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Forums » General Roleplay » Devil's Death Infection

Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

hes comeing
Helfre (played by CloudWanter)

(There are no magic, Who are you, and everyone is human except Anthony but he turned into a zombie so Please answer the questions before you reply with Anthony reply
And BTW that thing that you were doing Please don't do that its annoying)
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

oh ok
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

did not [attention
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

ok im human then i guess
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(1. you need to ask before you just sump on. 2. Keep your responses in one post or else you will be banned from this forum. Thank you.)
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

i dont understand i am new to this site
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

Helfre (played by CloudWanter)

(When you reply say it all in one reply please and next time ASK to join)
Mackena (played by rainbowbaby888)

i asked now
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

The Hayes Family (played anonymously)

((Cloudwanter and Mathgeek are right, it isn't very good forum etiquette to spam a topic or jump into an RP without asking. It's good that you're new to the site, and welcome, but you might want to read up on the rules of the forums or I might have to alert a moderator :( You can find the forum rules here. I'm not trying to be rude, and I hope I was able to get the point across.))
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(Thanks anonymous)
Helfre (played by CloudWanter)

(Yeah thx)
Emily (played by rainbowbaby888)

i did not spam this is how people text ok this is the real world god i dont have to have a million people bugging me about this GOD
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(Okay, listen. You can stop with the attitude, first off. Second, replying constantly in a row with only a few words each post is spamming. I suggest you stop trying to give us life lessons, boy meets world, and start checking yourself.)
Helfre (played by CloudWanter)

(If you keep with this attitude i'll have to report you)
The Hayes Family (played anonymously)

((This is a forum. We're not meant to text, we're meant to make posts more than a few minutes apart.))

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » Devil's Death Infection

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus