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Forums » General Roleplay » The Pub In The Middle of Space and Time (Open RP)

Ben swore. The flash blinded him properly for a moment.
"The hell was that?" he exclaimed, though he doubted he was going to get an immediate and concise answer. He blinked. Bright spots danced in front of his vision and his eyes needed a moment to re-adjust to the pub's lighting.
Jon (played anonymously)

The mismatched soldier, who’d been there for days, jumps as the sudden flash wakes him from his disturbed slumber, the sudden movement causing his chair to tilt to the back and topple beneath him. His head impacts the ground with a distinct ‘thump’, causing the man to swear.

“Ghn.... Verrek! ****ing hell.”

The man pulls himself onto all fours, and begins to rub his repeatedly damaged cranium tenderly, chapped lips surrounded by a beer-stained stubble uttering unheard profanities.
Jake Silver (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Jake watched in amusement as they reacted accordingly. He darted to tommy and they looked at each other with romantic glances.

"Hey babe. You seem to be doing well. A martini please stirred not shaken."
retsuko (played by retsuko)

honey please be quiet
Jake Silver (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

“What the hell?! Cats! No cute animals are served here so get lost!”
Jake Silver (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Jake got out a shotgun and aimed it at the forehead of retsuko.
Arye walked into the pub and sat at the counter. He raises his hand and calls the bartender. Arye asks for a whisky and the bartender begins the prepare it.;
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Tommy would serve up said whisky to arye and pass a martini to his boyfriend jake then he had a brief smoke.
mitchiri neko (played anonymously)

*brings out some cardboard and turned it into a fricking piano*
mitchiri neko (played anonymously)

*burns the cardboard*
Arye sighes and pulls out a gun he briefly puts it to his head before holstering it again and muttering something.
mitchiri neko (played anonymously)

*asks the bartender for some water*
The Creator (played anonymously)

Denzel would stroll in calmly and upon noticing the cat he was taken back by surprise.

He’d erase the mitchiri from existence.
Arye decided to strike a conversation with the bartender. " 'Ello, how are you?"
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Tommy would throw a grenade at both retsuko and mitchiri then threw a glass bottle at them both filled with a burning rag.
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

“Good but those goddamn little buggers can go to hell.”
Arye sighes, he hands his gun to the bartender, "Hold this, cannot trust my drunk ass..."
retsuko (played by retsuko)

*throws a granade at tommy*
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Tommy would dodge and tweak the thermostat then hold arye’s gun for him.
Ardiana Dracar (played by Bixiruni)

((is it ok if i join?))

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