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I really wasn't sure what else to call this. Anyways, I'm planning to do an RP based on John Carpenter's The Thing/The Thing(2011). But I figured it wouldn't kill me to ask about the content. Considering it's based off the Thing, there will be plenty of gore and foul language(Though I assume sexual themes will be kept to a drastic low). Eould this be an RP I would need to do in a PM, or could I make a Thread just with a warning in the title such as Gore/Foul Language?
Sanne Moderator

The public forums need to be PG13 friendly at all times. That includes gory themes and language too, it doesn't only refer to sexual themes. It sounds like your RP will definitely not be PG13 friendly so it needs to be conducted through PMs or in a properly tagged group.

I always recommend that if you have to ask yourself whether something is appropriate for the public forums or not, play it safe and use PMs or a group. :) Just in case.
0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T Topic Starter

Alright, thanks
Kim Site Admin

Some foul language is allowed, though f-bombs and a few other swears are never permissible. Mild violence is okay. If you'd like to describe eviscerating people or tearing limbs off in graphic detail, we'd definitely ask you to keep that in PMs or in a properly labelled group. :)

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