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Forums » Forum Games » OFFICIAL 2017 Riddler Discussion Topic

Dragonfire Moderator

And they'd be the mightiest of the larval alien type.
Sanne Moderator

I'm adding it!
Oooo, that's very possible! Larval Xenobeasts could be it!
Sanne Moderator

Added :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You're looking for what it's communicating. ;)
Sanne Moderator

Ooooh the alien language
Sanne Moderator

Did we have a name for that yet
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dragonfire Moderator

Oh dear. Hrrm.
Sanne Moderator

Would it make sense for them to say "Defend the Die Star"?
Kim wrote:
You're looking for what it's communicating. ;)
You're ready to wrap this up. XD

"Xeno," since xenobeasts?
Sanne Moderator

Dragonfire Moderator

The colour patterns must mean something, hrm. Perhaps within the shapes...
Sanne Moderator

*finally eats dinner*
I'm just staring down this alien, trying to figure out his life story.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Communicates through color. :D
Sanne Moderator

Green purple gray?
They have colorful language.

Sanne Moderator

Color change: Color change can be separated into changes that occur during growth and development, and those triggered by mood, social context, or abiotic factors such as temperature. The latter are seen in many taxa. Some cephalopods, such as the octopus and the cuttlefish, have specialized skin cells (chromatophores) that can change the apparent colour, opacity, and reflectiveness of their skin.[6] In addition to their use for camouflage, rapid changes in skin color are used while hunting and in courtship rituals.[7] Cuttlefish may display two entirely different signals simultaneously from opposite sides of their body. When a male cuttlefish courts a female in the presence of other males, he displays a male pattern facing the female and a female pattern facing away, to deceive other males.[8] Some color signals occur in cycles. For example, when a female olive baboon begins to ovulate, her anogenital area swells and turns a bright red/pink. This signals to males that she is ready to mate.[9]
Sanne Moderator

Don't the larvae look a lot like cuttlefish?

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