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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Shaded Truth [Group RP] -OPEN-

Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha seemed to snap out of it slightly, her eyes focusing back on the woman in front of her. Her mouth hung open a little as the question registered in her mind. Her eye twitched.

"M.. Oh! I.." She closed her eyes tightly then reopened them. Though slowly, sanity seemed to come back to her. "There was...a problem with me when.." A pause. "I need to kill."
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

(( group RPs are suffering. x.x I've been sick with a cold and have a headache Dx))

Fial blushed brightly at Erasai's praise, "O-oh, it was nothing..." He saw the stranger who had not fled with the rest and grew concerned. How many troublemakers would come in here? When Zasha went...well, insane, and Ilo took care of the problem, Fial just tried to keep his distance. All the death and blood was making him sick, literally.

"W-what?" he squeaked. She needed to kill? That was...yuck. "I think I'm going to throw up..." the feminine man whimpered.
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

Erasai threw a glare at Ilo, and said, "I'm pretty sure someone who's fled from here has already done so. Besides, I don't think she'd be going anywhere with you watching her like that." Her eyes then glanced to Zasha, who spoke for a moment. "What do you mean, when you need to kill?"

She patted Fial on the back when he said he was ill, and said, "Go the to bathroom, doesn't look like anyone else needs healing." She stood up straight, her long hair falling from her shoulders and back behind her as she looked around the room. There seemed to be one person left, standing back in the shadows. "You can leave if you want. It seems safe now," she said, realizing that it was the man that Ilo had been sitting by when they first entered the bar.
Reis (played anonymously)

The answer that came was but a nod, and the 'Lord' didn't move. He was just acknowledging he was being spoken to. He could leave, yes, but he did not want to. Ilo was no longer the center of his attention; now the quite odd Zasha was who he intended to find more about.

The smirking stranger was having a wonderful time. It was much like a play, only real.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo was now slightly interested in this woman she was holding hostage. She needed to kill? How interesting. Well, at least it was interesting as long as that lust was not pointed at her.

"You need to kill? Like, you kill because you are contracted to? Or, do you kill because you have to live off your kills?"
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

(Sorry for the inactivity! x: )

Zasha twitched violently, the crazy threatening to take over again. She seemed to fight it off, though. For now. She focused on Ilo. Maybe conversation would help..

"I...I need to. I am not contracted. I do not live off them. I just..need to."
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

Fial was very upset by it all. At Erasai's words, he nodded weakly and rushed to the bathroom. After successfully emptying the content of his stomachs, the girly woman went back out to the room and looked around. "So...what do we do? She has to kill. Isn't she suppposed to be put away somewhere so that she can't hurt anyone? That's...that's a mental problem, isn't it? She's certainly not safe enough to be out and about in the world."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo just raised her brows and stared at the woman. Mental problem indeed, but she had never dealt with something like Zasha before. Now the question was, continue on the route of turning her over to the police in hopes of receiving compensation or let her loose in honor of the loosely translated outlaw code? She chewed it over; She had killed before, but it was usually self defense or close to it. This woman seemed to have a physical need to have people die around her.

Ilo regarded the body on the ground, riddled with bullet holes. She frowned. "So, the police then," she vocalized.
Reis (played anonymously)

The vampire would raise en eyebrow when he heard them talk about police. Oh, that wouldn't do, not at all. He wanted to know more about the woman's strange condition, much like his own in a way. If she was to taken away by the police, all the fun would leave as well.

He would do nothing. Not yet. They were just talking, none of them had acted yet. Besides, he was too busy thoroughly examining every one of them.
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha's eyes widened with fear.

"No! Please don't turn me in! If you do, they might.." Her eyes moistened as an emotion other than bloodlust took over. "I can't let that happen.." She looked at the others, silently pleading. The woman fell to her knees and began to sob at the thought of what she might do, what might happen if authorities got hold of her.
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

"What are we suppose to do then? Just let you go so you can kill more people? You might even go into another fit right here and now, trying to kill one of us!" Erasai said, starting to pick up a few of the toppled chairs and tables. She knew the woman was afraid of being turned in, but it was common sense to do so. There was no reason not to.

"You've given us no reason not to, so I don't see why we shouldn't." And at that point you could make out the faint sounds of sirens, growing steadily closer.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

If she owned some sort of heartstrings deep down in her chest, they might have been pulled watching Zasha plead. However, they were small, frail strings and after a small amount of tugging, they broke. Zasha's whimpering was just getting on her nerves now. Her mana katars had ceased to manifest and she now stood with her hip jut out, and her arms crossed over her chest. The sound of sirens hit her ears and for a moment she had the urge to run; but then she remembered she had never been in this world before and they were not coming for her. She looked around her and her eyes fell on Reis.

He unsettled her just enough for her to be wary of him.
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

She hiccuped, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was furious at herself for breaking down like this in front of strangers. After a few more minutes of her blubbering she managed to calm herself a little. So, the authorities were near. She took deep breaths, trying to get a grip. She wiped her eyes slowly, staring at the floor.

Zasha quickly pulled her handgun from her boot and made a mad dash to the exit, toppling chairs that happened to be in her path.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo was thrown off for a moment when Zasha jumped to her feet, but she recovered quickly. Her mana katar reformed and she made a leap for Zasha. She was determined to get some sort of bounty or something for her capture! And by the sounds of it the authorities would be on them momentarily.

"Where are you going?" She launched after Zasha, katar raised to strike if the woman did not stop. She climbed tables and dodged chairs, but was not very close by the time she was through them.
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha paused in the doorway, looking back at Ilo, her gun held down. When she spoke, her voice was strangely low and even.

"You don't understand. I have to get out of here. Now." She gave the other woman a look, trying to somehow make her magically understand her situation. "If you agree to not turn me in and I agree to not kill you, I will explain elsewhere if you are interested. But for now," she turned, facing back out toward the street, "I have to run." She sprinted left out the door and down a sidewalk, quickly entering the first alleyway she came to.
Reis (played anonymously)

When she left, who followed first? Ilo? Erasai? Wrong. It was the one who knew she would make a run for it. The one who wanted her to be free so he could learn more about her, her, with a compulsive need to kill that so strangely resembled the Lord's own condition.

And indeed, unnaturally fast he was. The gift of undeath comes with many curses, but a few blessings. A keen sense of smell found her tracks, and so Reis gave the woman chase, while at the same time trying to see who followed - those he had to stop.
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

((Wow I totally lost this RP))

Fial was just staying away for now. He would help Erasai, trying to at least be of some aid. After the murderous woman dashed away though, he tugged Erasai's hand. "Come on, we should get out of here. If the police come while we're here, it will be big trouble." He would gently tug her away and head out. Where had the others gone? He looked towards Ilo. Maybe she would tell them where to go?
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

Erasai, actually stunned that Zasha had escaped, took a moment to comprehend. "Right," she said, before giving a sigh. She was trying not to get angry because the murderer had escaped... again. That might trigger something inside her, and she didn't want that. She stood, letting Fial lead her away from the scene. Outside would be best for now, away from the bar of course.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Aggravated with the whole affair, Ilo stomped her foot through one of the already broken tables. Scowling, her eyes releasing plumes of energy, she turned to look at the others, mostly Fial who was already looking in her direction.

"I'm following her." With that, she turned and left out the door Zasha had fled through.
He smirked lightly as he walked by the bar hearing the screaming and commotion inside as his hands were shoved in his pocket.

"Another night another fight. I wonder of they started placing bets on em with all the fights that happen in here."

He then closed his eyes as he continued walking. After a moment he opened them again in time to see Zasha disappear down an alley way and lightly jogged a bit to it's end and looked down it.

"Well if it isn't the dog who got the cat. Which cat did you get this time?"

He then chuckled lightly as he turned his body to face her and folded his arms over his chest.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that anyways."

(Well well. Lookit what RP I found. Heh.)

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Shaded Truth [Group RP] -OPEN-

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