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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded. "Yeah, just not use riding on top of animals." She yelled back over the wind. She heard some of what the vampire the saw earlier said. She looked overher shoulder to see what he was up too.
I guess that stupid vampire won't be giving up so soon.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion smirked.
"Hold on to me! Dont think that vampire will catch up so soon either! We are going full speed!" Xion yelled to Jean over the wind.
Xion softly kicked his heel into Tithan's flank. Tithan suddenly sped up to full speed. Xion and Jean were flying across the ocean at 120 mph, the land behind them dissapeared from view within a matter of seconds.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and held on to Xion. She sighed in relief to see the land they left was behind and so was the vampire. She might have a deal with him, but doesn't mean she won't break it once Satan gives up his place in hell for her.
Three more years and I'll be to get that vampire back for bitting me. Jean would hold a grugde forever if needed.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion held onto Tithan's fur as they raced across the ocean. In only a matter of hours, land appeared on the horizon. The sun had already started to come up. Tithan slowed down to 100 mph but kept up the pace from there.
Xion looked back to Jean.
Kai was seriously having second thoughts about following Xion and Jean. That he was perched over the rail of the ship, trying to act suave and not sea sick wasn't helping. He blamed the sheer amount of water beneath him, around him, he gagged.

"The things I do for fun," he muttered to himself. And the faint trail he was following was thinning. He might as well be following teleporters at this rate.

"Hurry up already!" He snapped at the captain. "I don't have a week's worth of blood to spare!" The ship lurched and Kai grabbed the rail.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean looked over her shoulder again and saw what looked like a boat far away. She caught the vampire's scent and glared at the ship. "Damn vampire." She growled in a low voice.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Jean hold on to me tightly! Wrap your legs around my waist! Im gonna have to carry you from here!" Xion snapped when he realized that Tithan was about go back to his realm.
Damn it Tithan! We are still over the water! Xion thought.
Xion knew he was alot faster than Tithan when it came to running but he felt safer with Tithan.
Oh well. At least i can run on water.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and did as Xion told her to. She though she could hide them all from the vampire if she called upon the shadows but she didn't know if it would work. She tried it but she couldn't tell if it was working for just her all of them. All she knew was that all presences of them were possiblely hidden.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Tithan suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke. They fell to the water and Xion channeled his energy to his feet, enabling him to stand on water. Xion took off at a slow speed then sped up to his full speed. Colors and shapes were impossible to make out at Xion's speed now.
"Close your eyes Jean!" Xion yelled over the wind.
More oathes and swears tumbled from Kai's mouth as he lost track of them altogether. The sailors gave him a wide berth, afraid he'd eat them in his anger. They were probably right. As it was he didn't have much of a stomach for anything right now--certainly not blood.

"Just take me to the nearest port." Kai growled. "I don't care where it is--I want off this stupid boat!" He grumbled to himself as the captain adjusted their course.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean closed her eyes, hoping that the shadows worked. "Xion, I'm trying to use the shadows to hide our presences. I don't know if they are working but I believe they are." Jean had caught some of what the vampire said when she used the shadows, but she knew they wouldn't last long.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Good job. We are traveling faster than the speed of sound right now. We are almost to the middle of Romania," Xion said.
Half a second later, Xion came to a stop and set Jean down gently.
"We're here," he said as he leaned against a tree.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean opened her eyes. "Okay, I don't know how much longer I can keep the shadows around." Jean could tell they were still strong around them but after an hour they'll start to fade giving hints of her's and Xion's presnces.
Land. Sweet land! Kai waited until they were firmly docked before he attacked the soldiers who had brought him thus far. He saved the captain for last--and then on a whim decided not to kill him. He drank him to within an inch of his life, however.

"Thanks for the tour, guys." Kai slipped off the ship and into town, trying to figure out where he was. He didn't recognize some of the languages, but really who needed to understand the foreign cries of "help!" and "aaauuugh!" to know what they were saying. After all, he had time to kill while he waited for the trail to resurface.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion started to walk away towards a town.
"Well we will be fine. I have some people i need to meet up with here but after that we head to Transylvania. Thats where we should find the person im looking for.." he murmured the last part to himself.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and followed behind Xion. She had a feeling the vampire I had docked here, she hoped that wasn't so. "Should I dispell the shadows so the people you need to meet can see us?"
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Please if you wouldnt mind," Xion said nicely.
Shortly after he said that, they came to the edge of a small town.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and dispelled the shadows, now their presences where known to those who could tell.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion walked up to a shop and held the door open for Jean. Then walked in behind her, shutting the door.
"Xion! de ce esti aici? stii ca te va ucide în cazul în care veţi găsi aici. de rău pentru buisness!" a man came out of a room, speaking in Romanian.
Xion smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Im îngerul morţii. ei cant ucide ceva asta e deja mort. Pe langa partea de mort, cu mine şi de viaţă încercaţi să staţi departe de mine," Xion replied.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean just smiled, she knew only three different languages, Romanian was not one of them but she did know one senctence in the language. "Buna ziua, am Jean." that was the only senctence she knew in all languages.

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