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Forums » RP Discussion » Your first dose of roleplaying.


So, what got you into roleplaying? I am curious and I would like to know. This seems like a fun topic, right?

I first started way back in the day on Neopets. Way before they became seemly strict with their rules and everyone pretty much afraid to RP.

I later joined Gaia in my more derpy years when it was known as "Go-Gaia". I had some fun there until everything went south and got really stale.

I later did private Rps with friends on MSN messenger and joined a place called "RPOW" which is now defunct. Imet some of the most awesome people on that site as well.
    Where did you first roleplay at?
    What made you get into roleplay?
    How long have you been roleplaying?

Share your tales!
My RPing started around the age 10, Finnish RP sites, mostly Ginga series centered or dog animals in one or more ways

English RPing on a now dead site Dragon Adopters. I didn't like that one to be honest. The RPs I got to join either never happened or the other players ignored all my posts
In the end, the best thing was a full on randomness RP where everyone acted as their avatars would. It was great, but trolls and godmodders got it banned

And the rest never went anywhere

and now I'm here
My first rp was on miiverse back when it first started. Alot of us had fun, though me being the oldest was weird at times. Any way, i diped in rps every now and then, but i didnt really get into an rp for a while until two that i had joined. (Most died before they started.) I was really into pokemon, so the two where pokemon high, and pokecruise as we called it. After a while they died, but it eas still fun.
Asroc Topic Starter

Reima wrote:
My RPing started around the age 10, Finnish RP sites, mostly Ginga series centered or dog animals in one or more ways

English RPing on a now dead site Dragon Adopters. I didn't like that one to be honest. The RPs I got to join either never happened or the other players ignored all my posts
In the end, the best thing was a full on randomness RP where everyone acted as their avatars would. It was great, but trolls and godmodders got it banned

And the rest never went anywhere

and now I'm here


Neopets RPs have gone down hill. The strict rules is one thing,but most of the RPs are all the same there now. School or giftred RPs.

Gaia pretty much is all "slave" or "Boys/girls in cages".

Thenost fun I had out of an RP in my younger days was a fandom board that had a pub RP. Never have forgotten the day when Samanosuke played by me entered a bar ran by Megaman and asked for directions.
I started RPing with someone who.. I pretty much hate more than anyone else alive xD It's odd, that this is the only thing I gained from spending time with her.

It was mostly just over text messages, really shallow armature stuff. I got into RPing on LotRO, and have done most of my interactions there over the last four years. Yet, the community on my server has started to go south, so I'm gradually losing interest.

I've always looked to it as two things: An escape from reality, and an outlet of creativity. Though, when your fantasy starts to turn darker than your reality, you kind of start to tread back into the latter.

I started on Miiverse, I had gained lots of friends and well, the Fnaf fandom kind of ruined it all. I only Roleplayed with my friends from that point on, doing stuff like PokeHumans, writing stories, and RPing a lot about different animes. But that stopped when the Big Miiverse Redesign where you could only use 30 posts/comments a day came. It still is there. I left Miiverse and came here.

(I for to Miiverse sometimes to chat with my friends, just to show I'm not cruel abandoning them)
I believe it was playing two-player video games and acting out the characters vocally for me...
then writing in notebooks back and forth between friends during recess at school.

Then slowly on MSN messenger, and Gaia which was go-gaia back then...
I don't think I ever RPed on Neopets cause I was scared of breaking rules.
Now I'm on here, Skype, Gaia, and a few other small communities.
Aaaaages ago on Neopets... Indeed, before the rules got too strict. 6+ years ago? I think it was mostly Warrior Cats, a few Pokemon roleplays here or there, and a lot of crossover stuff. Main reasons for me starting to roleplay was it helped give me a way to develop my grammar, play as my favorite characters or those I made up, and just use my imagination.

I stopped roleplaying on there as the rules and policies became very restrictive, even if I didn't do anything that really broke them. At the moment I'm part of a big group RP on FeralHeart, though I've lost interest due to issues.. Tried Tumblr for a bit, did pretty well, before going on hiatus and coming back only to find nobody was really interested in a RP with me anymore.

Now it's mainly skype,, hopefully, once I find some fitting topics for my characters.
My first rp was when I was nine my best friend at the time, she was 12, but she was like, HEY COME DO DISSSS and then I made my first character ever and he is still my main to this day, but we even all the way with it, my first rp took place inside a temple and ark was a priest, but the rules I rped by are so different then back then lol but it was with a DnD group, but we moved to Yahoo when one of the older members found out about it :P

But I have been using ark for 17 years, next month will make 18
I sort of eased into it, and it'd be tricky to define a beginning.

I sort of got my toes wet hanging out in a chat I used to frequent, though that was mostly just me and one other guy trying to out-kill each other in ridiculous ways. (I usualy won via acid-spewing zombie dragon.)

Through that chat, I ended up with a somewhat more RP-ish setup as a forum that was sort-of a town, but it was mostly just us pretending to hang out. Despite an unfortunate experience there, I ended up looking for similar things and discovered proper forum RP. The now-defunct site that really got me into the community was a ProBoards site called Embyr Haven.

I've since bounced around some places, and have come to rest here. :)

deviantART used to have very populated chatrooms back in the day! i started in #RPDream, i think, or this meerkat dream on furcadia.
I've been RPing for a year now, not long, but I guess long enough XD I started out on Miiverse, which, back before the Redesign, was loaded with Roleplays. Checked out one, found out the basics, then posted my first one with Kyle. It was the most fun I'd had in ages, which really got me more into it. Actually, that Roleplay's still going XD

I began RPing from a young age when I'd enact fictional kingdoms using Lego people and sets; I didn't really know what role-playing was then but it was a primitive form of it. A buddy of mine had his own 'kingdom' too and we'd come up with elaborate storylines involving them and people from our made up lands.

Once we got internet when I was in my early teens I began doing Star Wars RP online or 'simming' as it was called then. I played on AOL chat rooms and was a member of several groups; primarily it was space combat but it gave me more of a taste for written RP and online games.

I didn't learn what D&D was until high school but once I realized there were entire pen and paper games I was hooked. I played Rifts, D&D 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 then segued into Pathfinder, along with Vampire the Masquerade and other OWoD game lines though I prefer NWoD more. My real life schedule has drastically eliminated my ability to play table top now, however, but I do enjoy online play a good deal.
Where did you first roleplay at?
- I actually started on lined paper when I was around 11 or 12! A friend and I passed a sheet of paper back and forth and afterwards, I wrote everything down as a story seen from one of my character's perspective. I use to read them aloud to the kids at the school library!
As we got older, both of us had computers and internet, so we started using MSN instead of papers. I started to explore the big interweb, and found kindred spirits on the Danish GoSupermodel, which is a website for girls. Writing with them went on for years, but 1,5 year ago I lost the friend I had been RPing with since I was 13, because she found that her new friends at university were better than old friends. I tried the Gosupermodel site again, but most of them were mostly interested in kidnapped teens, Harry Potter RP's and the like - which is cool, but not my thing. That's how I (finally) found RPR! :D

What made you get into roleplay?
- I think I've always been into playing with dolls and pretending to be a princess, so as I got older the need for using my imagination was still there. I feel like if I don't use my imagination, my head might swell up and explode.

How long have you been roleplaying?
- I suppose I've been roleplaying for about a decade, or half of my life, actually!
ThePsychicBruiser wrote:
How long have you been roleplaying?
Since before Dungeons and Dragons became "advanced". :D Been role-playing pretty steadily since, in one form or another.
ThePsychicBruiser wrote:
What made you get into roleplay?
I like stories and the art of storytelling, how ideas can be explored and how entire worlds can grow and change. I have an active imagination and love taking ideas, concepts, and looking at them from different perspectives.
ThePsychicBruiser wrote:
Where did you first roleplay at?
My friend's living room, where we gathered for our near-daily sessions. As we grew up, they became weekly, and at different homes over the years. I've been role-playing on-line for around fifteen years, first having gotten into real-time role-play on and such. I saw a link to someone's Repository profile on one of those, and really liked the site as a whole, so ended up staying.
Woah. I must've been around the age of 10-11 when I went to a Swedish/Danish site called It was mostly rps with animals(mostly dogs, wolves and foxes) and such.

Haha. Good times. I'm sad it closed.
Oh cripes... Ancient history, inbound. I don't know how I happened upon it, probably searching for RPG-related material back before Google knew what you wanted before you did. Wound up doing some forum-based stuff on a couple of small sites before being introduced to a site called Darkness... RPed there for several years, and was even the head moderator for the Roleplaying section for a while.
Asroc Topic Starter

Kestriar wrote:

Now it's mainly skype,, hopefully, once I find some fitting topics for my characters.

I would like to RP with you. You seem cool~

Does anyone ever remember Yahoo clubs? I RPed there as well.
I personally started rping on a site called after discovering the pet site accidentally when I was 8 or so. I played on there for a year or so and even transitioned to Neopets back when people would do the 'a spiders web named blah blahblah' and then we'd rp on AIM. I ended up on furcadia at age 10 or so, and more or less exclusively played feral horses for the better part of a year before creating Ehen. With that math, I've been rping for an excess of 14 years. Jeez.

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