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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Not necessarily. We can't influence the material plane and we can't touch anything or anyone on the material plane. We are still dead and cannot be resurrected. That is the only downside. But promise me one thing. Even if he can be a pain in the arse please remember that he does it out of love. I must go. May we meet again." Then Seren's father fades away waving goodbye.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

'' G'day Sir!'' replied Sam, waving. She then shaked Seren. ''Hai Dracon, wake up, buddy.'' she said.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then opens his eyes and sees sam in front of him. He then goes straight in for a hug. "Thank the gods you were not hurt." He then lets go to discover his wound reopened. "Crap my wound reopened. Ow ow ow ow ow!" Seren then squirms around for a minute and lies back down. "So what hapened after I blacked out?"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''The dragon left your body, he slashed you, he burnt to ashes and i kicked his butt. Oh ya, and your dad was there, talked to me and closed your wound.'' replied Sam, hugging back. ''I putted some bandages.. but you really need to relax now. We wont do a job for about 2 days and maybe more.'' she continued.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Hang on a minute. My father visted? As in visited in the material plane? What exactly did he talk about with you?" Seren then has a intent look on his face.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam laughed. ''He talked about how your family doesnt really die in a way. And other stuff.'' she replied.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"What do you mean by other stuff?" Seren's face then flashes a hue of red as he begins to blush.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''You aint need to know. Because you already know. Get to bed now, its late, this is an order, Dracon.'' said Sam, laughing and smiling.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Humph. Fair enough." Seren then blows a smoke ring from his nose and heads to bed.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

'' G'night, Seren.'' said Sam, walking to her bed and falling on it.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren wakes up at roughly 6 o'clock AM. He needed to use the bathroom. He heads outside and transforms himself into his dragon state. Afterwards he walks a distance away from the cabin knowing dragon waste has a strong smell. He then digs a hole and does his business and buries the hole. He then heads back to camp. His stomach then growls. "I haven't eaten im awhile. I haven't noticed till now. Well I'd better eat." Seren then brings back two deer carcass back to camp He eats one of them after roasting the meat with a flamethrower. Then he eats it bones and and all. Then he transforms back to normal and walks back into the cabin yawning.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam woke up 2 hours after. She got up and walked outside. She saw Seren and waved. She punched the ground and it created a rock bed. The earth-bender yawned and layed on the rock.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then waves back toward her and sits down. But he then flinches as if something spooked him. "Oh no... Sam!" Seren then runs over and picks up Sam and runs on the opposite direction. And out of nowhere a dragon comes crashing down. "Can't we go two minutes without a battle?" Seren then lets her down and walks over the the dragon. "Its alive. But it looks awfully familiar. Can you recall this dragon?"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Think its the dragon from earlier.'' replied Sam, ready to attack.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then puts his hand on the dragons snout. "Its the youngling from before. Let me try and speak with him." Seren then morphs into a dragon again and nudges the youngling with his snout. "Vigilaveris"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam waited and summoned her axe. ''So..''
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

The young dragon then stirs and wakes up. It seems to take a battle stance against Seren and yells something in a mysterious language. "Præparate mori!" Seren then bares his fangs and yells back in the same lanquage. Fiat.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam scratched her head. ''So we can fight him now?'' asked the girl.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then nods his head to Sam. "He thinks were trespassing and he won't listen to reason." Seren then lunges toward the dragon and gives him a swipe to the face. The dragon is hit but still standing. The youngling breaths a torrent of fire onto the two but Seren blocks it with his wings.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam escapes Seren's protection and smashes the ground with her axe. The ground cracks and opens understand the dragon. "Tell him to get away if he doesnt sangs to fall in there."

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