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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Hollow Creek High

Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika sighed in relief as the teacher let go of him, taking the teacher's offer to help him up, yet his eyes widened in panic as the teacher asked to speak to him after class. "Yes, sir." He mumbled, yet inside he was panicking. He went to get his sword, and he felt better once he picked it up, yet his panic was still not completely eased. He returned to Olivia's side, informing her, "He wants to speak to me after class..."
Olivia Brie (played by Gadgetron1)

Olivia was amazed when Mika put himself forward to be the first to be tested with a fight. It was as if the katana he had picked up was imbuing him with confidence. She always felt better with a sword in hand herald but she'd never seen anybody this changed by a simple weapon. It was as if he was a different person. She cheered him on as he fought and didn't fail to notice him lying limp and defenceless when he lost the sword but... She could hardly expect him to change that much.

"You did amazing!" Liv exclaimed when he came back to her, "It's as if you have an affinity with that sword. You ought to name it, you know." She told him, "It's lucky to give your sword a name." That was another unusual belief from her home.
She noticed her friend seemed a little concerned as he said the teacher wanted to talk to him after class.
"Mr Huntington's a great teacher." Se informed him soothingly, "It probably means he's taken a shining to you. You'll be fine, I'll wait for you outside if you like."
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"Phew..." she said as she relaxed, "Hopefully I t-think over now...." Her tense body had somewhat relaxed. Her grip on the book started to loosen. She hoped that signaled the end of the class....hopefully.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

After Mr. Huntington practiced with a few more students the bell chimes rang and he smacked his lips because he didn't get a chance to practice with all the students. "Alright!" He said talking over the chimes "I will get the rest of you another day, I hope you guys have a good day!" He looked back for Mika "Um Mika? a quick second please?"

Gabe turned to Lara in relief. "I'm so glad i didn't get called on! I hate getting physical, plus I didn't want to get all sweaty and i didn't want to get my hair messed up, Do you have any idea how long it takes to tame this wild stuff?" He laughed as they walked out of the classroom.
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika nodded to Olivia nervously. "...Alright..." He told her, although he seemed grateful that Olivia was willing to wait. As the rest of the class filed out, Mika stayed behind, holding the sword behind his back as if he was afraid the teacher would take it, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot. When the teacher called on him, he piped up, "Yes, sir?"
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

She breath a sigh of sparring. Phew....Her body slowly relaxed, "S-so.....w-what's a-after this class...?" She asked her friend.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington walked Mika to a desk in the back of the classroom and sat him down and sat across from him and began to talk in a softer tone than he had while the class was in session. "I just wanted to pull you over for a quick second because when you've had the training i've had you learn to study people's movements and mannerisms so that you can fight better. And I just picked up on some things that you do, for instance you say sir after every sentence almost like someone trained you to say that, also i notice that have multiple marks on your arms and hands" He paused for a second and pointed towards his hands. "I guess I just wanted to make sure everything was okay at home"
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora looked at Serah, "I'm not sure," She says, "But who cares we are going to the library!" She grabs Serah's hands and drags her away.
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"Eeeek!" she said as she was dragged out of the room. She held onto her magic book as she was dragged away.....Another quiet day it seemed.....the book....was closed for the day.
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora suddenly halted, "Do you remember the Library is?" She asks Serah
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"" she thought then pointed a direction, "T-that...way I-I think....?"
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora laughs a little, "Let's hope you're right." She says, "Are you planning on checking out a book?"
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Upon the mention of Mika's scars, he reflexively attempted to cover them up with his sleeve. His hands were trembling, and he refused to look Mr. Huntington in the eye. "Everything's fine, sir..." He mumbled insistently, pulling his sleeve further down his arm in an attempt to hide the scars on his hands, despite knowing he had already seen them. However, by pulling the sleeve down further, he stretched out the collar, revealing the beginnings of scars that snaked up his neck and shoulders, and it was unmistakable that some of them were from a whip. Mika didn't seem to notice that he had stretched out his shirt, however, and he only nervously fiddled with the hem of his sleeve.
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

" that I know off...." she said, "I may check out a magic book....they're......interesting s-so to say."
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington noticed the scars on Mika's neck and he quickly identified them as marks form some type of whip and my cleared his throat and put his hand on Mika's shoulder. "If you don't want to talk about issues like this, that's fine...just don't pretend like nothing has happened. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. The only person that has power over you is yourself and if you want to make sure that you don't get hurt, you have to put forth effort to make that a reality..." He stood up and walked the boy back to the door. "I'm not trying to get into your personal business to much...Just remember what i said."
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika took Mr. Huntington's words into consideration, trying to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. "Yes, sir." He said quietly, beginning to leave, before he stopped, just before opening the door. He seemed to be thinking for a moment, before he finally asked, "Sir.....Can I talk to you?" He finally asked, turning around to face Mr. Huntington, his eyes holding the deeper meaning to his words. He meant, 'can I trust you?'.
Elara Terran (played by Gadgetron1)

When the chimes rang out Lara's relief was almost tangible. She laughed at Gabe's comment and they left. "At least you've only got your hair to worry about." She replied, "If I had to go up there I would of just made a fool of myself. It would have taken that guy precisely two seconds to defeat me, I doubt I'd even have time to attempt a punch." She shook her head, "Honestly, this school. Fighting and magic, two things which I absolutely cannot do. When are we going to have to fight someone anyway? Do we have anything normal at all in our schedules?"
Lara was still smiling slightly though, failure she may be so far it was still amazing to be surrounded by this wonder.

(Sorry if I'm a bit inactive. My iPod charger has broken so it's hard to get on)
Jin Parks (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(I apologize for my lack of existence, I had many things going on. To cut it short, I got in a car accident, wasn't good, had to visit my friend in the hospital, dentist came along, root canals, drilling, blah, blah, mouth is numb. The anesthetics have yet to wear off, so my whole jaw, lips, and cheek on my right side are completely numb. I'll join the conversation today if the numbness stops. If not, tomorrow. That is all. Have a good day. ^^)
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

(It's okay Gadgetron, we understand the struggle! And_iNk im so sorry you got into an accident I hope everything is alright and whoever else was in the car is okay, and im sorry for your friend i hope they get better! And yikes the dentist can be a real drag but hang in there!)

"Mr. Huntington was interested in Mika's question and nodded his head, "Yeah Mika lay it on me"

Gabe laughed at Lara's comments about the class as they walked to their 4th period witch was lunch. "Hey it looks like our next class is normal because it's lunch!" He laughed a little and looked at a map on the wall and traced his finger to find the cafeteria. "Im starved! all of this magic and fighting for a first day of school is a lot! I need some french fries to calm my nerves. "
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika managed a small smile, yet it disappeared as he began talking, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. "I...well, I don't know where to begin, sir..." He murmured, before finally saying, "I guess......It'd be easier to show you than to tell you..." He murmured, beginning to lift his shirt off his head, revealing his countless scars. His entire body was trembling at this point, yet he was inspired by Olivia's acceptance of him. He'd come to meet other people like her, so maybe they could help. Now, he was meeting someone offering help, and he wasn't going to deny it this time. When his shirt was completely off, he told Mr. Huntington, "Sir...I.......I was born into slavery, sir. I was only recently freed by the local police, but they left me without help once they saw my ears. They covered up my existence, excluding me from their reports on the case. Right now, I'm living alone in between two buildings in the slum sectors of the city. I....I don't have any parents." He gave Mr. Huntington a hopeful look. "If you can help me, sir....." He began, his voice trembling. "...Please do it. I don't want to live alone anymore. I hardly know when my next meal is. I've...." His ears laid back against his head as he adverted his gaze, guilt filling his eyes. "I've resorted to stealing food, sir."

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