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Forums » General Roleplay » The Warp Beast (CLOSED)

Diopside and Cat's Eye were sitting on their couch. The two had found an abandoned Gem Temple to live in, with the two scavenging as much tech from the ship they took to Earth as possible, hooking up a decent number of computers. The two were currently watching some human programming with Diopside eagerly bouncing in place as she waited a "Crying Breakfast Friends" marathon to begin. Suddenly, the channel cut to a news report from a helicopter. Far below the helicopter was a giant snake of some sort, obviously a corrupted Gem. Diopside's eyes widened as a grin spread on her face.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"She began before getting cut off. "What's got you so excited? It's a corrupted gem, an emerald by the looks of its gem. Nothing real special. Planets covered in these things." Cat's eye said unimpressed. "WE CAN CAPTURE OUR FIRST CORRUPTED GEM!" Diopside declared loudly hopping up, and darting over to the Warp Pad. "I'll be right back!" Diopside said. "Dee! Wait! We don't-" Cat's Eye began as Diopside activated the Warp Pad. Cat's Eye gave a sigh. "We don't even know where this thing is...." She grumbled.

After several minutes, the Warp Pad reactivated and Diopside was standing on it, grinning ear to ear. Clutched underneath her arms were a confused Mrganite, and an angry Carnelian. "I GOT HELP!" Diopside said eagerly.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

"Grphah!! RAAAAGH!!" An oddly small Carnelian flailed like an enraged animal in the arms of Diopside. "Once you let go of me, I swear I'll poof you so hard you'd practically crack!!" Under the other arm was a gentle Morganite, "Excuse me, Carnelian. I don't think that would be very kind of you to do, nor is it kind to say." She looked up at Diopside, "But perhaps an explanation or warning would help next time?" Morganite had a slight smile from her confusion so as to not seem upset. Carnelian, on the other hand, was huffing and puffing so much her hair practically inflated and deflated with her.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"We're Gonna be CORRUPTED GEM HUNTERS!" Diopside bellowed, dropping Morganite and Carnelian as she jumped into the air. "We saw this big green snakey thing on the TV, and-and Cat's Eye said it was a corrupted Emerald and OHMYGOSHWE'REGONNACATCHOURFIRSTCORRUPTEDGEM!" Diopside rambled, barely able to control herself. "Dee! Calm down, and breathe." Cat's Eye said, walking over to Diopside and trying to calm her down.

"Sorry Diopside dragged you two into this."Cat's Eye said to Morganite and Carnelian. "I mean, honestly we don't even know where the Corrupted gem even is." Cat's Eye said. "I can figure it out!" Diopside said, zipping over to the TV. She re-winded it to the report that showed the Corrupted Emerald. It was clearly slithering through the outskirts of a forest. Diopside zipped over to another computer bringing up some kind of map labeled "Warp Pad Map!" in crudely written Gem script. "I think it might be here." Diopside said, poking one of the dots representing the warp pads. A profile came up, displaying an image of a large sprawling forest, with a description of the area.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

"Oh dear," Morganite said, concerned as she looked over to Carnelian. "I'm not sure that's the best thing to--"
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! I'M GONNA BUST UP THAT GEM!!" Carnelian was jumping up and down, stomping around, pushing Carnelian and Diopside off of the warp pad in order to ensure that she'd be the one to do so. "Carnelian, wai--" She warped off. Morganite got up and dusted herself off, warping after her knowing well how bad Carnelian tends to accidentally mess up.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Diopside and Cat's Eye blinked, both confused and surprisedb y Carnelian's sudden outburst. "I didn't know we were going right now..." Diopside said. Cat's Eye sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Come on Diopside. Let's get this over with." Cat's Eye said. "But Crying Breakfast Friends..." Diopside whined, glancing at the TV. "Diopside, come on. You were so dead set on finding this Emerald a few minutes ago." Cat's eye said. Diopside whimpered as Crying Breakfast Friends started, before reluctantly heading over to the warp pad.

The warp pad activated, sending Cat's Eye and Diopside to the forest. Cat's Eye immediately pulled her weapon, a long mace, out and had it ready. "Carnelian? Morganite?" Cat's Eye called out, as she and Diopside stepped off the warp pad.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

A few trees flew up into the air, broken into pieces. "Carnelian, calm down and focus!" Morganite ran into the forest towards the sounds of monster screeches and destruction. Several more trees flew into the air with strange flashes and bolts going all over. "Carnelian! Careful, you're being too reckless! Please!"
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Cat's Eye and Diopside both headed in the direction they heard the noises and that they saw the trees. Carnelian soon was coiled up by the Emerald. The Emerald bit down on Carnelian's head, releasing her, before throwing her off into the distance. "HEY! Don;t throw my friends!" Diopside shouted, pulling out her claw gauntlets. The Emerald suddenly turned, facing Diopside and Cat's Eye. Diopside charged forward, with Cat's Eye lobbing energy bolt from her long mace at the Emerald. Diopside launched herself into the air, planning to land on the Emerald's head. Unfortuantely, the Emerald's til whipped through the air, sending Diopside flying before she could do anything.
Sulfur (played anonymously)

There were loud, heavy foot falls off in the distance. One could easily see that something big and heavy was making its way through the forest towards the Gems and the Corrupted. It was tall, at least 12', it was wide and making the trees it bumped into bend or sometimes snap as it lurched through the underbrush and foliage. As it drew closer one could better begin to make out its shape and color. It looked vaguely humanoid, massively built and was comprised of sickly yellow crystal; there was a glow deep within it as well as a shadow of another being inside. As it made it into the clearing where the battle was taking place it stopped for a moment - as if taking in the situation around it.

It looked unsure as to what it would do next.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

"Carneli-AUGH!!" Morganite yelped as the snake's tail sent her flying into a few trees. As she pulled herself out of the tree, she heard the war cry of her Carnelian. "YOU SON OF A B-" She was run over by it as it rushed through the area. Morganite ran to her aid, grabbing her arm and pulling her out from under the slithery fiend. "Carnelian, you have to be careful! You might crack yourself!" Morganite worried for her, and yet Carnelian did not listen. She glared at the monster and got ready to pull her weapon back out. Morganite held her close, trying not to let her run off recklessly. As she held her back, she noticed a strange giant figure moving their way. She couldn't help but wonder if it was another corrupted gem on its way, but stopped once she realized Carnelian began antagonizing the corrupted gem again. She let out a battle cry as she slammed her spiked ball on chain into the beast. It screeched in pain, "Yeah, that's right you ugly monster," Carnelian roared. Morganite leaped toward her, "Look out!" The corrupted gem's tail swung at them, sending both of them flying.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE?!" Cat's Eye yelped when she saw the other Gem show up. "Why'd Diopside decide we needed to capture these things?!" Cat's Eye whined to herself. The Emerald hissed at the new Gem, but didn't have a chance to attack or run before one of Diopside's "claw drones" latched onto its face.

Diopside soon jumped onto the Emerald as it flailed around. "I THINK WE'RE MAKING IT TIRED!" Diopside declared proudly, before noticing the new Gem. "OH! WE CAN CAPTURE TWO! AWESOME!" Diopside declared, suddenly releasing the Emerald, resulting her being thrown off.
Sulfur (played anonymously)

The giant yellow crystal golem pushed aside the smaller Gems in its way and made a full body tackle towards the serpentine emerald. The collision made a shockwave and a resounding boom. The pungent odor of sulfur began to fill the air as the golem wrestled to get a good hold of the snake. It was more difficult than it seemed, even for the giant yellow beast!
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

A loud boom could be heard in the direction where Morganite and Carnelian were thrown. A moment later, trees went flying into the air, raining down on the two monsters. They hardly caused much damage, but were still enough to be a nuisance. Carnelian could be seen running back into the fray with two ball-on-chains being swung around, each with four spiked balls splitting off around the last third of the chain. "You friggin' stupid ugly monsters!! Raaaaaagh!!" Carnelian began flailing her weapons around carelessly, striking the ground, trees, and the enemies among things.

"Carnelian," Morganite yelled, running to her, "You need to calm down! If you don't focus, someone might get hurt!" Alas, she was not heard over the loud battle cries and continued to try to assist from a safe distance. "Carnelian, if you don't focus, you won't win!" Carnelian yelled even louder. "You have to focus! If you act too recklessly, you'll just get yourself hurt!" Carnelian continued her rampage, nearly hitting Morganite in the process. "Please, Carnelian, you're not strong enough to take too many more hi-"
"WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!" Carnelian turned at her, enraged. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!!" Morganite stood silent with a look of concern and guilt. Carnelian turned around once more to continue her assault on the enemies.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The Emerald hissed loudly, wiggling and squirming managing to slither out of the other monster's grip, and free of the trees. It turned to face carnelian as she charged. It hissed as its feathers rattled, suddenly hardening into metallic plates. Emerald swung its tail, with the feathers at the tip igniting into a green fire-like energy, launching the feathers at Carnelian.
Sulfur (played anonymously)

The yellow behemoth was just starting to get ahold of the serpentine emerald monster, even getting so far as to begin to reach out towards its gem. That is until a tree came hurtling at him out of nowhere and distracted his concentration, his grip slipping even more as tree after tree and a tiny Gem warrior came in guns blazing.

Once the serpent had escaped and buried him under the pile of thick trees did the behemoth change from offense to defense.

As the corrupted Emerald hurled its hardened tail feathers at the orange one the yellow titan tossed several shards of its armor from its arm at the feathers to deflect and alter their trajectory away from the smaller Gems below.

Each shard, sometimes even plural shards would find a target and explode on impact sending the feathers way off course and into the forest beyond.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The Emerald hissed once more as Carnelian drew nearer. It swung its tail again, sending Carnelian flying again. It turned and immediately charged in the direction of the Warp Pad. IT reached the warp pad and slithered onto it, staring down at the device. It hissed and growled, eventually beginning to smack its tail into the Warp Pad. It glanced up seeing Diopside and Cats Eye charging at it. The Emerald launched a flurry of feathers at the two before launching itself into the air. The Emerald's feathers hardened as it begin to spin like a rill. It hit the ground and immediately tunneled deep into the ground, escaping.

"Oh man!" Diopside groaned. "It got away." She whined. "You're a scout. You've gone through worse than a hole in the ground before." Cat's Eye mentioned. "OH! THERE'S THE OTHER CORRUPTED GEM! WE CAN CATCH THAT ONE!" Diopside suddenly declared picking Cat's Eye up and barreling over to the Yellow Giant.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

Carnelian let out a quick, disgruntled snort as the snake ran off, completely unfazed by the explosions. She charged after it, screaming out some nasty insults. "Carnelian, please!" Morganite chased after her once again, slowly catching up to her. "Carnelian, wait! Please!" She dove onto her, rolling into a tree while holding on. "Let go of me, I need to defeat that freak of nature!!" Carnelian squirmed and flailed as Morganite held her down, growling and yelling in frustration. "Carnelian," Morganite spoke in a scared and concerned tone, "please calm down! I know you like to fight, but you need to learn to not let it take over you so much!"
"You don't understand! You'll never understand!"
"I've heard that plenty of times already! Just please, calm down a little and focus on the threat that's still here at least!"
Carnelian continued her frustrated flailing for a few moments and managed to calm down a little. She was clearly still upset, but seemed as if she actually listened to what Morganite had to say. She got up with her, "Alright. I'll do that then. Just this once." Morganite grew a small smile, relieved that Carnelian had listened to her again, which was somewhat rare.

Carnelian walked toward the yellow golem, pulling her weapons back out, letting the spikes emerge and drag in the dirt behind her. "You wanna take me on, don't you? Alright. I'll show you what I'm really capable of." She swung her chains at the monster, getting the spiked balls stuck on a few parts and trying to pull it down. Of course, she struggled for a moment before being pulled into the air due to her inability to overpower it alone. Morganite grew antsy, but knowing she could not fight, she simply stood there and yelled for her friend. "Carnelian!"
Sulfur (played anonymously)

The Yellow Crystal golem looked down at the smaller Gems below that were all beginning to crowd in around it, it would try to take a few steps back before becoming cornered by a collection of large trees. It looked about for a possible escape but was hopelessly out numbered. With no other alternative the golem swung its massive heavy arms onto the ground in front of it. The arms embedded into the ground and began to grow outwards and upwards like a giant ten foot wall that was incredibly thick should the Gems beyond it try to penetrate it.

Inside the wall however the crystal coating had been flowing off of the being within it until the form of a tall, slender, yet athletic looking Gem became seen. This Gem pulled his hands out of the ground and disconnected himself from the crystal growth in front of him. He looked up and around before calling out from behind the wall.

"Whoa there! I'm not here to fight you, I was just hunting that Corrupted Gem. I am not an enemy you need to fight." A voice called out from inside the walled off area.
Steven Universe OC's (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Ah man! We don't get to catch our first corrupted Gem...." Diopside whined when she heard the voice behind the wall of crystal. Cat's Eye sighed with her mace vanishing. "Well that was a huge waste of time." She said. "Let's go back to the temple." Cat's Eye grumbled heading back to the warp pad. "What about the corrupted Gem?" Diopside asked. "What about it? It got away. And I don't think we have the stuff necessary to track it." Cat's Eye added. "Well, we can meet who this is!" Diopside said, indicating the Gem behind the wall.
Morganite and Carnel (played by Doc)

"Uhhh," Morganite pointed at the top of the wall, walking up to Diopside and Cat's Eye, "what should we do about her?"
Where she pointed, Carnelian could be seen climbing up the wall where her spiked balls on chains got hooked from when she attacked the golem. She was not at all aware of the gem inside not being an enemy, so she was ready to take him on. Carnelian climbed to the top of the wall and jumped off, ready to take down the figure below. "I GOT YOU NOW," she screamed, eagerly falling towards the gem. Unfortunately, she crashed into the ground, making a Carnelian shaped hole about a foot down.
Sulfur (played anonymously)

Sulfur side steps the fallen orange Gem and with a single leap jumps all the way to the top of the wall to get a better look at who was beyond it. "Let's see, we got a soldier/warrior type, a healer and a couple of scouts? Gotta say... Not overly impressive, but not bad - but then again you guys did let that corrupted gem slither away." Sulfur said as he looked the other four over. He carried himself with a snarky almost borderline cocky attitude - though it wasn't for show, he genuinely knew what he was talking about.

"Y'all here to try and poof that thing too? I've been after it for a few days now, slowly wearing it down."

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