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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Hollow Creek High

Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

"Eeeeh?!?" she said as she heard they were all going to be tested.......there was no hope for her. Zero defense. Zero offense. She was hoping she wasn't hurt badly....or excused of this combat scenario. She got a little teary.
Pandora Tiller (played by elisisto)

Pandora gave Serah a smile, but it faded as soon as she saw the girls eyes tearing up, "Hey, it can't be that bad." She says softly, "Maybe we could do it together."
Olivia Brie (played by Gadgetron1)

Olivia sat through the display contentedly not reacting in the slightest to all that was supposed to scare the new kids.Of course Liv had been just as terrified in hrer own first year. Her first kill had been a werewolf that had attacked her brother and so the site of one as a teacher wasn't exactly pleasant.
She had been looking at a crossbow on the wall, wondering whether to get one for her brother, who was an archer, to try, when Mika had drifted away. When he returned and the light switched on once more she noticed he was carrying a sword. "A katana, and a nice one at that." She stated, in a whisper, "Perhaps not the most popular blade but lighter than most swords and nice and balanced." She looked Mika up and down before adding, "It suits you! Perhaps we should spar sometime. Sparring was one of her villages favourite entertainment. When the teacher asked who wanted to go first she didn't volunteer. She had to give the newbies a chance.
Jin Parks (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

As the teacher left Jin's seat by patting him on the back and giving him a blaint speech, Jin looked in the class to see who was also here. He saw Gabe, Serah, and some other people who looked familiar, yet he couldn't put their face with a name. Jin stopped browsing the room when his eyes came across Pandora. She was facing the front of the room, her back to Jin, obviously because she sat a few desks in front of him. He hadn't had noticed she was here earlier, yet was weirdly relieved for some reason. Jin knew things between him and her were now awkward, seeing as he gave her the cold shoulder about twenty minutes ago. It didn't really bother him, though. He was rude to many people, and he wasn't very accustomed to them, let alone being friends with someone. He lost his train of thought when the teacher asked for volunteers to be spooked or some sh--. Jin didn't volunteer, simply because he didn't feel like it. He kept his mouth shut for once and watched to see if anyone else would go.
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika nodded, still in some sort of trance, as Olvia spoke, and he barely processed her words. "Mhm." He muttered, watching the teacher quietly. When he asked for volunteers, no one spoke. Mika felt an odd feeling that he should try, yet he was afraid. He'd never fought anyone before; he'd never even entertained the idea before. Yet, it was almost as if the katana in his hands was egging him on, giving him that confidence he needed and telling him he could do it. After a long moment of silence, he finally raised his hand, although his fingers trembled slightly.

"I volunteer."
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington smiled at the boy's volunteer to go first and he motioned him to come forward to the other side of the room where the equipment was. "Nice! just come over here and-" He noticed that the boy had a katana in his hand and he smirked. "There is always someone who is drawn to their weapon of choice..." He pried the sword from his hands and wielded it with skill and looked at it up and down and handed it back. "This katana was handcrafted by a mage with the gift of foresight...he knew it would be made for a specific person...It might be you. You know what...keep it, it's yours only if you agree to let me teach you how to use it properly" He gave a quick warm smile "What's your name kid?"
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika stepped forward, approaching the beast with uncharacteristic confidence. Yet, the moment the sword was taken from him, he felt oddly disappointed, and his confidence vanished. His gaze returned to the ground until it was handed back, at which point he gripped it tightly, as if he couldn't bare to let it go again. He listened to the male speak about the sword, smiling ever-so-slightly at the history of the sword. When the teacher offered to give it to him, however, Mika gaped for a moment. He could keep it?! Not only that...He could be taught personally to use it the way it was intended. Some part of him grew excited at the notion, yet the other part of him shied away, feeling as if learning combat was a sin, just like his masters had taught him. He decided to, for once, ignore that part of him.

"My name is Mika, sir." He told him, meeting the teacher's gaze for once. "And I'd love to learn from you, sir." He attached the title 'sir' as if it was a requirement, not a sign of modesty. After all, his masters had required that he called anyone who wasn't his master but wasn't another slave by the names of sir or ma'am at all times. It was instinct.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington smiled and arched his eyebrow at Mika's persistence at calling him sir and he figured Mika was just nervous.

"Well Mika, I'm glad you're interested in learning who to use that but for now please put it down and too the side, we're not going to be using weapons for this little exercise today, just your defense skills, no powers if you have any." He stepped back and put his hands in the proper position for fighting and called to Mika. "You ready?"
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika set the katana to the side, his confidence immediately zapping the moment his hand left the hilt. His face grew surprisingly pale as he stepped away from the sword, and when asked if he was ready, he shook his head. "No, sir. I'm not, sir." He managed, almost as if he was terrified. He had his eyes closed and his muscles locked, as if he was planning to simply take whatever the teacher had for them, not even planning to dodge. After a moment of nothing, he glanced up, yet his gaze was immediately drawn to the sword. "...Please, sir. Allow me to hold the sword; I won't draw it, sir, but allow me to hold it." Somehow, from the moment he met that sword, he felt like being without it was impossible. They were inseparable now; they could not exist without each other.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington was shocked at Mika's persistence to hold the katana and he put his hands down and looked at him for an instant. "If it makes you feel better, you can have it on you. But you better not draw it."
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika nodded in agreement, picking up the sword as his confidence returned. There was just something about it that made him whole....Something he couldn't live without. He stood now, awaiting Mr. Huntington's signal. "I'm ready now, sir." He looked the teacher in the eye, watching him with a focus that surprised even himself. As a cat, he was lithe and graceful, and he knew this. Could he use that to dodge? He knew that he was used to taking a hit, but that didn't mean he could stand back up afterwards. He was small, and maybe he could use that against the man. Not only that, he was observant. Years of always watching, anticipating the next punishment before it happened might just come in handy now. For once, he truly believed he could accomplish something. Just this once.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr. Huntington nodded and got into a fighting stance. He examined Mika's body from head to toe, learning his mannerisms, calculating where he could move based on his size how fast and hard he could strike. He could see in Mika's eyes that he was feeling a bit more confident in himself and he smiled. The kid was fairly thin and seemed light so the teacher didn't want to hurt him, this was only an exercise. Mr. Huntington swiftly drove his fist in for a punch and then quickly adjusted his swing into a grab and he reached his big arms around Mika's neck and grabbed his other shoulder and spun him around quickly before pulling him back into a headlock trying not to be too harsh, Mika was lighter than he thought.
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

Mika found himself caught in a headlock before he could even blink. The hell? He squirmed around aimlessly, with no strategy of rhythm. He found himself panicking, before suddenly he stopped. The sword...It was like it was telling him what to do. He moved his foot in between the teacher's legs, jolting his upper body forward so that the teacher would be dragged along with him, trying to upset his center of balance, if only for a moment. Then, he slid his foot in between the teacher's legs, attempting to knock his feet out from under him. He waited for that moment when the teacher loosened his grip in surprise, knowing that even if he failed to knock him over, he might still get the element of surprise in for a split second. When Mr. Huntington loosened his grip momentarily, he quickly ducked down, squeezing his head through the headlock and ducking downward, and as soon as he was out, he jumped several paces back, reassessing the teacher. The man was faster than he looked.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

Mr Huntington was supposed at Mika's tactics when he got out of his headlock. And he turned back around to face Mika and he smiled. "Good, you're quick. Keep using that as your advantage!" Mr Huntington noticed Mika had a tail, and he swiftly got down and with his powerful legs kicked Mika's legs from out under him, trying not to hurt him. As Mika began to fall the teacher reached up and firmly grabbed his tail and pulled him down, and then rolling on top of him. He didn't want to hurt Mika so he didn't pull his tail really hard. Once he was on top of Mika he pinned his hands down and said. "You have a tail! It can be used as a weak point. Always make sure it's out of reach! Or use it to your advantage​"
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

(I think we should stop and wait for the others to reply. :/)
Laplace's Function (played anonymously)

(Continue lol. My character is just watching. She can't do anything else.)
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

(same, i've shopping all day, i thought someone would've said something by now lol :3)
Jin Parks (played by _iNk3d) Topic Starter

(He heh.. Sorry, @ the mall rn. Can't really rp until a couple of hrs. You can continue though! •~•)
Mika Russell Guard (played by Etch)

(Alrighty. Here we go..)

In the process of being assaulted by the teacher, the sword had been knocked out of Mika's hands, leaving his mind defenseless against the instincts which told him to simply lie down and take it. By the time he had been pinned to the floor, his face was pale, and his entire body was shaking. His eyes were closed, as if he was expecting a blow but just waiting for it to happen, and he hardly bothered to squirm, almost as if he didn't think getting out would do him any good. The scars on Mika's palms were facing the teacher square in the face, almost as if taunting him to figure out what was going on.
Gabe Tiller (played by toorad)

(sorry for taking so long i thought i replied already, guess not)

As the teacher was on top of Mika he noticed that it seemed like he wasn't even trying to fight back, like he didn't even want to defend himself. That's when he noticed the scars on his hands and it concerned him. He hopped off of Mika and extended a hand to help him up. "Not horrible for a start so that's all for today, but um Mika, can I speak with you after class?"

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