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Forums » Smalltalk » What's your poison of Procrastination? šŸŽ‰


Ah, yes... with a Great Capital怌P怍

Eater of Time, Halter of Worlds, the Bane of All Manner of Creation.

So, what do you do when you procrastinate? How do you spend all of that precious wasted time? How do you even stop yourself playing in that dark playground?

Please, do tell.
A dark cycle of Tumblr, Reddit, and chats with whoever I'm chilling with at the time (sometimes IM's, lately hanging out here, sometimes social media).

I try to break out by keeping a couple of tabs open for whatever I'm focused on at the time--building up another section of a character, IM-RP with close friends, a sketch I'm working on with all the reference images that requires... but it's a tough cycle to break out of!
Tumblr, random YouTube videos and Let's Plays, staring at my open fic documents that I need to work on until the little blinking cursor feels like it's mocking me. At one point I started re-watching Naruto. Playing Stardew Valley. It's so relaxing but so addicting. Food Network.

My issue is that I can't focus to write without some sort of background noise but then I inevitably get distracted clicking YouTube videos or watching cooking shows.
Tumblr...Twitter...Instagram...YouTube...Pinterest...Netflix...sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling...repeat until consistency of pancake batter is achieved! (or until I actually want to be a productive human being)
I tend to procrastinate one thing by starting on two or three others, until I'm barely making progress in anything and get so overwhelmed that I just lay there in a state of paralyzed panic. And then I procrastinate further trying to make myself feel better with a drive someplace, or running errands, or even cleaning.

Usually, if I catch it early I have the strength of will to not commit to the new things, so that way I can blow off steam with side-projects and then bounce back to the main one. It's a little tough, though. I don't always catch it before it's too late, because I get so excited by new projects.



Excessive sleeping

Also I draw shit when I procrastinate. Then I procrastinate finishing the drawings

I've got issues.

Well, let's see. There's me replying in this smalltalk forum right now! RPR is probably my biggest procrastination tool right now. Even if I don't have time to put out legitimate replies I'm still lurking the forums and posting inane things on the games forum.

I'm also a lover of documentaries on Netflix, and when I sit down to eat lunch I'll say to myself, "why don't I put on something to watch while I eat?!" Well, it doesn't take me one hour and twenty minutes to eat, but I started watching it so I have to finish it.

This one might make me a bit of an oddball, but working at home presents unique challenges for me. For instance, I'll be sitting at the dining table writing and the light will shine just right in the windows, illuminating all the dog hair that shed all over the floor. "I'll just sweep it up real quick!" Nah. Two hours later I've swept, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted everything.

Last... Spotify and YouTube. I'll often be sitting in my house (even with the windows open) belting to my favorite songs and Broadway hits. I wonder if the neighbors can hear me...
These days? Tumblr, facebook, IMs, stupid phone apps. It's a bad cycle.

But it's not honestly the content of the procrastinatory activities that is the issue. I've spent years learning that by playing a long game of whack-a-mole with specific things I used to procrastinate. When I would get rid of one thing I'd replace it with something else, usually something more mindless -- stop chatting with friends online, and I'd just read blogs. Stop reading blogs, scroll through meme sites, and so on down the line to things that literally took zero brainpower.

Honestly, there will always be something to procrastinate with. Best thing to do if you can't shake the procrastination habit entirely is try and procrastinate moderately with things that have some real pleasure or creativity to them -- like messing around on this forum!

Chat. All I do is chat... It's why I'm terribly slow at replying sometimes.... most of the time... nearly all the time.. xD It starts out with a bit of writer's block or I need some ideas or a small break even so I chat with a few friends. I have some active servers on discord so that gets verrrry distracting when there's several people talking with you.
Other sites dime a dozen


Pokemon Shuffle

Those are the main ones at least x2
& 'Too many ideas and things to do, can't decide what to do'
Vanderhuge Topic Starter

I actually went here on to RPR to escape the daily grind and procrastinate away some pressing responsibilities. Little did I know that there would come a day I would procrastinate away from writing on RPR as well. There is no limit to its depth and alarming power over me.

How do I not procrastinate?

I read books, go on RPR, Facebook, check my e-mail a thousand times, text people, doodle, colour... You name it, and I'll likely do it. If it's homework, I'll even start cleaning and doing the dishes rather than do my homework ^^'
If I'm procrastinating on schoolwork, literally anything. Most commonly I'll refresh social media on loop for hours (I don't even like social media), clean the entire house, listen to music, or sleep.

I sit alone in my thoughts most of the time.................

Lupus-Raziel-Shadows wrote:
I sit alone in my thoughts most of the time.................

That sounds strangely relaxing to me.

pltjess wrote:
Lupus-Raziel-Shadows wrote:
I sit alone in my thoughts most of the time.................

That sounds strangely relaxing to me.

It can get pretty scary.
My poison when it come to procrastinating from writing? Poking my DeviantArt, YouTube videos, drawing (then like Cinders, procrastinating on finishing said drawings), sleeping, and Fate Grand Order. Lots and lots of Fate Grand Order. And other video games.

I regret nothing.
my poison is me basically scan the Internet mainly I search a random thing and I go to the end results.
Oh too small for you here it is! ITS THIS OK!!! oh too big?
Sorry I'll leave now )___:

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