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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Definition of 'True Strength'

"I see I see. What?" she perked a brow giving him a funny sort of look, and then whipped a her phone out silencing it quickly. "Frig you get someone to do something for you and then their right up your ass for days." she shook her head, and sent a short reply," There now he should leave me be. . ." she shook her head and turned her attention back to kyle, "You were saying?"
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He sighed softly as he deposits his eyes "well honestly I'm not sure how much longer it's gonna last. She up and pulled one of my disappearing acts. She ain't replying to any messages I send her through the wind or anything" he then shrugged softly as he cast his gaze towards the sky and smiled softly "oh well. If it was meant to be she'll come back." he then suddenly dropped the deer as he drew one of his swords. "I need to vent... Before I go outright crazy."
Frowned, "Ah I see. . . well you are correct if it's meant to be it'll be," she took a few steps away from him, and waved an arm, "Give 'er." she leaned back against the trunk of a tree, "I did the same thing," she pulled her cell phone back from her pocket reviewing the text messages she had gotten from Bernine; her infromation source, the Nosferatu had his thumb on the pulse of the netherworld, and knew nearly everything that went on. "Once I had the kids settled I went hunting, found a sinner that no longer deserved life. . .had a little too much fun too, I lost track of time." she gestured to the red splotches on her face an neck, "Sun got me."
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

"Did you try ointment? Something with aloe Vera namely?" He then drew a second sword and put his back towards her quietly for a moment. After a bit he resheathed his swords and turned towards her as a small smirk crossed his gave. "Ah...That feels better now."
Shrugged her shoulders, "Meh, It'll heal on it's own, the worse is over now." she grinned, "Plus it was worth it, cleared out a rapist and got my frustration out. . .well for sometime any way." she shook her head with a laugh, "Ready to continue?" she perked a brow, and straightened.
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He then chuckled quietly "Yeah. The world needs less rapists. And slayers too. I got a bad habit of going to slave markets and freeing slaves. Sometimes killing a few slayers in the process" he then chuckled again as he stared back towards the trees again "Not quite. Wanna see one thing first." he then narrowed his gaze as some of the trees began to fall over and smirked a bit as he watched. "I need more practice with that technique. They were supposed to stay standing longer. Plus I missed one." he would then point at a tree a ways out that looked like it had been cut but not bad enough to fall.
Smirked, and nodded, "I thought so. You mean slavers? You sure you were not the one drinking?" she giggled, and arched a brow, "Why did you do that? what did the trees ever do to you?" she folded her arms across her chest.
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He shrugged quietly as he cast his gaze skywards "I will openly say that some of the times I did that I had been drinking. Botched attempts...They can be amusing." He then glanced back at the trees and shrugged again "Better them than innocent flesh and blood...Or would you have rather me tried that technique on you due to regeneration stuff? How much do you know about this forest anyways?" he then chuckled softly after he asked as he looked back at the 'missed tree' which now showed no signs that it had even been hit by the technique to begin with
Shook her head, "Not a whole lot." she shrugged her shoulders.
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He chuckled softly as he watched the trees that had been felled begin to pull themselves together before he spoke "Well...obviously it's enchanted a bit. As you can see the trees repair themselves. I often come here to practice new techniques cause I know nothing I can do will ultimately prevent the trees from regenerating themselves. Not yet at least." he then looked back at her and started walking again snagging up the deer as he did so "so...aside from hunting this other vamp what alls been happening with you?"
Would roll her eyes of course it had to be an enchanted forest. Following Kyle she shrugged her shoulders, "Spent quite a bit of time in Europe. Gained a blood doll, well she was a drug addict looking for the next level," she smirked, "Did you know when small quantities vampiric blood is consumed it can have a drug like effect to mortals? It gives them a small taste of what is like to be us, with out the long term effects." she paused looking at the sky, "Well it eventually turned into something more, we were like that for about 2 almost 3 years, beginning of second year, she became adamant that I turn her. . ." she trailed off
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He quietly looked up at the sky as he noticed her trail off. "Must have been a good addiction if she wanted the comets package then." he thenchuckled softly as he turned his gaze towards the horizon "Well. We're coming up on the town. I can see the clock at the towns center." he then glanced at her out the corner of his eye like he wanted to say something but chose to keep quiet as he turned his gaze back ahead of him.
"She didn't understand," she shrugged, "She told me if I didn't she would find some vampire who would, and that was Ivan. . ." she looked to the east, she had been venting and hadn't noticed the clocktower looming in the dark sky, then to him, "What?" she perked a brow, "you got something to say?"
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He shook his head quietly as tugged the brim of his hat down a tad more over his eyes "Nope. Nothing important at least." he then rolled his shoulders a bit as a slight smirk crossed his face "I will however say two other things. One. Seems the town has a welcoming committee ready. And two. It seems we're being followed."
"what do you mean by a welcoming committy?" she asked perking a brow and sighing a little, "Followed I haven't noticed anything." she looked over her shoulder reaching out with her gifts, "But I have been a little preoccupied," she grumbled taking a defensive stance
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He chuckled softly as he glanced at her "No need to worry. The 'welcoming committee' are just town guards who noticed our approach and are keeping an eye out to ensure we arrive safely. And the one who follows us...that's my son. He's probally hanging back cause he doesn't recognize you and is trying to figure out who you are. He'll reveal himself when he's ready."
Laughed, "He's probably seeing if I'm a prostitute or something." she glanced over her shoulder once more, "I'm sure he will," she looked back towards the town, "Well the better be friendly. . . I need to filly my flask and soon. . ." her cellphone rang, and after a quick check as to who it was, and sent it to voice mail, "Oi. . .she has to leave me alone soon." she rolled her eyes
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

"Actually he's probally planning to ambush you if you attack me. I've brought him up on a philosophy that says to never trust anyone till you get to know em." he them chuckled softly "we could probally actually lure him out so he'll quit following us all creepy stalker style like how he is."
"Oh and how do we do that," she turned and looked to him, "Would he be upset if I. . ." tapping the abilities of her unlife she moved closer to kyle, it seemed as if she hadn;t moved a muscle at all. "were to do this?" again, she was closer, within arms reach, "I could make a grab for you? Or is he already on the move" she grinned
Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Topic Starter

He smirked quietly as a low chuckle escaped his throat "he like me has an affinity for wind. He lacks my offensive capabilities with it as I haven't taught him them yet but supplemental abilities such as enhancing his speed he can do. Just moving closer to me wouldn't make him move in. He is a bit on the paranoid side though so he will move in if you were to do anything that even looks like it could possibly be a lead off for an attack or something."

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