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Forums » General Roleplay » Power school

Pyroa (played by matthew100)

"Hey look, Kat's waking up." looking over at the hospital bed.
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

He looked at her"Kat?"
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat blinked with one eye and said “I can’t open my other eye”
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Have you tried lifting your eyelid?" Influence asked, being a smart-ass.
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

Kat rolled her eye and said “Yes but it wont open I can’t see its just grey and black” She frowned.
"Some sort of blindness?"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Okay, ill get a doctor"he went to the door and poked his head out"DOCTOR!!!"
Johnny blaze (played by Redhood)

"That has to suck and kind of hurt I guess."
((Heavy: "DOCTOR!"))
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The nurse walked in and said “I see shes awake whats wrong”
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"She cant see out of one of her eyes"
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

The nurse walked over to her eye and tried to observe and said “Well this is a side effect she will be able to see in a couple of days but if not only a special moment will be able to open it.
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Like what kind of special moment?"
Kat (played by CloudWanter) Topic Starter

(Last reply)

The nurse giggled and walked out saying “You will know when it happens”
Kat fell back asleep.
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Special moment..."he said to himself
Johnny blaze (played by Redhood)

"What's that supposed to mean? That's vague as ****"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

"Who cares, you guys can give her that 'special moment' because im not"
Johnny blaze (played by Redhood)

"Like I said it's vague it could be any of us..for godsakes it could be the nurse!"
Austin and Sam Taylo (played by SmackKam)

He laughed a little"Hey good job, ya made me laugh"

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