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Forums » RP Discussion » Poll/Vote - Interest Check (2018 RPG Survey)

I'm just curious about current events and how text-based chat/forum RPing has evolved. I'm conducting this survey for several personal reasons which I won't share at this time, but may reveal later; Maybe :p

Step One - If you would, please state your OOC age and gender (example: Male/33) as it's necessary to know for this experiment. Please do not include any other personal information about yourself. Instead, proceed to the next step.

Step Two - Choose one of the options from each category (example: Donuts, Salad or Pizza? answer: Pizza):
1 - Email/PM, Chatroom or Forum?
2 - Romance, Violence or Neither?
3 - Real Actors, Animations or Both?
4 - Original/Invented or Fanbased?
5 - Realtime/Speedbased or Turnbased?
6 - Luck of the dice or Skillful strategy?
7 - Medieval fantasy, Modern realistic, Sci-fi futuristic, or None-of-the-above?
8 - Humanoid character or Mythical creature?
9 - Horror, Comedy, or Both?

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time? (example: Dungeons & Dragons)

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time? (example: Princess Zelda)

Step Five - Submit your vote/post and wait patiently to see the other results.
step one- Male/ 25

step two-

1- Forum
2- Romance
3 -Animations
4- Inspired
5 -Turn based
6- Skill full strategy
7- Medieval Fantasy
8 -Humanoid
9- Comedy

Step 3
Ragnarok Online

Step 4

Pious Augustus

Step 5


What if the ones we would choose aren't there? For instance i prefer PMs and I don't like romance or violence. Can we be neutral?

1 - Chatroom
2 - Romance
3 - Animations
4 - Original
5 - Turn based
6 - Skillful strategy
7 - Medieval fantasy
8 - Mythical creature
9 - Comedy

What is your favorite RPG of all time?
The Lisa series (particularly Lisa the Painful).

Who is your favorite RPG character of all time?
Buzzo from Lisa the Painful & Lisa the Joyful.
Step One - Male/42

Step Two - Choose one of the options from each category (example: Donuts or Pizza? answer: Pizza):
1 - Forum
2 - Romance
3 - Actors
4 - Inspired?
5 - Turn based
6 - Skillful strategy
7 - Medieval fantasy
8 - Humanoid character
9 - Horror

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time? Tricky. There are so many to choose from. I think my current Favorite is Masks: A New Generation. It's just brilliantly designed.

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time? Geralt of Rivia

Step Five - Submit your vote/post and wait patiently to see the other results. Done.
Step one- Female, 28.

1 - Forum.
2 - Both.
3 - Animations.
4 - Inspired.
5 - Turn Based.
6 - Luck of the dice
7 - Medieval fantasy
8 - Humanoid character
9 - Horror

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time? Final Fantasy Tactics (Video Game), Arkham Horror (Board Game), Warhammer Fantasy 2nd Edition (Tabletop Game)

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time? Miluda Folles, Final Fantasy Tactics.
Gamemaster Topic Starter

Kitten wrote:
What if the ones we would choose aren't there? For instance i prefer PMs and I don't like romance or violence. Can we be neutral?

Sure and list why too. Please and thank you. :)

Okie dokie!
Private PMs (it's not fast paced like a chat room and it's private)
Neither (Romance is icky, and not something I enjoy. Violence is very annoying to me.)
Hmm...Mix. Turn when it's going slow, speed when it's just people talking.
Neither really. I don't do fights.
I like modern, sometimes fantasy.
Never tried horror but probably still comedy.
I don't really do RPG games like that just original world's pretty much.
Don't have one.
Step One: Male 22

Step Two:
1 - Indifferent
2 - Violence
3 - Not really sure what's being asked for this one. If you could tell me what's meant by Actor or animation I'd be more than happy to edit this for the answer.
4 - Original
5 - Depends on the number of people involved
6 - Skillful strategy
7 - Sci-fi futuristic
8 - Mythical creature
9 - Comedy

Step Three - Skyrim

Step Four - Commander Shepard

1 - Chatroom
2 - Violence as in fighting? Yes. Violence as in abuse? Get real, stop pretending to be a victim-
3 - I don't get this one.
4 - Original
5 - Depends on how many people and what kind of people. If it's 20+ then it's definitely dice-base.. but I've also done a 15+ member turn-based role-plays and I've been fine with it.
6 - Skillful strategy
7 - Sci-fi futuristic
8 - Humanoid character
9 - Horror

Fallen London (Tabletop)

Don't really have a RPG favourite character..
3 - Actors or Animations?

I'm assuming he means what sort of images do you prefer for character pictures? Photographs of Actors or Artistic Renderings of some sort.
I thought it was 'live-action' redo's of the RPG games, or the original RPG-
His questions are all framed as about Forum/Chat RP. That's how I read it, although I could well be wrong.

Step Two
1 - If I reaaaaaaally had to choose one, then email/PM. Forum is really close though.
2 - ....but I like both...
3 - Animation for fantasy, real actors faceclaims for modern
4 - Original all the wayyy
5 - I prefer something in the middle.
6 - Strategy.
7 - UGH I HATE PICKING. Medieval fantasy
8 - humanoid character
9 - BOTH

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time?
Persona games

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time?
I don't have a favorite.

1 - Email/PM, Chatroom or Forum? PM.
2 - Romance, Violence or Neither? Romance.
3 - Real Actors, Animations or Both? Real Actors.
4 - Original/Invented or Fanbased? Original.
5 - Realtime/Speedbased or Turnbased? Turn Based.
6 - Luck of the dice or Skillful strategy? Skillful strategy.
7 - Medieval fantasy, Modern realistic, Sci-fi futuristic, or None-of-the-above? Modern.
8 - Humanoid character or Mythical creature? Humanoid usually.
9 - Horror, Comedy, or Both? I'd say minor comedy, I don't know about full blown comedy, and definitely not horror. I usually do slice of life modern with drama and angst aspects.

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time? Skyrim is the only one I'd ever played.

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time? Serana Vampire Princess from Skyrim.

Step Five - Submit your vote/post and wait patiently to see the other results.
Step One - Human/Male/35

Step Two - Choose one of the options from each category (example: Donuts, Salad or Pizza? answer: Pizza):
1 - Email/PM
2 - Romance
3 - Both
4 - Original/Invented
5 - Turnbased
6 - Skillful strategy
7 - Medieval fantasy
8 - Humanoid character
9 - Both

Step Three - Dungeons & Dragons

Step Four - Shadow from Final Fantasy VI

Step Five - Submit your vote/post and wait patiently to see the other results.
Now that the options have been updated, can I update my post?
Step one - Genderfluid, 23

1 - Email/PM, Chatroom or Forum?
▪ PM.
2 - Romance, Violence or Neither?
▪ Violence.

3 - Real Actors, Animations or Both?
▪ Real actors (or just real people in general)
4 - Original/Invented or Fanbased?
▪ Depends on the universe. I tend to prefer original settings though.
5 - Realtime/Speedbased or Turnbased?
▪ Turnbased.
6 - Luck of the dice or Skillful strategy?
▪ Skillful strategy.
7 - Medieval fantasy, Modern realistic, Sci-fi futuristic, or None-of-the-above?
▪ Sci-fi futuristic.
8 - Humanoid character or Mythical creature?
▪ Humanoid character.
9 - Horror, Comedy, or Both?
▪ Not overly fond of either.

Step Three - What is your favorite RPG of all time? (example: Dungeons & Dragons)
▪ Fallout: New Vegas.

Step Four - Who is your favorite RPG character of all time? (example: Princess Zelda)
the entire cast of FNV. If I have to pick just one, Sylvanas Windrunner from Warcraft 3 & WoW.

Step Five - Submit your vote/post and wait patiently to see the other results.
Step 1: Female/24

Step 2:
1. Forum mostly, but am open to new ideas
2. If I had to choose...romance, but a mix of both isn't too bad
3. Both
4. Depends on the universe
5. Again, depends on universe
6. If I had to choose...luck of the dice (not good with strategy)
7. Fantasy mostly
8. More towards mythological creature
9. Comedy

Step 3 and 4: I've never played these sorts of games, but I have seen my fiance play these games. Also, not sure on favorite character because of the fact that I haven't played RPG games.

Step 5: Here ya go.
Gamemaster Topic Starter

Alright, the verdict is in. This year in 2018, the ladies win. :) After conducting the same survey on several different RPG sites, and reviewing 130 votes, it seems that the majority of internet RPers in 2018 are females between the ages of 20-35, with a decrease from last year in the # of adolescent RPers or teenage boys. The majority of voters favour Email/PM type RPG's of a turn-based descriptive or freeform nature. The most popular genres of 2018 seem to be either Modern Romance or Medieval Fantasy, with a rise in the number of Human characters though werewolves, pokemon, cat-like characters and vampires are still common. Statistics show favouritism of Original rpgs over fan-based rpgs, with equal preference between real-life actors/images and anime/artwork. RPers this year favour skillful strategy over the use of dice or point sheets. Video game RPGs are now more popular than text-based RPGs but the play-by-post tradition is still holding strong. The most popular rpgs this year are Warcraft and Skyrim, followed by D&D and of course Pokemon.

These statistics are based only on entries from participants and do not necessarily reflect the entire internet RPG community. The survey is now over, but you may continue to post/vote if you wish. This is just a thread to help RPers get a better idea of player's interests in 2018 and for collecting data for statistics. Thank you all for participating. Now go have fun! :)

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