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rubber ball (played anonymously)

Rubber ball bounces off of klaus's head "QUIT BEING STATIONARY FIGHT THAT BITCH" and continues bouncing in the sidelines
jukilo (played by jaykob) Topic Starter

rubber ball wrote:
Rubber ball bounces off of klaus's head "QUIT BEING STATIONARY FIGHT THAT BITCH" and continues bouncing in the sidelines

(Ok everyone just ignore this rubber ball. the person playing him obviously id just trying to be a troll)
rubber ball (played anonymously)

Klaus (played anonymously)

Klaus sighed in relief. He was almost found out, but he managed to make it look smooth.

I've gotta stay focused or any one of those attacks could end this fight... Klaus drew a short sword from his cloak.

"That all you got?" he immediately regretted taunting him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

"Bad question."I ran towards him punching at his stomach.
Klaus (played anonymously)

Klaus dove to the side, but the attack ended up grazing his side. However, just like before, Zero could not feel the impact of the strike as Klaus rolled to a standing position.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I didn't waste time as i tried to roundhouse kick him in the face.
Klaus (played anonymously)

Crap, no time to dodge! he thought as the attack passed through his face.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

"W-what!"I jumped away from him."What the hell was that."
Klaus (played anonymously)

"Damn..." he said as he slowly stood up.

"Well, it looks like the jig is up. It's my ability." he said nonchalantly. "Most of the times you've attacked me, it just passes through me. I can use it to my advantage though and make it look like I dodged it. I was hoping to keep that up a little longer, but you're just too fast for me I guess." he shrugged.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

"That's a very useful ability.I'm not ready to reveal my own just yet."
Klaus (played anonymously)

"You mean you haven't already? I saw the teleporting crap you pulled earlier."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I sighed and facepalmed."I just moved fast enough to leave an image of me behind like this."I faded away and was behind him tossing rapid punches as his back ready to end this.
Klaus (played anonymously)

All of the attacks passed through him, and Klaus threw a back elbow at him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I caught the elbow and punched at his face.
Klaus (played anonymously)

It passed through his face and he grabbed at his arm with both hands.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I kicked at his legs.
Klaus (played anonymously)

It passed through them and he jumped back.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

Is there no way to attack this guy and hit.I got close to him and punched at him, but instead of going thru with the punch i witched instantly to a kick.
Klaus (played anonymously)

It still passed through him.

It sucks how my ability's been revealed, but as long as he doesn't exploit the weakness, I'm still safe for now he thought.

(Figured I was being unfair, so hint hint)

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