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Forums » Smalltalk » AaAaAA!!!

Sanne Moderator

A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is one of my favorite games on Steam outside of the FPS range. My boyfriend and I have been taking turns playing it, being frustrated and yelling "NO NO NO NO AAAAAA!!" or "HELL YEAH!!!" many times. As a person with a phobia of heights and falling, this game is strangely amusing all the same. XD

If you haven't played it, I suggest you do :D Do you play it? I want to know your favorite part of it!!!

haven't heard of it, but i might suggest trying inversion or gravity rush when they come out, depending on what consoles you have.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Only PC. I don't have any consoles.

hmm. I know gravity rush is vita, i'll see if inversion is also going pc. I'll have an answer soon. :x
Kim Site Admin

I had not heard of this one! I have it bookmarked now. :D

just checked with my boss. :/ no pc announced yet. Inversion is 3ps x gravity games. Seems right up your alley. Too bad. If i hear it announced for PC, i'll tell you.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Thanks for the suggestion. :) I'm not sure they're games I'll like, but if there is a PC version (possibly a demo) of them I might try them.
Kim wrote:
I had not heard of this one! I have it bookmarked now. :D

Sweet! :D Alex is having bunches of fun with it. The levels are all amazing and there's a special kind of humor in the game that makes me appreciate it a ton. Just reading the messages with each level is worth it. There are meditation levels that relax and don't relax you ("Don't think of bugs crawling around and into your nose. Relax.")

Personally I had some issues with the 'sense' of falling at first, but since the environment is very fictional it makes it less real.
Kim Site Admin

Sanne wrote:
("Don't think of bugs crawling around and into your nose. Relax.")

OH MAN I'm so glad I had just swallowed this mouthful of tea before reading that or we would have had proooooblems. Now I have to try that game.

That makes me think of

Darth_Angelus Moderator

I bought this game in a Steam sale but never got around to playing it.
Oooo. I might give this game a try when I get home!
That video is freaking hilarious xD I don't think I could relax to the Dalek though hahahaha!

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