPLE!” said Shelley while taking another couple of steps back from Matt.
Matt frowned at Shelley in consternation. “Now I know how ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper felt when he tried to put the sunglasses on Keith David. But I can’t resolve it the way he did, cause I’m not about to fight you, and besides, I still have bubblegum.”
“What? You mean the wrestler? And who is Keith David, another wrestler? Am I supposed to know what you’re talking about?”
“Not for another six years or so,” Matt responded. “Keith David’s an actor. He’s in The Thing.”
“In the thing? What thing?” asked Shelley with exasperation.
“You know, that movie that just came out. The one that Starla still hasn’t forgiven Trevor for taking her to see,” answered Matt with a grin.
“Oh, THAT Thing,” said Shelley.
While Matt had been trying to persuade Shelley to accept the Babel fish, U.N.I.T. had been rolling its eyes back and forth between the two, waiting patiently for a pause in the action. It decided to jump back into the conversation before the two Earth teens began arguing again. "Welcome gentle beings," it began, and continued its normal welcoming speech, which only the male Earthling understood because the female had been too stupid to take a Babel fish.
The toaster-robot began speaking again, and this time Matt understood what it was saying. As a courtesy for Shelley, Matt translated the speech into English for her, which seemed a little silly since he had a perfectly good Babel fish ready for her; she just refused to use it. When the robot got to the part of its speech where it directed them to take a ‘Vote Beeblebrox’ button, the thing started whirring and dinging and making all kinds of outlandish noises that sounded nothing like its previous speaking voice, while the red light on its head lit up and glowed for a moment.
During the middle of its cacophonous fit, there was a loud BANG and noxious smoke suddenly poured out from it. Shelley let out a shriek of alarm and danced back a few steps in an attempt to get away from the smoke, but only succeeded in getting her feet tangled in her floor-length gown and falling on her rear.
Matt stepped up to her and in a gentlemanly gesture extended his left hand to help her up. “Come with me if you want to live!” he said.
Shelley looked up at him. “Is that one of your Star Wars quotes? I don’t recognize it.”
“No, it’s from The Terminator,” Matt replied. “You only have to wait for two years to see that one.”
“I can’t believe you spent your time in that doctor’s phone booth watching movies from the future!” she said while reaching up to take his hand.
With a heave, Matt pulled Shelley to her feet, but as he did so he slipped his other hand under her hair and quickly deposited the Babel fish in her ear.
Shelley’s hand shot to her ear, but it was too late; the Babel fish was now in place and doing its job. “MATT!” Shelley yelled in anger.
“See? That’s another quote from The Terminator! Sarah Connor yells that when her roommate’s boyfriend startles her!” Matt said as he bent down to pick up the two ‘Vote Beeblebrox’ buttons that U.N.I.T. had produced for them. Extending one to Shelley, he said, “Here’s one for you, and one for me. Now come on, let’s get into the ballroom.”
The Babel fish-related delay made them a little late to the party. When they entered the ballroom, a human woman with long black hair was just finishing her welcoming speech with the words “half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!” At least Matt thought she had said it, but for some reason it didn’t look like her lips were moving at the time. It was a little like watching one of those old Godzilla movies on TV where the Japanese dialog was badly dubbed into English. Of course, Matt immediately recognized the quote and yelled out, “WHO’S SCRUFFY-LOOKING?”
"Okay, THAT one I recognize," Shelley said.
The toaster-robot began speaking again, and this time Matt understood what it was saying. As a courtesy for Shelley, Matt translated the speech into English for her, which seemed a little silly since he had a perfectly good Babel fish ready for her; she just refused to use it. When the robot got to the part of its speech where it directed them to take a ‘Vote Beeblebrox’ button, the thing started whirring and dinging and making all kinds of outlandish noises that sounded nothing like its previous speaking voice, while the red light on its head lit up and glowed for a moment.
During the middle of its cacophonous fit, there was a loud BANG and noxious smoke suddenly poured out from it. Shelley let out a shriek of alarm and danced back a few steps in an attempt to get away from the smoke, but only succeeded in getting her feet tangled in her floor-length gown and falling on her rear.
Matt stepped up to her and in a gentlemanly gesture extended his left hand to help her up. “Come with me if you want to live!” he said.
Shelley looked up at him. “Is that one of your Star Wars quotes? I don’t recognize it.”
“No, it’s from The Terminator,” Matt replied. “You only have to wait for two years to see that one.”
“I can’t believe you spent your time in that doctor’s phone booth watching movies from the future!” she said while reaching up to take his hand.
With a heave, Matt pulled Shelley to her feet, but as he did so he slipped his other hand under her hair and quickly deposited the Babel fish in her ear.
Shelley’s hand shot to her ear, but it was too late; the Babel fish was now in place and doing its job. “MATT!” Shelley yelled in anger.
“See? That’s another quote from The Terminator! Sarah Connor yells that when her roommate’s boyfriend startles her!” Matt said as he bent down to pick up the two ‘Vote Beeblebrox’ buttons that U.N.I.T. had produced for them. Extending one to Shelley, he said, “Here’s one for you, and one for me. Now come on, let’s get into the ballroom.”
The Babel fish-related delay made them a little late to the party. When they entered the ballroom, a human woman with long black hair was just finishing her welcoming speech with the words “half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!” At least Matt thought she had said it, but for some reason it didn’t look like her lips were moving at the time. It was a little like watching one of those old Godzilla movies on TV where the Japanese dialog was badly dubbed into English. Of course, Matt immediately recognized the quote and yelled out, “WHO’S SCRUFFY-LOOKING?”
"Okay, THAT one I recognize," Shelley said.
"Sorry, who?"
Harley tapped her ear and shook her head, a bit like trying to get water out of one's ear. But in this case, she wanted to make sure the fish was fully *in* her ear.
"She was unsure who most people here were: aside from the esteemed Mr Beeblebrox, who she really hoped would institute some new rules about neighborhood streetship passes, Hanley was basically unfamiliar with the whole shindig. But in the spirit of, well, not panicking - she kept a cool head. "I apologize," she said politely, and bowed. She popped a crudite in her mouth and commed in to remind her mother where she was.
"No, sorry, no poetry this time. I know how you love it, but honestly... Yes, it is banned. No, yes, they did!" She replied. "Alright, you have a safe one too. Ta Mum, cheers. Over and out. "
She heard roller skates in one direction, accompanied by the sound of avian noises, and in another direction, a faint rattling and a whirring noise. She headed toward the left, but was almost bowled over by a girl on massive roller skates, and ducked around the other way promptly, while somehow managing to make it look cool. Nice.
She saw someone handing out jellybeans, and smelled the sweet smell of candy, and as it appeared the keynote speaker was having issues, she'd stop by the stage to check on them right... after... this detour.
"Bon soir, fellow spacefarers! Sailors of the Stars, if you will.. you have jelly bellies?" Hanley gave a winning smile.
Harley tapped her ear and shook her head, a bit like trying to get water out of one's ear. But in this case, she wanted to make sure the fish was fully *in* her ear.
"She was unsure who most people here were: aside from the esteemed Mr Beeblebrox, who she really hoped would institute some new rules about neighborhood streetship passes, Hanley was basically unfamiliar with the whole shindig. But in the spirit of, well, not panicking - she kept a cool head. "I apologize," she said politely, and bowed. She popped a crudite in her mouth and commed in to remind her mother where she was.
"No, sorry, no poetry this time. I know how you love it, but honestly... Yes, it is banned. No, yes, they did!" She replied. "Alright, you have a safe one too. Ta Mum, cheers. Over and out. "
She heard roller skates in one direction, accompanied by the sound of avian noises, and in another direction, a faint rattling and a whirring noise. She headed toward the left, but was almost bowled over by a girl on massive roller skates, and ducked around the other way promptly, while somehow managing to make it look cool. Nice.
She saw someone handing out jellybeans, and smelled the sweet smell of candy, and as it appeared the keynote speaker was having issues, she'd stop by the stage to check on them right... after... this detour.
"Bon soir, fellow spacefarers! Sailors of the Stars, if you will.. you have jelly bellies?" Hanley gave a winning smile.
"Sorry, who?"
"Her," Gary said pointing to the woman taking the stage. "That woman is she, you know.... the voice on the phone? The intergalactic time and temperature lady?"
Gary realized the space lady was apparently having a conversation via a communication device. "Oh, sorry...."
He wandered toward the stage. Surely it must be her!
"Her," Gary said pointing to the woman taking the stage. "That woman is she, you know.... the voice on the phone? The intergalactic time and temperature lady?"
Gary realized the space lady was apparently having a conversation via a communication device. "Oh, sorry...."
He wandered toward the stage. Surely it must be her!
"Nope, uh at least on my planet, gum can kill birds. It will get stuck in your stomach for like 7 years," Tabby said quickly. "Oh, hang on, dude!"
"It is an urban fiction, that never happened!"
"I dunno, you might be right," Tabby shrugged. "My parents also told me you can't drive at night with the dome light on the car because it's against the law. I wonder about that, too."
She pulled out her copy of The Guide and flipped through it. Tabby spotted a page with an illustration of a bird-like being like the one she was interacting with. She skimmed it.
"The kenku... is that you," She asked holding up The Guide for Jet to see.
When asked if the entry of the Hitchhiker's Guide was him, Jet nodded proudly, once again providing a fitting cartoon sound effect for his motions, as if he himself wasn't a strange enough creature.
A short introduction to Kenku, courtesy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Jet gave Tabi a 'Watch this' smile, before he turned towards the Operator. Just as she finished her speech, he used his just acquired vocabulary to loudly add an outro to the Operator's words: "Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!". It had been entry three on the serviette.
His mimicry was truly as remarkable as his juvenile sense of humor: not only did the voice truly sound like the Operator, his loudness matched the one of the loudspeakers, making it easy for unwitting bystanders to think the Operator herself had closed her speech on this deadly insult.
When the kenku uttered that phrase, she immediately looked for Matt. He had to hear this!
The Babel fish-related delay made them a little late to the party. When they entered the ballroom, a human woman with long black hair was just finishing her welcoming speech with the words “half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!” At least Matt thought she had said it, but for some reason it didn’t look like her lips were moving at the time. It was a little like watching one of those old Godzilla movies on TV where the Japanese dialog was badly dubbed into English. Of course, Matt immediately recognized the quote and yelled out, “WHO’S SCRUFFY-LOOKING?”
"Okay, THAT one I recognize," Shelley said.
"Right on cue," Tabby chimed in.
She saw someone handing out jellybeans, and smelled the sweet smell of candy, and as it appeared the keynote speaker was having issues, she'd stop by the stage to check on them right... after... this detour.
"Bon soir, fellow spacefarers! Sailors of the Stars, if you will.. you have jelly bellies?" Hanley gave a winning smile.
Tabby turned to the newcomer. "You mean jelly babies? That was The Doctor. Afraid you're a bit late there, he just left," Tabby responded to Hanley. "But, uh, there's lots of other stuff to eat. The problem is, I don't know what most of it is."
"It is an urban fiction, that never happened!"
"I dunno, you might be right," Tabby shrugged. "My parents also told me you can't drive at night with the dome light on the car because it's against the law. I wonder about that, too."
She pulled out her copy of The Guide and flipped through it. Tabby spotted a page with an illustration of a bird-like being like the one she was interacting with. She skimmed it.
"The kenku... is that you," She asked holding up The Guide for Jet to see.
When asked if the entry of the Hitchhiker's Guide was him, Jet nodded proudly, once again providing a fitting cartoon sound effect for his motions, as if he himself wasn't a strange enough creature.
A short introduction to Kenku, courtesy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Jet gave Tabi a 'Watch this' smile, before he turned towards the Operator. Just as she finished her speech, he used his just acquired vocabulary to loudly add an outro to the Operator's words: "Half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!". It had been entry three on the serviette.
His mimicry was truly as remarkable as his juvenile sense of humor: not only did the voice truly sound like the Operator, his loudness matched the one of the loudspeakers, making it easy for unwitting bystanders to think the Operator herself had closed her speech on this deadly insult.
When the kenku uttered that phrase, she immediately looked for Matt. He had to hear this!
The Babel fish-related delay made them a little late to the party. When they entered the ballroom, a human woman with long black hair was just finishing her welcoming speech with the words “half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herders!” At least Matt thought she had said it, but for some reason it didn’t look like her lips were moving at the time. It was a little like watching one of those old Godzilla movies on TV where the Japanese dialog was badly dubbed into English. Of course, Matt immediately recognized the quote and yelled out, “WHO’S SCRUFFY-LOOKING?”
"Okay, THAT one I recognize," Shelley said.
"Right on cue," Tabby chimed in.
She saw someone handing out jellybeans, and smelled the sweet smell of candy, and as it appeared the keynote speaker was having issues, she'd stop by the stage to check on them right... after... this detour.
"Bon soir, fellow spacefarers! Sailors of the Stars, if you will.. you have jelly bellies?" Hanley gave a winning smile.
Tabby turned to the newcomer. "You mean jelly babies? That was The Doctor. Afraid you're a bit late there, he just left," Tabby responded to Hanley. "But, uh, there's lots of other stuff to eat. The problem is, I don't know what most of it is."
"See, that is their problem, Jet. They're stupid enough to follow the law." Jet answered, once again using the gruff voice of his old space captain.
He gave the Operator another look and read the room. Jet had hoped for more of an effect, for chaos, commotion, maybe even laser pitchforkes and space torches. Of course he would have to help to save the Operator from that, who else could you call to hear sentences like "The time is fish. The temperature is both, a million degrees and minus 5,000 degrees. TTC asks you not to call while being trapped in the middle of a space-time anomaly, it is bad for our instruments."
Right now there was only one dude, completing the quote. Sadly, in a lack of foresight, Every other insult Jet had learned was only aimed at a single person, not a group.
He would just have to wait for her to introduce the President of all of space, so he could fit one of the more aggressive quotes in there.
As Harley joined the group and Jet learned once again that there were no Jelly Babies anymore, he made an unhappy kenku sound. Then he gave Harley a quick wave.
Wait, did the other human just say Doctor? He gave her a puzzled look and tilted his head. He had heard that name before!
He gave the Operator another look and read the room. Jet had hoped for more of an effect, for chaos, commotion, maybe even laser pitchforkes and space torches. Of course he would have to help to save the Operator from that, who else could you call to hear sentences like "The time is fish. The temperature is both, a million degrees and minus 5,000 degrees. TTC asks you not to call while being trapped in the middle of a space-time anomaly, it is bad for our instruments."
Right now there was only one dude, completing the quote. Sadly, in a lack of foresight, Every other insult Jet had learned was only aimed at a single person, not a group.
He would just have to wait for her to introduce the President of all of space, so he could fit one of the more aggressive quotes in there.
As Harley joined the group and Jet learned once again that there were no Jelly Babies anymore, he made an unhappy kenku sound. Then he gave Harley a quick wave.
Wait, did the other human just say Doctor? He gave her a puzzled look and tilted his head. He had heard that name before!
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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus