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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Everlasting cold

Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Souliana looked at the deer."That it did."She shook her head."Lets get these back to the cave."She picked up her own deer in her jaws.
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Silver picks her own deer up in her jaws, the deer frozen stiff.
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Souliana walked toward the place where Agrona and Sinatra were,careful not to bloody her jaws with the deer's blood.
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Silver followed, the deer so frozen its blood wasn't seen outside.
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Souliana placed her deer down gently at the entrance of the cave."Come out you two,we caught some deer."Souliana yelled into the mouth of the cave.
Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Sinatra steps out, shivering a bit.
Agrona (played by ChaosTheMew)

"Are you okay?"Agrona asked Sinatra when she came out.
Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''J..j..just cold, as usual.'' She stammered, smiling a bit.
Agrona (played by ChaosTheMew)

Agrona nodded then looked at Souliana."I guess I should make the fire out here.Go ahead and skin those Souliana."Agrona looked back at Sinatra."Do you wanna go back in the cave?"
Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Sinatra nods, and heads into the cave once more.
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Souliana blew blue flames on the deer,cooking it.
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Silver set her deer down close by, immediatly causing it to thaw out.
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

Souliana watched Silver's deer thaw out."It's still a little strange that your deer froze when you touched it."
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Very strange. I don't think my saliva is that cold.''
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

"Well your genetics may have been changed when you were trapped in the ice for so long."
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

"I mean your powers must have been changed."
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''So my powers could have shifted because of the time I was frozen, correct?''
Souliana (played by ChaosTheMew)

"It's possible.I've seen it happen with a demon before."
Silvers Fear Sinatra (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''The only mystery is why the blizzard started, and why my angel is frozen etenerally.''

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