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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then translates for Sam. "Sis pergo victus licentia iam."He then roars at the youngster but the young dragon holds his ground. "He's not going to go without a fight."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

"Great" replied Sam as she jumped in the youngster with her axe and starts Hitting him.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

The young dragon then snaps at Sam eating her but not swollowing. He then states a sentence. Take unus step quod is exuro."Sam are you ok in there? Whatever you dont move a muscle."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam wasnt listening. She turned herself to complete stone and yelled. ''YOU LIKE EATING STONE?! I'lL MAKE YOU THROW UP YOUR GUTS!'' She punched everywhere around her and even bended earth that was at the exterior to make him spit her out.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

The dragon vomits Sam along with a bunch of magma and dragon saliva. The youngling then flies off terrified of the duo. "And stay out!" Seren walks over to sam and sniffs her and then backs up smelling a repulsive scent. "Uh Sam. You might want to wash off the excess magma and saliva. It smells disgusting..." Seren then rubs his snout due to the various liquids irritating his nose.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''I.. hate.. that.. dragon..'' muttered Sam as she walked back to the cabin to take a bath and remove all the magma and saliva from herself.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Thats not the half of it. Dragon saliva can't be removed by water and soap alone. The only way to remove it is with well... human saliva. Or extreme heat" Seren then shifts back to normal and then shivers. "Go on and wash the magma off. Come outside when your done."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Aww crap.. Please tell me you will use extreme heat..'' answered the girl, as she entered the bathroom.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Well its either I do that or I lick it off you. Lets go with heat. I'll see you out in a minute." Seren then waits outside the door for Sam to come out.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

After a couple minutes, Sam came out. ''I swear.. please do fast.. i hate having saliva on myself..'' said the girl, fustrated.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Alrigt. Close your eyes and hold your breath." Seren then picks up his sword and light it aflame. Then he waves it back and forth around Sam and the salvia melts off. "Thats about it." Seren tries to walk away but his foot is stuck to the floor. "Crap! The salvia froze. Now im stuck. This stuff freezes like steel. I can't melt it off. However your free of the salvia. Its all gone. But I'm stuck."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam facepalmed. ''Thank you.'' She said, grabbing the sword. ''How do we light this thing?'' She shaked the sword and it lighted up. ''Uh whaaaat'' she passed it near Seren.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren grabs the sword in a attempt to smash the crystallized salvia but it doesn't break. "Why wont this Crap break!" Seren's eyes change to a crimson red. His nails sharpen into claws and so do his teeth. He then begins to gnaw on the crystal and rips a huge chunk off with his mouth. He then rips another chunk off with his claws. He then manages to rip the last peice off with his tail. And then he breaths heavily and burns the crystals till they turn to dust.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Hai buddy, calm down..'' said Sam, worried.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then spits out a chunk of crystallized saliva and chuckles. "I. Hate. That. Dragon..."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

'' I do too, get up, Seren.'' she said, handing him her hand to get up.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then grabs her hand and gets up. He then sniffs the air. "That smells like. Cinnamon!" Seren then smells a cinnamon like scent in the air. "Do you smell that?"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Yeah.. smells good.. like.. toasts.. or.. a cake..'' Sam ran in circles. ''PIEEEEEEEEEEE!'' she yelled.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"You really like sweets. Well sense you like cinnamon so much why dont we make a cake. I bought supplies at the market awhile back. What's your favorite type of cake?" Seren showed a bit of giddiness wanting to make a cake.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam was kinda going crazy. ''CHOCOLATE! CINNAMON! CAKE! PIE! COOOOOOOOOOOKIEEEEEES!'' She yelled, running around in circles and moving her arms in the air like cray cray.

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