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Forums » Introductions » Another New Member Here!

Hello! My name is FlipperDipper (or Alex, if you prefer), and I'm a new member of this community. I've done some tabletop gaming as well as more freeform internet roleplaying before, though I might be a little rusty at first. I've previously played Dnd, Pathfinder, oWoD, nWoD, Exalted, Hero System, and the Star Wars rpg. I lean more fantasy than sci fi, but I'm willing to give pretty much anything a shot. I'm quite excited to meet all of you and participate in a campaign here! Any advice for this newbie?
welcome to RPR this community is happy to have another face to join us, its full of friendly people and i am sure you will make lots of friends and roleplay partners if you stick around long enough.
FlipperDipper Topic Starter

Thank you for welcoming me to this community! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! :D

Have you taken a gander at the Looking for RP forum, or used the RP Finder yet? :)
FlipperDipper Topic Starter

Thank you!

I have indeed checked those out. The RP Finder is really cool, although I'm not sure if some of the active rps accept new people out of nowhere or not. And maybe a new one would be the best place for me to start. I might go out Looking for RP and see if anyone wants to start an Exalted game; I have a few concepts that I think might be fun to play.

Also, you're the one who built this site, right? I haven't been on long, but it seems great! Really cool work!

Welcome to the site. Easy trick if you don't know what kind of character you want is to make a generic/flexible character you can modify. Then if you find a community you like a lot you can just establish that one, or make a whole new character that fits better with said community. Anyway welcome! If you need some help just ask. People are nice. Sometimes :>
FlipperDipper Topic Starter

Huh, never really thought about that. I tend to like adding little flavor bits from each character's lore source to their background/personality/whatever. That might just be because I'm more used to sheet-based roleplay and all that, though. Although, having a character who exists in slightly different forms in different universes seems really fun! I'd like to try it.

Thank you for your advice and for welcoming me!
Kim Site Admin

FlipperDipper wrote:
I have indeed checked those out. The RP Finder is really cool, although I'm not sure if some of the active rps accept new people out of nowhere or not.

The idea behind the RP Finder is that all of the concepts listed in there are from people who have been active on the site within the last ten minutes. It's also not a place in which you can RP - people need to take it into the forums, private messages, a group, or heck, some third party messenger/email/another game entirely once they've found all their players - it's just a place in which you find characters to play in the game you want to run. So I would say anything that looks interesting to you in there, don't hesitate to click "suggest a character!" The worst that can happen is someone will say no, and that's not really a bad thing anyway. :) Typically when someone doesn't want to see any more suggestions for new characters, they will close out their game concept on the RP finder so they don't get spammed with new alerts.

If you go straight to one of the RP forums themselves, those topics tend to not accept newcomers without a bit of OOC discussion, but often the RP Finder is where that discussion starts. :)
FlipperDipper wrote:
Also, you're the one who built this site, right? I haven't been on long, but it seems great! Really cool work!

I am! Thank you! That makes me very happy! :D
Welcome to the site! There are also groups that run specific tabletop games, so I would try giving the groups a look too. I hope you're enjoying it here :)
Welcome. :)

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