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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Well were just about here. Unfortunately..." Seren then lands onto the mountainside not seeing any other valid place to land. He the drops off Sam and transforms himself back into his human state. He grunts and starts to blow fire from his mouth onto his hands. "Gods its cold here. Well anyway it says the so called pest is atop the mountain. I can't fly up because theres no valid place to land. So were going to make it up by foot." A strong wind blows lowering the visibility of the mountain. "Gods I can't see." Seren then lifts his sword and catches it aflame. "Better but still blurry. Lets get moving."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''No need to walk, Earth-bending is the solution..'' said Sam. She bended earth under Seren and herself to go on to of the moutain. ''I told you..''
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Well this makes the job easier. But what I want to know is what is causing this snowstorm. This is unnatural even for a tundra like biome. Even the snow feels different. Ahh! What the heck is that noise!" Seren then kneels down on one knee holding his head in pain. But Sam cannot hear what he hears. "Get out of my head!" Seren then cries out in pain.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam looked around worried. She turns her fists, and full self to stone. ''What do you hear? Maybe its the pest..'' she answered.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"It's the influence of another dragon. Cant move... To strong. AHH!" Seren then screams to the point where it is ear shattering. "GET OUT!" Seren then swings his sword wildly not seeing where he's swinging attempting to kill something.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam jumps in the air before getting hit by the sword. Her eyes turn blood red and a black glowing tattoo appears in her neck. She turns normal and summons her axe. Sam looks in the sky and sees a dragon silhouette. ''You dont mess with an Earth-bender's friends.. and even less with an Earth-Bender!'' she yells, propulsing herself into the sky with earth-bending.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then loses his pupils and blocks Sam's attack. His voice changes to a eerie dark echoing tone. "You fool. Your so called friend is now under my control. Make onw wrong move and he dies. Now die!" Serens body then begins to attack Sam. It does not hold back and easily destroys the platform that she was riding in. "Typical human nature. You'll be drived into the depths of hell!"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''BRING IT ON! GET ME TO DIE! TRY! I WILL DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT FRIENDS!'' Yelled Sam as she dodged Seren's attacks. ''It seems youre afraid of a girl.. wow.. you are too scared to show yourself, your real self infront of me? How pathetic..'' The girl laughed.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren's body gives of a creepy laugh. "You think you can taunt me like that. Foolish human. How do I know your not saving this man for your own slefish desires? You may want him a alive to earn a reward if some sort. The selfish lifestyle of humans is all the same. Now die!" Seren's body grabs Sam by the neck and strikes her against a wall. Then his body repeatedly punches her in the torse over and over again while closing his fist tighter slowly choking her into submission. "Why do you consider this man as a friend? Did you see him as a equal. Do you see him as more? Do you love this man? Go on say your last words before I kill you. It will feed my desire to see you dead. Go on it'll be excellent." The dragon finally shows its face about to kill her with a talon to her neck. "Go on. Speak. Why do you consider such a lowly being to be your friend?"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Lonelyness.. drives you crazy.. go on and kill me.. i dont really care.. is killing a girl so triumphant to you? Obviously, you are pitiful.. youre making me laugh.. taking the body of others to harm others wont be making you gain more power.. just making you look more pitiful..'' Sam laughed. ''If he wasnt my friend, i wouldnt have came here, i would have already ran away. I dont care of money. Money cant buy happiness and friends..'' Sam slipped down to escape him. She punched the ground 1 time and a big rock hitted him. ''Just try.. hurting my friends.. and you'll regret it..'' Sam hitted the ground another time and a big rock appeared out of no-where. ''I wonder.. what could this be to use? Oh yeah.. kicking your butt.'' The rock disapeared, she ran at the exact spot where it left to make the enemy come here and when he was there, she summoned the rock again. ''YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME OR MY FRIENDS, STUPID!''
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"You turned me the wrong way human scum. Say goodbye to your so called friend." The dragon then slashes Seren's chest open and a bloody gash covers his body. Then he throws him down the mountain. "Satisfied human?" The dragon them laighs maniacally and then for some reason incinerates. "Wait? What? Why am I burning?! No. No. No!" The beast then begins to burn leaving open a opportunity for attack.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam yelled and her eyes turned blue. ''You.. You monster.. youre gonna pay for this..'' Sam Sliced the dragon before he could destroy hiself in ashes. ''DONT MESS WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS!''. The girl ran down the mountain. ''Seren.. Seren dont you dare die on me..'' she said. She picked him up and with her last forces, runned the faster she could at the cabin.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then wakes up in his own mind but not in reality. "Welcome Seren." "Huh who's there? Wait I recognize that voice anywhere. Dad?" "Yes it's me. Its been awhile hasn't it." "Yeah. It has. Where am I?" "I called you here to discuss Something. That girl. How do you feel about her." Seren's face blushes. "What do you mean. I mean she's been a close friend but... I may kinda like her... dont you dare go lauging about it!" Serens father laughs anyways. "Oh ha ha. Very funny. Where is Sam anyways?" "Outside. She is carrying you back to your cabin. You've been severely injured. Tell me do you still wish to live?" "Of course I do." "Then go my son. Tell her how you feel. Make your old man proud." "Thanks father... you're right as always. You'll always hold a place in my heart." Seren then hugs his father before disappearing from his mind. "He hasn't changed one bit.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam was at the cabin with Seren in her arms. ''FELYX, ARCHER! GET YOUR BUTTS HERE! I NEED HELP!'' Sam yelled, tired and annoyed. She putted Seren inside the cabin on a bed and walked out.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"There absent. They went off ro help make some money." A transparent version of Seren's father walks up to Sam. "I've been wanting to talk to you for sometime now. Now's my chance. Im John Hawkins. Seren's father." He then extends his hand out."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam shakes his hand. ''Aye Sir, nice to meet you, Sir. I am Sam. Sorry to meet you in so bad conditions..'' Said the girl as blood was dripping off her face. She grabbed bandages and started applying them on Seren's wound.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"He'll be fine. He's a strong one. And quite sensitive in fact. He's not a taljer and doesn't like to share his feelings. Heck he even has trouble talking to most girls. Here this ought to take some stress off." Seren walks over to Seren and uses the same healing spell Seren used to heal Sam a while back. Seren wounds instantaneously close up. "You still want to put bandages over the would. I just closed the skin. He has a nasty habit of opening his wounds. Mainly out of his stubbornness."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Aye, i see Sir.'' Sam's eyes turned back to brown. ''Um.. Sir, sorry to ask this, but arent you dead?'' asked the girl.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

He chuckles at the comment. "Aye. I may be dead but there's one thing you should know about the hawkins family. We never really die. We are held in our loved ones hearts and can temporarily manifest in times of need. Somewhat like how Seren feels about you. He may not show it often but he does like you nore than a friend. He kinda loves you." He then lets out a hardy chuckle. "He may not show it but he does hold you dear to his heart."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''I.. kinda catched that..'' Added Sam. ''So you guys never die?.. wow.. thats.. a scientific theme that i never though about..'' continued the girl.

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