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Forums » Smalltalk » I might disappear for a while.

Sanne Moderator

Sad, but true. As some might know, my desktop has been having real problems connecting to wireless and I don't have the ability to connect through a regular cable. So I'm limited to my netbook, which does work with wireless.

Problem is that I spilled iced tea over it tonight. The keyboard is a goner, and since some iced tea leaked inside I'm not even 100% sure if it's going to survive the coming couple of days. It still works right now, but for how long?

If my netbook dies I'm limited to my phone, which means I'll still be watching, but posting less.

If anyone is savvy with networks and can help me out (trust me, I'm an avid Googler and a nerd, I've tried EVERYTHING I can find and nothing works, so please be a real pro) send me a message.

Let's hope my netbook lives. I can hook up my desktop keyboard and mouse to it and that works.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Here's to hoping your netbook lives. You would be missed if you disappeared!
The cruel and evil tea!

I can't really help you, information/advice wise, but if my mom's old computer survived having Coca-cola spilled all over its electronic tiddly bits, then maybe your netbook will be okay? Just a thought. But hey, you hooked up a keyboard that works, so that's a start...

But seriously, here's hoping to either your desktop's connectivity being fixed with awesome, or the netbook holding up! As Darth said, you'd be (dearly) missed if you disappeared!
Kim Site Admin

NOOOO! Turn it off, turn it upside down, and use a hair dryer on the keyboard for as long as you have to! Don't turn it on again until you're certain it's completely dry! My poor college laptop has survived many years past its expected age despite a few drinks spilled on it thanks to a trusty hair drier.
My... my parents did not do that when I spilled soda all over Mom's computer.

But that mental image of them doing just that is hilarious to think about. Shame on me!

Not poking fun at your method in the least, Kim; I believe that that'll work. XD
What Kim suggests might have helped. I have no clue, but maybe somebody that is good in that stuff could clean it with alcohol? If it is dry completely it may not cause any problems hopefully. I need my Sanne :(
I'll miss my brother if you HAVE to disappear.. but please try the hair dryer. It's worked for me too! AND my Lappy was sitting IN water for God knows how long when I found it.. and it worked for another two years after that! :D

Good luck babe!! xo
Do what Kim said. I'm a semi-pro IT guy, and I run across this frequently in my circle of friends. Turn it off, flip it over, and take a hair dryer to it. You might try opening up the monitor and letting it hinge off the end of a table (this can be a bit risky), that's worked for me in the past.

Whatever happens, hurry back soon, Gregory!
If need be, take a big pan large enough to fit your laptop in, and pour rice over it. Rice will typically absorb any moisture it gets near. Leave it in the rice overnight, after you've done the hair-dryer thing. It's a little trick I learned from my days in the programming department at the local tech college.

I did this with my Droid 2, once, and by god it totally saved it from destruction (Seriously, ask Bones- even when the screen itself still had water trapped inside it, it was totally functioning. I didn't have to get it replaced until the charger port crapped out on it). I'm not sure if it can work on something as big as a laptop but it's worth a shotsky.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

I even went as far as popping the keyboard out and using a slightly damp q-tip to get all of the sticky residue off the casing beneath it. But if the iced tea ran into the hardware it's only a matter of time. There's too much sugar and acid in it for the hardware to withstand, dry or not doesn't even matter anymore.

But!! I have two plans. 1. I'm letting my Dad try to fix my computer's wifi. He's fixed the unfixable before. 2. If that fails I'm getting an empty USB modem from Vodafone and use my simcard from the netbook in the modem on my desktop. It won't be the fastest solution, but at least I can be online normally.
Somehow I expected to read some cooking recipe when I started to read the suggestion of rice. lol
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Jane wrote:
Somehow I expected to read some cooking recipe when I started to read the suggestion of rice. lol

Laptop à la Andryn?
The rice thing works great XD lol I say this because I've had a few accidents with various cellphones and want not. >.> it even worked on a buddy's car computer
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Rice would work if ut wasn't iced tea. See, the thing is that it's dry, but the keyboard is ruined because of the sugar. Makes it sticky. The sugar and the acid of the lemon juice in the tea kill hardware because it still eats away at the electronics even when dry. :(

So thanks for the wonderful suggestions, had it been just water it would be awesome, but this is much worse.

In any case I'll be around on my phone, just... less <.<

can keys come up for cleaning? Towelettes are gods.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator


No more cleaning necessary. I have hooked up my USB keyboard to it. Netbook keys are HELL to remove, clean and reapply (they work with a fancy locking mechanism that breaks the second you put pressure on the wrong spot, and boy is it hard to find the right spot).

If it continues to live then I can look into getting a replacement keyboard. Or I go and buy one of those super cheap USB keyboards just for the netbook.
darth_angelus wrote:
Jane wrote:
Somehow I expected to read some cooking recipe when I started to read the suggestion of rice. lol

Laptop à la Andryn?

Sort of yes XD

So Sanne, is everything working or what? I wish to know, yeys. Also, if you're wifi is being finnicky (I thought I read that earlier? Maybe I didn't and I'm confused again), you could always look into a cheap usb wireless adapter. I've used several and have good enough luck with them - you can also attach it to a satellite dish if you want REALLY good reception.

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