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Forums » Introductions » Hello, Be kind, I'm new here!

What is your favorite kind of RP? Long term with darker themes. Any setting really. I'm very go-with-the-flow
What do you hope to find here? Friends and Rp partners!
How long have you been RPing? 19years
Do you have any pets? 3 cats!
What's your favorite subject in school? Art and writing
What do you do for a living? I'm a Emergency Room Worker
What are your hopes and dreams? ....To be content. -I would love to Achieve a Nurse Practioner Role.-
Do you have any questions about the site? I will eventually!

Please feel free to ask questions! I'll do my best to answer them to my comfort level ^.^
Welcome! I hope you enjou your time here.
Silverlife Topic Starter

KorrokMustache wrote:
Welcome! I hope you enjou your time here.

Thank you so much!
Welcome to RPR 🙂
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)


Be reassured, everyone is very kind around here !


Welcome to RPR ! you will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.

Welvone to RPR! I'm sure we all would benefit from your hzge experience.
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!
Hey there! Welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to RPR! Settle in and get comfy. You’ll likely never leave.😀
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family :D
Silverlife Topic Starter

ValenciaTeek wrote:

Welcome to RPR ! you will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.

Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

KingTai wrote:
Hello there! Welcome to the RPR family :D

Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

Stormiedayz wrote:
Welcome to RPR! Settle in and get comfy. You’ll likely never leave.😀

Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

AlwaysAnxious32 wrote:
Hey there! Welcome to RPR! :)

Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

Echo wrote:
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!

Thank you!Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

Love_Philip wrote:
Welvone to RPR! I'm sure we all would benefit from your hzge experience.

Awww, thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

Lizbeth Redwood wrote:

Be reassured, everyone is very kind around here !


Thank you!
Silverlife Topic Starter

Minsi wrote:
Welcome to RPR 🙂

Thank you! ^.^

Hello and welcome to RP Repository! I hope you have a good time here and find the types of rps you enjoy! I think your aspirations to become a nurse practitioner is extremely admirable. My friend is one and she absolutely loves what she does -- she's in pediatrics. Good luck in your life choices for that and I hope it does really make you very happy!

As for RPR, of course, welcome, welcome and if you need any advice or help with anything, we're all here to help. You can reach out to any one of us and we'll see you through it! Take care and have a good 'un!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello, Be kind, I'm new here!

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus