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Forums » RP Discussion » Flaws, anybody?

So, I got to thinking about alot of things lately, especially about my character Asphyxiate which is my absolute favorite RP character, due to the fact that I've been RPing him for a very long time, and he's been developed quite nicely, not to mention, that he's still continuing to develope in many different ways. Either way, I should probably get to what I came here for. Asphyxiate comes with alot of flaws. Why? Because of his background and his character story. His causes and effects. I think characters with flaws are... magnificent. Ideal and unique. So my question here is today...

What is your favorite character to RP as and why?

What's his/her story?

Do they have flaws? If so, what kind, and why?

I just love to... Explore other peoples ideas. >> :3

It's really hard to pick a favourite character! However, I love flawed characters. Mostly I go into the mental. Dawn, for instance is extremely insecure and from that she became anorexic. She believes that she's strongest when she can control food, since it's the only thing she has true control over.

Emmie came from an abusive, overly religious family and now spents hours praying for her soul.

There are a lot of characters on here that are all messed up, and I could go on for hours, but flaws are the BEST
Vali (played anonymously)

I am going to reply as my current most active character.

I love Vaali not because he is a mythological canon (which I turned into an OC because of a lack of information) but because I immediately connected with his personality. I love playing a mischievous Trickster, a liar and magic user. It simply fits me. (Simply because I am a mischief maker not a liar, I am bluntly honest as a player xD)

He is a compulsive liar, and even when caught IN the lie, he lies even more. Speaking the wholesome truth is rare, the best you'll get is a half-truth or a vague honest response when he feels cornered. Not that he isnt capable of being sincere but lying is simply second nature to him.
He's arrogant and a bit of a narcissist, severely over protective to a point of being obsessively possessive of his loved ones and is very ambitious and competitive.

His magic I have a lot of fun with, and I try to be very careful to limit how much he uses but when you make him angry, his magic does random things. Like exploding random objects or setting hair on fire. When nervous, random parts of his body will turn invisible.

But yeah, I'll stop rambling xD
Story telling? I do love story telling~

Tannis is my favorite character that I have ever created.

Her story is this:

In a desert city, where war was a yearly event and marriage was arranged between families, and far too many things to list, Tannis (who wasn't named Tannis just yet~) grew up in a normal, small, and cozy house. She had a mother and a father, and they loved her very much. She got married at 13 to a young man (given the time period, this wasn't an uncommon age to marry), and had her first child later that year. A second one the next year. Then she came home to an empty house, her parents having left without warning. Shortly after, she's invited to a gathering and is introduced to a well-known bandit, and she agrees to help him for a price. Then the world slowly revealed itself to her and she embraced it, lost in the throes of passion and lust, as her husband was gone for long periods of time, off exploring without her, leaving her to care for their children. The story goes on and on and on, but that's just the small part that leads to the Tannis of Today.

Oh, does she have flaws. Let's see.
1. In her world, the law is the troubled soul. It is to be pitied, but not forgiven, and punished if it does anything too terrible. Not to be confused with those that carry out the law.
2. In her world, she is available and capable to love everyone, male, female, and those that value marriage may have a hard time with Tannis's actions.
3. Tannis has a very ferocious sweet tooth, wine and chocolates a part of her daily diet. Prized deserts have been known to go missing.
4. Her schooled magical talents went from spy training to trouble making (magical schooling is far too boring~), and there are few instances where her talents dig the hole deeper instead of helping.
5. Her magic is standardized, which means that any illusionist that knows basic illusion magic can produce whatever Tannis can produce. It is Tannis's mind that shifts her magical talents about, not the magic itself that is truly fascinating.

And there are a few more minor ones, like being a self-thought-of angel of mercy at one time, until a cleric pointed out that she didn't have wings or a halo.
hmm, I like this!

My all time favorite character is Raine. I guess I like her most because I feel most comfortable playing as her. I feel like I know her better than myself.

Raine is a princess though is hardly treated like one. She lives in a powerful kingdom ruled by a king named zayne, that is twisted and dark. He gets enjoyment from watching Raine suffer, whether he is abusive towards her or others are. However she is also a jewel to him. He trained her to be the perfect warrior and general to lead his armies to victory. Raine doesn't enjoy her life at all. She is very beautiful but she acts like a brute and rude man. She eventually runs away after Zayne takes things too far, causing her to snap.

Her flaws?
She is beautiful but has a very ugly personality. She can fly off the handle for no reason and bite your head off. (Can be eventually cured)
She shows no respect to anyone until they earn it
She wont let something you wronged her with go. She will keep bringing it up depending on the wrong doing you did. It is hard to make her forgive and forget
She is as stubborn as a horse.
She can be mentally unstable too. After having a traumatic life like she had, it's a miracle she can tell right from wrong. Actually, there are times when she cannot. Raine has done some things that she is not proud of due to the abuse she has suffered.
Shame Topic Starter

I guess I should list all my flaws, shouldn't I since I started the thread about flaws and completely forgot to list Asphyxiate's. LOL.

His story is under alot of construction, as well as many of my other characters, but he was created from the very lies of the human society that has dated back thousands of years. Either way, he is created from shadows and has an alter ego, if you want to call him, named Demon. Demon is a tormentor of different arrays, and causes Asphyxiate to have mental downfalls. Bi-Polar, Some may call him Schizophrenic due to the fact that he can hear Demon, but nobody else can. He can talk to demon, and does frequently.

Pretty much, If Asphyxiate does something that Demon doesn't like, he'll emotionally and physically rip Asphyxiate apart from the inside out.

There are parts and pieces where Demon, depending on who Asphyxiate RP's with, comes out by taking over Asphyxiate's form and talking through him.

Asphyxiate gets severly depressed to the point of where he wishes to end his life. Demon's torture is so bad that Asphyx just wants to end it all.

-Asphyxiate has scars carved into his body from Demon.

-Asphyxiate can't be seen by humans, due to the fact that he is a shadow, and inhuman and basically he hides himself.

-Asphyxiate has another body attatched to him; his shadows. Which can be more explained later if anybody is intrested.

-Feeds off of corrupt human beings.

-Has an eating disorder, eats here and there.

-He can be social, but he won't take his chances if Demon doesn't agree with it or the person.

Featured flaws/Physical:

-Scars: (Most can be listed on his site.)

His eyes have been sewn shut, covered with a mask. (Ask why? It's rather intresting.)

Lips have been sewn shut, and unsewn.

Scars on his cheek under his right eye.

Severly thin, Bones can be seen. Long body, Slim with some muscle tone. His right arm, scarred so badly that there is no muscle tone. Only scar tissue.

Hands are beaten, torn up/wrapped up.

And other flaws. Can you just tell... I'm in love with flaws?

If I've missed anything or if anybody wants to know more >> Feel free to ask LOL.

Not to mention, where do you enjoy to play your characters? What realm? What time: Day/Night? Where can you find your characters and who do they usually socialize with :3? SO MANY QUESTIONS XD

Asphyx's Realm: Earth/Present
Time: Night
Where: Shadows/Dark Places.
Socializes with: Unknown.

Arthur - Has a problem with getting wrapped up in the past. Also has a problem with boredom, and he can get to a point where he's isolated himself from society too much and becomes starved for contact, which leads to inappropriate attachments.

Beau - I'd say that Beau is dumb as a box of rocks, but the rocks thoroughly trounced him in a debate tournament, so the rocks are obviously the smarter of the two.

Sam - Sam... Oh Sam, where to begin. Sam is an enormously hateful, mean, and violent bag of anti-social crazy where any first contact with her has a better likelihood of her cussing someone out, cussing someone out and punching them, cussing and stabbing, cussing and shooting, or cussing and running away than even a neutral reception.
Asphyxiate sounds like an unique race of a creature.

As for what, who, where, and all other things that can be asked of Tannis:

Her realms include anything that can produce oxygen. As she needs to be able to breathe. She has crept into steampunk worlds with her mysterious picnic basket of justice and mercy (it's a +5 picnic basket), and she is most comfortable in medieval worlds, as sci-fi tends to focus on lasers, and until there's a sword design that can shoot lasers at whim...

The time of day? From the early mornings to the latest of hours, Tannis is active and doing several different things a day. Waking up in somebody's bed, to exercising, to sun bathing, to gambling, to drinking, to shopping for flowers, Tannis's schedule changes everyday.

But where can Tannis be found? In gambling dens, filled with dirty individuals, or in the local castle, or on the streets, or near the beach, or in the local tavern. Afraid she's just an ordinary character who visits ordinary places, doing ordinary things.

As to who Tannis socializes with...anything with a heartbeat, and even those that aren't alive, but have a high charisma.
I suppose I'll throw in my own characters, Nathaniel Tynian...

Nate was my very first RPing character, and he was initially pretty cliched and overpowered, as your wont to do when you're first starting out. In the process of refining him and making him a better all-round character, He gathered quite a few flaws, but first I'll tell you his story so you can understand where they came from.

Nathaniel Tynian is the second son of King Erisad Silverbrow, usually known as Erisad the Wise of the ancient Second Kingdom of Terel - or Terelian to most outsiders. Nathaniel had a normal childhood for one of his station, learning history, diplomacy, tactics, swordfighting, hunting, hawking and other such noble pursuits. However, the world was not a happy place. The Great War had lasted for centuries by this point; the Gillorian Empire was expanding slowly and the Kingdoms of the Men of the West were divided and weak. Eventually the Gillorians reached Vaden on Terelian's border and they were obligated to aid their allies. Long story short, after getting sucked into the war Terelian was eventually destroyed, its people enslaved or scattered to the winds, its culture, language, history purged, defaced and forgotten.

Surviving the massacre of his family, Nathaniel watched the Burning of Oberoth and the Fall of Terelian. Everyone he knew and loved was dead, or else missing in the chaos and he was forced to flee for his life.

The Terelain race are Ageless Felines, and so Nathaniel retained his youth even as centuries passed and his people faded into obscurity. Now a scarred, lonely exile, he wanders the world in search of the Lost Ones, Terelains who fled abroad to escape the war, the only Terelain population of any size that might still remain.

His Flaws

Alcohol; whilst he's not an alcoholic, he does like his ale a little too much and there is the potential, at least, for him to fall to such an addiction.

Hydrophobia; to escape the massacre of his family, Nathaniel jumped from a very high tower into a powerful, freezing cold river, the traumatic memories and near-drowning have fostered within him an irrational terror of water; any sizable amount of the liquid with have him screaming and running off in fear.

Survivor guilt; he's got this in spades

Nightmares; he has nightmares virtually every night, normally he can endure them or sleep through them, but sometimes they become night-terrors so terrible and so frequent that he can't sleep, sometimes for days or weeks on end, leaving him exhausted and trembling.

Social skills; he's polite enough to strangers, but he doesn't appreciate people prying into his business, and he can seem rude or even brusque to some people trying to draw him into a conversation, nor does he make friends easily. Those friends he does have, however, he is fiercely loyal towards and he'd be devastated if one of them died or was hurt, doubly so if he thought it might be his fault or that he could have prevented it.

Obsessive about his swords; the twin blades he bears, Anhuin and Gerenana, Honour and Duty, are ancient family heirlooms, symbols of kingship. Anyone trying to steal these swords is likely to hit his 'berserk button'. That said, a thief couldn't touch the swords with their bare hands or they would be burned by an ancient enchantment, though it is certainly possible to steal them if you're wearing gloves. He'll hunt you down though.

Nate's Realm; I call his world Aerin, but he can go in any fantasy setting.
Time: Day or Night, since felines are nocturnal hunters. It depends on when he's awake.
Where: Anywhere, particularly taverns or places where there is conflict. He's apt to become a mercenary or join the local town guard i he can to earn some coin.
Socializes with: Very few people.

Flaws? Well, if you really wanted to know...
  • Jack: Reanimate who can be set aflame by the mention of God, being touched by religious imagery, setting foot on hallowed ground or inside a church, and who suffers from terrible, waking dreams about his brief time in the afterlife. Haunted by the memories of a lost love, blaming himself for her death and suffering from survivor's guilt because of it (although survivor is sort of not applicable, given his nature). Suffers from shell shock from his years in WWII and Vietnam, drove himself deep into substance abuse during the mid 70s to early 80s, and, if not for the direct involvement of TMIG, would have destroyed himself long ago. He's bitter, cynical, and manipulative, exuding outward confidence and nonchalance while harboring deep-seated self-hatred and envy of those who, to him, lead simpler, happier lives.
  • TMIG: Ancient alien monarch who lost his wife, family, kingdom, and race to a cataclysm which drove the survivors to the four corners of the universe, to be enslaved, killed off, or dwindled down to nothing by centuries of bitter hardship, disease, and unfriendly natives on other planets. Refuses to blame himself for letting the cataclysm happen, although doubt and fear of failing his race plague him all through life. Arrogant beyond belief, considering himself the only "real" elf among the many races of elves around, as well as holding his quest to be far more important than anyone else's. He was once a powerful warrior, later a powerful spellcaster, but after prolonging his life so long to continue to seek his revenge, he's little more than a shambling hulk of a man now; his day-to-day existence often involves nothing more than planning for others to do his bidding and putting himself through hours of grueling exercise to keep his body from atrophying. He's fallen into a single-focus, amoral state, willing to destroy an inhabited planet just to further his quest for revenge; he won't ever admit it, but he's channeled his doubt, perceived failures of the past, and loss of any other motivation into said quest. He can't stop chasing down the man responsible because, for the last 13,000 years, he's done nothing else; to stop, forgive and forget, would mean admitting that he's a purposeless relic of a long-forgotten tragedy. As long as he continues his chase, he has a reason to keep himself alive, but he's intentionally lengthened his quest more than once to give himself an excuse to keep fighting.

Choosing between these two for my favorite character to play is like choosing between two of my own children (if I had any) to be my favorite.

JayBird wrote:

Beau - I'd say that Beau is dumb as a box of rocks, but the rocks thoroughly trounced him in a debate tournament, so the rocks are obviously the smarter of the two.

I don't know if I ever told you, Jay, but I love dumb characters. You pull off his flaw perfectly. Not many play truly stupid characters well.

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