This is just for fun; no one has to participate, though I highly encourage it!
So just at any point in time (I don't want to put a set time limit because that might leave some people out due to busy schedules), RP something outside your comfort zone! No, not like adult content, but take some time to RP with someone or in a genre that you don't normally wouldn't Rp.
Example: Say you normally RP fantasy. Perhaps try a sci-fi or modern rp with a friend or stranger. Maybe you don't normally RP with other peoples' female characters, or you don't usually rp with furries/nekos. There are a wide variety of characters on this site, so find one to rp with!
I think this will be at least mildly successful here, since the community is generally open minded.
Use this topic to discuss ideas or ask questions! Even tell us how your experience went (no need to use names, also, try to be more positive than negative).
So just at any point in time (I don't want to put a set time limit because that might leave some people out due to busy schedules), RP something outside your comfort zone! No, not like adult content, but take some time to RP with someone or in a genre that you don't normally wouldn't Rp.
Example: Say you normally RP fantasy. Perhaps try a sci-fi or modern rp with a friend or stranger. Maybe you don't normally RP with other peoples' female characters, or you don't usually rp with furries/nekos. There are a wide variety of characters on this site, so find one to rp with!
I think this will be at least mildly successful here, since the community is generally open minded.
Use this topic to discuss ideas or ask questions! Even tell us how your experience went (no need to use names, also, try to be more positive than negative).
Ignore this. I thought I pressed edit but accidentally pressed reply xD
It does sound like it could be fun, but I'm lazy, so... if I fit the bill for anyone, feel free to contact me. If you wouldn't normally play with me, there's a good chance I wouldn't normally play with you, right? ^^
True! I don't normally rp with teenage characters, and you have one, so why not? I'll be open tomorrow. Class is canceled due to weather.
I should be good to go then. I've never played with a furry before, so that satisfies the demands of the challenge for me. Never even heard of a Lumivone, actually. Did you come up with them yourself?
Hah, I don't count them as furries, honestly. They're not... fluffy enough lol. But yeah, I made them up. You should be able to click the word 'Lumivone' in Stell's profile for some info.
I did. It's pretty in-depth. I'm jealous. My poor Corvitans have a picture and a few random facts in a Notepad document, and that's it.

Haha Only the actual species has some facts about em. I still have a long way to go with em.
I like this idea. I'm in. Now to wait for people who don't RP Fantasy (or people who RP furries and that kinda stuff).
I feel kind of lost here. I don't HAVE an 'outside the comfort zone'. I RP everything!! (except for adult content.
I can be the middle person, the one who can be the opposite to someone else?

I can be the middle person, the one who can be the opposite to someone else?

Oh, I'm sure there's something you don't play all that much, Celestina. Example- all of your characters on RPR are female. Do you play male characters often?
trinfan wrote:
Oh, I'm sure there's something you don't play all that much, Celestina. Example- all of your characters on RPR are female. Do you play male characters often?
Actually, I do have a male character. xD Two that I play. I don't play them OFTEN, normally because I only get on them to play with certain people. xD But if the need arose I'd play them more.
I have a lot more characters than I have on RPR =x
So do I- my last spreadsheet clocked out at 273 characters with at least basic background (name, age, species, origin, orientation, job, and history), not including one-off characters I made up for a scene and never touched again, and not including AU versions. I'm such a character whore. 
Point is, nearly 30 of them are female, but comparatively speaking, I don't play girls that often, so I think playing a female character would qualify for this challenge. Not something I haven't ever played and not something that I would dislike playing, just something I don't play often.

Point is, nearly 30 of them are female, but comparatively speaking, I don't play girls that often, so I think playing a female character would qualify for this challenge. Not something I haven't ever played and not something that I would dislike playing, just something I don't play often.
Hmmmn... I'm currently involved in a fantasy renaissance RP, a futuristic sci-fi RP, and a modern fantasy RP. The latter two of which are a bit of a divergence for me, but so far I'm really enjoying it.
I don't think I have time right now to strike up any more RPs, but I wonder what I'd do if I were going to try something else... Horror/survival genre, maybe? I don't think I've ever done that.
I don't think I have time right now to strike up any more RPs, but I wonder what I'd do if I were going to try something else... Horror/survival genre, maybe? I don't think I've ever done that.
I pretty much have done way too much kinds of RP
I play males, females, ITS. I've also done futuristic and contemporary (although that has been a while). I've also done kids, teens, adults and OLDCREEPYMAN.
Hrm, steampunk, perhaps!

Hrm, steampunk, perhaps!

I've always wanted to try steampunk, hahaha.
This is a very interesting challenge! I'm fond of the idea.
When it comes to characters, most of mine seem to be aging males with an affinity for magic. I should try someone more brutish, or maybe younger, or maybe a lady. Or... or maybe all three at the same Time! Eureka!
If you guys start up some kind of steampunk roleplay, though, I'm on that like a fat man on twinkies.
When it comes to characters, most of mine seem to be aging males with an affinity for magic. I should try someone more brutish, or maybe younger, or maybe a lady. Or... or maybe all three at the same Time! Eureka!
If you guys start up some kind of steampunk roleplay, though, I'm on that like a fat man on twinkies.
STEAMPUNK IT IS. I've always wanted to design a steampunk version of Ulrin. OR EDWIN.
I've wanted to try steampunk, but I just can't wrap my mind around the basic concepts of it. I can make the connection between steampunk and gears as a fashion accessory, and that's about it. What makes steampunk steampunk? Or should I make a separate thread for that?
trinfan wrote:
I've wanted to try steampunk, but I just can't wrap my mind around the basic concepts of it. I can make the connection between steampunk and gears as a fashion accessory, and that's about it. What makes steampunk steampunk? Or should I make a separate thread for that?
I ditto that! Come to think of it, I've never done steampunk 'cause I don't know what it is.

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