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Forums » General Roleplay » Power school

Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The nurse sighed and said “Yeah shes going to be fine just... side effects and nice to meet you Pyroa”
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"Side effects of what?"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"What side effects?"
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The nurse said while pointing at her fingers “Passing out, eye twitching, anxious and other stuff nothing deadly”
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Oh..."he looked at Kat"Do you know when she will wake up?"
"If we're unlucky, never."
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"Well, let's hope we're extremely lucky, right guys?"
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The nurse tilled her head and said “Its hard to say un other then passing out and hitting her head plus her condition its hard to say i guess you are going to have to wait” she walked out of the room.
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

He looked down"damn it..."
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"What should we do while we wait?"
Johnny blaze (played by Redhood)

"Wanna play a board game?"
"What do you suggest? Jumanji?"
Johnny blaze (played by Redhood)

((I think so))
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"Are you nuts? Do you wanna get stuck in a board game? Have you ever seen Jumanji?"(which is how you spell it BTW)
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Its fake, idiot"
Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"No need for name calling, but yes I guess you're right. Maybe something else though. How about Smash up?"
"You know it's something different because I've never heard of it, out loud or in the mind."
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Its probably stupid"
Panama (played by Maylee)

((sorry for not responding, what did I miss and where is everyone?))
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(Everyone is in the hospital waiting for Kat to wake up...)

Kat moaned alittle and one eye poped open slowly.

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