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Elara Terran (played by Gadgetron1)

Lara was looking quite excited as she headed up the stairs but her expression changed to one of worry as she passed the sheet white students that were heading in the opposite direction of them, coming from the exact class they were heading too. “You don't reckon we’re going to be made to eat bugs, do you?” She asked Gabe, her voice quiet, “I couldn't eat bugs, that'd be disgusting.”
She continued, sounding more and more concerned by the minute. “What does survival tactics mean anyway?”
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika jumped when she exclaimed about the time, as if he had been startled, but soon relaxed when he'd realized what had happened. He felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he'd made her happy that he'd never felt before. He nodded, a bit more eagerly this time, as he picked up his shirt, slipping it over his head. It became apparent that his clothes became clean again, as if the dirt stains were never there. Strange. "Yeah. I'm ready." He told her, giving her a weak smile as he took her hand. Her hand was surprisingly warm, and he felt it melting his insides. He gripped her hand harder, as if afraid to let go of that warmth, and allowed her to teleport them away.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Gabe shaked his head a little nervously at Lara's question. "Um...Maybe we get to learn to survive in the wild, like those crazy t.v shows where they do that... I personally think surviving without WIFI is hard enough!" He said trying to lighten the mood. As they made it to the top floor they noticed it was a lot less cleaner than the rest of the school, they walked past a glass window in which you could see a room with different types of equipment, unheard of weapons and what looked like battle suites. Gabe tapped on Lara's shoulder and pointed towards the window. "Woah...look at that! do you think that stuff is for us?"
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora, alongside Serah, walked to the top floor for their next class. There were plenty of weapons she had never seen before, and a few battle suits.

"I can't wait to use this stuff!" She exclaims, putting her arm around Serah's shoulders.
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"Ee-ehh.....m-more battles?!" she sighed, "G-great......agh....I hope I don't get picked on...." She sighed in defeat.
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora grinned at her, "I hope you get called on!" She jokes, "It is my mission to break you free from your shell."
Olivia Brie (played by Gadgetron1)

Liv did not fail to notice the way Mika’s clothes suddenly appeared to clean themselves. There was a magical quality in itself and she was intrigued to see what it amounted to. Once the boy was gripping tightly onto her hand she teleported away and the pair of them found themselves at on an upper floor of the school. “Ugh, I hate teleporting up stairs,” she grumbled, “I always feel like I'm going to fall, even when I know there's going to be floor there. My teleportation magic isn't really used to buildings, it's too ancient. I would have teleported is straight into class but I didn't want to knock anyone else over so we can walk this last bit.”
Her brief complaint gave away to a smile as they could see through the window, some other students were already up here, looking at the weapons and other causes for excitement. “I love this lesson.” She told Mika, “Look at all those weapons! They're not as nice as my sword ,of course but they're still pretty cool.” She patted her swords hilt, which she still hadn't returned to the bottom of her bag. She only kept it there so people didn't get terrified by the weapon strapped to her side.
Elara Terran (played by Gadgetron1)

Elara’s nose wrinkled up as the upper floor seemed much dirtier than the rest of the school. She did look quite impressed by the array of weapons and body suits through the window. "They have weapons at this school?!" She exclaimed, "This day just gets stranger and stranger! What are we going to do? Learn to kill bears or something?" She shrugged, "As long as I don't have to eat beetles I'm content," she told Gabe, "Yet, somehow I still think I'm going to come out looking like those two petrified students."
She looked a little surprised when a guy with a tail and a blonde haired girl appeared but then realised that it must be Olivia, the teleporting girl Mr Tate had spoken about, and the boy with the tail that Gabe had invited to the party. "Do you think teleporting can just be learnt?" She asked her friend, "Or does it have to be a natural power?"
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Gabe smiled at Elara's enthusiasm for Olivia's magic and he nodded. "Well her teleportation is definitely natural, its really cool to. However you can learn to teleport using some spells, it'll take a little longer but it's still cool, you could even learn to teleport other objects without having to physically touch them, unlike Olivia im pretty sure her magic requires she makes physical contact first." As everyone found their way in the classroom they had a look around. This classroom wasn't like a regular desk and chalkboard classroom, it was pretty big and had a lot of open space with only small windows at the highist places on the walls. The floor was rubberish and had a lot of traction which was good for running and doing workouts. There were really fancy punching dummies which looked like they could take more than a punch. As the students looked around the lights began to flicker and they could hear scraping coming from somewhere. After every single last student was in the classroom the doors slammed shut and the room went pitch black dark and majority of the students screamed, there was minimal light and the only thing they could hear were the sounds what seemed like claws scratching the wall. Gabe held onto Lara's arm or who he hoped was Lara and felt his way to one of the walls in the room and pressed up against it unsure of what was happening.
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"N-no....I-I can't fight at all..." she said, "So.....EEEKK!" The lights went off and she yelped, "N-noooo!?!" She started becoming teary and grabbed her book tight, "S-Scary..."
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora held onto Serah, "It's going to be alright." She says politely, but she was sure she was just trying to reassure herself.
Jin Parks (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Jin, now noticing that the bell had rang and he was on the opposite side of the school, sprinted to class. He decided that it was no use, seeing as he was gonna be tardy anyways. Jin came to a slow stop, after seeing his friend, Kiro, in a classroom, surrounded by girls, chatting away. Oh how he hated popularity. Kiro noticed him and waved, followed with a silly smile. Jin chuckled, erasing his negative thoughts about the boy, and continued walking to class. Jin admired his friend - how he could be popular yet never break the friendship between him and Jin. Though he didn't like to admit it, Jin was greatful to have someone in his life like Kiro. He provided him shelter in his time of need, and was his best friend regardless of how poor he was. Truth is, Jin was always jealous of Kiro. He was born into a rich and wealthy family, yet still managed to be so kind to anyone he met. Jin was glad to have him as a friend. Jin realized he was lost in his thoughts for too long, not looking where he was going. He crashed into the closed door of the classroom and fell backwards, landing on his face. He ended up getting to the class after the bell rang, yet still managed to make a total idiot of himself. He stood up quickly, and his face flushed a deep red. He opened the door, earning a loud and endless laughter from he class, until the teacher silenced them. He apologized to the teacher, and took his seat in an available desk at the back of the class.
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika nodded in response to Olivia's speech, walking with her into the classroom. When they arrived, he felt an immediate and strong pull from one of the weapons in the room; it was a katana, and seemingly a very high-quality one. He'd never held a weapon before, but somehow he instinctively knew how to hold this one. He pulled away from Olivia without a word, staring as if he was in a trance at the sword. Why did it fascinate him so much? He pulled it off the shelf with surprising ease, weighing it in his hands. His eyes only left the sword when the lights suddenly switched off, and he glanced around the dark in surprise, yet let out not a noise. He was used to the dark, and his cat-like eyes helped him adjust to the low light quicker. It was still hazy, sure, but he could make out vague silhouettes.

Somehow, with the sword in his hand, he felt much more confident. His hand brushed against something fabric tied to the hilt, and he examined it closer, more fascinated with the sword than the strange sounds surrounding them. He felt like the sword was calling to him, and he couldn't deny that call. He could barely look away. Tied to the katana's hilt was an omamori, a Japanese good luck charm. Of course, he wouldn't know what it was, but the characters, barely visible in the dark, written on the omamori, fascinated him. He ran his hand over the delicate fabric, and he was sure, somehow, that this charm was what made him so confident in the sword. Slowly, he turned around, the katana still in his hands, to face the darkness, feeling almost as if the sword was guiding him; speaking to him. He searched through the dark to find Olivia, silently taking a position beside her as if he was still in a dream.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

As everyone was panicking the scratching noise got louder and louder until it stopped. Nothing happened for a good 30 seconds until across the room two big yellow glowing eyes opened and then there was a low growl, the low growl turned into a snarl and then the snarl turned into a full mighty roar. The roar was so powerful it popped some of the students ear drums as most of them screamed and dropped to the ground. However the roar stopped and it was replaced with low powerful laughter. Thick powerful footsteps were heard walking across the room and then the light was flipped on. There stood before the students was an 8 foot tall man but with the body of a werewolf, he was absolutely massive in every way. His fur was as dark as night and two sharped teeth hooked out of his snout. He stood upright on two powerful hind legs and his feet all had sharp nails. His paws were large and had retractable claws that were about 4 inches long. However this werewolf man wasn't as monstrous as his features made him appear. He was wearing a long tactical coat that was white and had a bunch of pockets, it was made out of an impressive stretchy material. He had a nametag that read Mr. Carl Huntigton. The wolfman to a short leap which to a normal person would have to jump about 6 times to reach. He landed in front of the students smiling as best he could with his snout. He then took out a pair of glasses and at the same time he began to shrink, his fur disappearing and his snout retracting. This werewolf man had changed back into a human before their eyes. A rather attractive man in his mid 30's with brown swoopy hair. He smiled at them and with a british accent sounding rather educated he said. "Lesson number one...expect the unexpected...."
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"EEeeekkk!" she yelped as her eyes became teary. She was scared down to the core. Shivering...nervous....freaking out....she was hugging her books as if her life was on it.
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika hardly flinched as the creature, whatever it was, let out a mighty roar, having been conditioned as a slave to suppress his fear so he could complete his duties without hindrance. He was practically brainwashed into being fearless...Or, almost fearless. He found it difficult to be afraid of external dangers, but when it came to his emotions, he was as weak as ever.

However, Mika had not bothered to draw the sword in which he was holding, simply standing there as if he was expecting some sort of blow but simply waiting for it to happen. He had hardly any survival instincts, or at least the ones he had were poor. When the lights flicked on and a beast appeared before them, his first reaction was to glance at the other students to see how they were holding up; that was both good and bad. It meant he would be good in a team, and could support others easily, yet he had little concern for his own well-being.

Mika watched in inquisitive silence as the beast made a massive leap, before speaking. His expression was blank, almost empty, as if he hadn't a thought left in his head. His hand, however, instinctively gripped the katana tighter, until his knuckles turned white, as if he wanted to use it, deep down inside, but was forcing himself not to. He listened to the teacher explain lesson number one, which brought him to a memory of his past. His face twitched, if only slightly, with emotion as he recalled his first master explaining the rules of slavery. Lesson number one...expect the unexpected...

And then, Lesson number two...If and when the unexpected happens, you don't react. You don't move a muscle.

Lesson number three...Whenever I say 'the unexpected' I mean 'the expected' because you should always expect to be punished for everything and anything you do.

And lastly... When you die...No one will weep a single tear.
Jin Parks (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

Jin sighed, obviously bored of this class already.
"Okay, Wolverine." He said, mumbling to himself. He tapped his desk impatiently, hoping this class were over. He glanced over to the clock, seeing that only five minutes had passed by. Jin let out a large groan, followed by him tapping on the desk once again. He realized he had embarrassed himself a couple of minutes ago, but that didn't stop him from his usual snarky behavior. He sat up from his desk, and spoke.
"May I be excused?"
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora nudged Serah, "I already love this class." She whispered to the girl, who was shaking. It was her hopes to give her reassurance but she wasn't sure it was working or not.
Pandora kept her eyes either on Serah or straight forward, she was determined not to look in the back of the classroom at Jin. He had made his feelings pretty clear.
Pandora looked at Serah, "You might enjoy it too." She says.
Elara Terran (played by Gadgetron1)

Elara nodded at Gabe's explanation of teleportation magic but was soon distracted by the room they entered. It was clearly no ordinary classroom, she glanced around curiously until everyone had arrived. When the door slammed and the room was plunged into darkness she yelped loudly and clutched Gabe's arm, which had already found hers, allowing him to lead her towards the wall. She detested the dark but what happened next was even more terrifying. Two floating yellow orbs, the eyes of some monstrous beast, appeared and whatever it was let out a monstrous roar. Lara held onto Gabe even tighter and movwes towards him. Then the light was switched on and she relaxed despite the werewolf that was still in front of them. He soon shrankbdownnto a human and Elara let go of her friend. "Sorry," she whispered, "I can see why those poor students were so pale.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

When the lights turned on Gabe saw that Elara was clinged to him and then she soon apologized afterwards and he reassured her . "No need, i'm glad you were here...and yeah I can definitely see why those kids were pale..." After the teacher, Mr. Huntington got done exclaiming about the first lesson. He heard a boy mock him by calling him Wolverine and asking to be excused. He smirked and pushed his glasses up and walked slowly over to him, he was sitting in one of the rarely used desk in the back of the room. The teacher at his regular height was about 6'5 and had a stocky build. He looked at Jin and smiled. "As fond as I am of that character, I'm not a "wolverine"...If I were id assure you that i'd be clawing at your throat and your spinal cord would most likely be ripped out by now. So thank God i'm not, however my cousin can morph into a wolverine if you'd like to have a chat with him I could arrange it." He gave Jin a pat on his shoulder and laughed. "And can't be excused, I'd ask what your name is but frankly right now I don't care, I'm your instructor not your friend." He cracked his knuckles and returned to the front of the classroom and clapped his hands. "I'm your survival tactics teacher...while Mr. Tate teaches you how you use and discover magic and your unique abilities, I teach you to master the skills necessary to protect yourself and survive in real world events that could occur, whether that event be a regular human attacking you or another supernatural being threatening your life with a spell that could turn your blood into poison...I teach you how to defend yourself..." He paced back and forth like a general however he didn't seem very mean, just authoritative. "Now everyone here it's going to be heavy training but i'm trying my best to be more...relaxed this year...Today we're not going to do anything special...I just want to see how you'd hold up in a regular attack scenario. I'll test you all one by one on the other side of the room. while the rest of you just do whatever for now." He then took out his phone and flipped through it and then speakers on the wall began to play some alternative music. Mr. Huntington smiled. "This is my attempt at being laid who is up first?"

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