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Forums » Epic Week 2018 » Puzzle11 symbol discussion (SOLVED)


This one seems really difficult. :/
PrettySir wrote:
This one seems really difficult. :/

Maybe we're focusing our attention too much on one area...what if the riddle heres trying to tell us not to focus all our attention in one area?

What else was going on around the site when that video was released?

Also, on a separate investigation...

What was happening before the Corsair(s?) showed up but elsewhere on the site...away from the main plot??

Maybe it's referring to something that was happening while we were all focused on slaying goblins?
Ilmarinen Moderator

It isn't easy, that's for sure! The alpha and beta nodes took the better part of the week. I think we'll crack it soon :)
Not sure if this will help, but items, and the sky, hit by the sun as certain angles can sometimes be described as on fire.
Gamers wrote:
Not sure if this will help, but items, and the sky, hit by the sun as certain angles can sometimes be described as on fire.

There's a part in the video where (before the woman calls for fire) she looks through a telescope and the sun hits it and it's nearly blinding (to my eyes) but maybe something in the video around that time would help?
Ilmarinen Moderator

What else was going on around the site when that video was released?

Also, on a separate investigation...

What was happening before the Corsair(s?) showed up but elsewhere on the site...away from the main plot??
I like this idea too. I think onion's doubutt writeup came out around then?
It does seem like there is some sort of code in the wake of the ships during thr birds eye view of that video.
Is it the letters PGPG - using the code?

Also, could it have something to do with the number of cannonballs fired after she yells fire? That would be a detail easily missed...
I got a clue from a bottle

Puzzle11: You know both keys. They've unlocked doors before.
Smithie wrote:
I got a clue from a bottle

Puzzle11: You know both keys. They've unlocked doors before.
Whoa...that could definitely help with this.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Thanks Smithie! :) And breezydawn, the wake in the ships had a rendering error--it is supposed to say "pow" and it was the answer to one of the other riddles. But we do know now yhat both of the keys have unlocked doors before!
I was just about to post that I got a clue for this puzzle, but looks like Smithie beat me to it! :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

What were the keywords that have been used so far? Just "aquatoid"? Or maybe we need some from last year...
Ilmarinen Moderator

Which was uhhh..... malarauko rov .... ??? what was the third part? XD
Dragonfire Moderator


Turns out I had it written down, still. XD

Could it be "invasion", "novmala", "rauko" or something like that?
Ilmarinen Moderator

"invasion nov malarauko" was a keyword from last year's Epic Week :) The three words are in 3 different languages (english, vulcan?? and Quenya). I only mentioned it now because the have the new bottle clue about how we know the keys already.
Makes sense, considering I just joined a month ago.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm not sure it'll be anything from last epic week at all! we did use some keywords this year--among them "aquatoid," but I can't remember any others.
You pull the cork out of the Message in a Bottle and gently fish the paper out of it. Unrolling it, you see that it reads:

Puzzle11: One of the keys you need was a signpost at the beginning of your journey.

I got this hint in a bottle, not sure if you all have covered it yet or not!
At 0:41 in the video, maybe the clue we're looking for will be in the area of the screen that her finger is pointed to?

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2018 » Puzzle11 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

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