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Forums » General Roleplay » Inuyasha: The Feudal Fairy Tale Retold

Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"Well, if you'd prefer us to start arguing like an old couple, I'd be glad to start." Roy said in a joking manner.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Then by all means."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Roy just laughed, "You're adorable..."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Not as adorable as my children will be."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"They're gonna be adorable, stubborn littles things."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Hope I live through birth to see them."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"You will, I know you will.."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

Quite suddenly she stopped and fell down to one knee .
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"Yui? Something wrong? You're not hurt, are you?"
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

She held up a finger as if asking you to quiet for a moment.
Placing her hand on the stone around her neck her eyes shifted to a teal green color."something is very wrong..."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Roy just looked at her, a bit confused with what was going on.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"I see Japan....I see my village, and many others. The sea is consuming all of Japan, humans, demons, and hanyo scream out for the bitter release of death...And such cold dead eyes above them...and a pair of newborns....floating in the sea."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Roy's eyes widened a bit, "Please tell me this is just some cruel prank..."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

She remained silent as she watched the ground.
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"We'll make it through anything, I promise..."
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"But this is all so soon, something must of changed in the past to impact the present."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"I'm not sure I follow." Roy was obviously a bit confused.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"Something has changed...for the worst."
Roy Severias (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

"We'll get through it..." Roy said, trying to reassure her.
Alex Selene grey (played by Raider-jack29)

"No severias something is seriously wrong, nothing is where it's supposed to be, events are changing."

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