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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Quest for the Elemental Gems

Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

The clones in her mind spoke, "You have no place here darkness, begone or we will force you out of this girls mind."
Z33 (played by TopKek23)

((I just wanted to start the voice here I gtg))
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

“You can’t get rid of me you fools, I am a part of Cecilia that will always be a part of her....I am Cecilia...” her physical self panted holding her head

Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

((Ok, see ya. I will be going to bed soon anyway.))

The clones spoke "You are not Cecilia, you were not born as Cecilia. You are a parasite feeding off of her and controlling her. Like all parasites, you can be destroyed." The clones surrounded the orb that is Cecilia, the real one, and started to emit an intense light, weakening the darkness attached to the orb.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

“You don’t get it... I am Cecilia’s other half if you destroy destroy the good half...”she screamed in pain as her darker half was dying
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

"We can still protect the good side and keep you from taking control of her. You will still be alive but you will not be able to take control of her. You will be banished to her subconscious. She will still be alive but will no longer be controlled by you."
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

“But I feel her, oh sweet innocent child...I will always come back..” she held her head, the splitting pain in her head made her feel light headed
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

((I am going to bed now, good night.))

"You may come back, but we will be here to stop you from taking complete control over her." The pain started to lessen as the clones stayed in one spot and have stopped moving, for the time being.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

((Alright night))

She calmed down, she panted and laid on the ground still, she was still little light head, but it began to stop, she turned and laid on her back
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

Snow walked over to Cecilia, "How are you feeling?" She asks, with worry in her voice. Snow still had her daggers in hand, just in case she would have to defend herself.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

She nodded, cause she was still in a little pain, she said this in a raspy voice, “I’m...getting...there”
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

"Sorry about putting you through that pain, but you were trying to kill my friend." Snow's tail stopped swishing around.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

“It takes over sometimes....” she looked at her, “I don’t mean for it to but it takes over, in all my efforts to stop it....”
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

Snow nodded, "Well if it does take over again, I will stop it, just know that you will feel that pain every time I do get whatever is inside of you under control."
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

She nodded and stood up slowly she slowly made her way to snow, “those symbols you saw in the cave, keep it under control, but I was too late this time...”she whispered to her
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

((Wait, how did Cecilia know about that? Snow used her clone and it merged with the cave wall to stay undetected, it also basically used camouflage.))
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

((But her dark side sensed her magic the clone let off))
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

((Ah ok.))

Snow nodded, "I knew what they were, I showed Glacia the symbols when I got the images, she figured out what they were." Snow smiled a little bit, "Glad you are back o yourself."
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

She smiled slightly, “I don’t think still trying to control me...”
Snow (played by Dregnosteel) Topic Starter

"My clones are still merged with you, they are stopping it from getting a grip on you. If the thing starts to move around, my clones will move too, but you will feel pain from them moving, as they are not apart of your body." Snow said her tail twitching a bit.

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