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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Camp

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Hmmm...I think theres a nearby gas station here. " he looks around this land and saw a gas station from afar. "Man this will be a long walk on this heat of the day."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Alright...” she let out a small sigh, “let’s get walking..” she began to walk glad she had tennis shoes on instead of her flip flops.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

They walk at the heat of the Sun and he wants to start a conversation while they are walking. " So how are the activities that your working on this day?"
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Fine...I have arts and crafts today along with s’more making later tonight..” she turned around looking st him walking back wards. “What do you have?”
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Well simple survival guide to teach the youngsters on how to survive in any type of calamity." He looks at her with a slight smile.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She nodded, the sun was beating down on them causing both of them to sweat, she shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked at him, “ya...” she thought to say something, but shook it off.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

At last they manage to arrive at the Gas Station, So he handed the gas can to the employee as he sits down on the bench next to soda machine.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She leaned against the window as she moved her shirt up and down to fan her stomach, she was still in her bikini from at the camp. “’s so hot..”
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He was sweating hard that he decided to take off his counsellor shirt that he wears a black tank top. He puts the shirt next to him. "Man..Summer Heat can be unforgiving..."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Ya...hold up..” she walked into the gas station and bought a couple waters she can me back out and tossed him one, “there...ya go.” She took a long drink from her water bottle.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He catch it "Thanks Jess.: He twist and open and start drinking as the drip of the water went down on his top. "
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She nodded blushing slightly but it blended in with her cheeks which were already red from the heat, she looked ahead and sat on the window ceil. “Your was really...”
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

The employee gave the gas tank to allec as he stand up and paid for it. "Alright..we got the gas and its time to go back."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Okay..” she stood up and began to walk back, the sun had reached its hottest point, noon, and it made them sweat even more, “ok...forget this it’s too hot...” she pulled off her counselor shirt that was too big, she still had on shorts but now, it was just her bikini top and shorts.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

As they walk he began to blush on her bikini and begans the chuckle on her.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“What..?” She looked over at him with a smile, “it’s hot..” she took a sip of her water.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He throw his counsellor t-shirt at her " Here..use it as a shade on your head. Just hang on a little more because we are almost there."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Okay...” she held his t-shirt above her head for shade as they continued to walk, “hey you look a little hot over there...” she said smiling, “let me help..”she threw some water at him laughing a little.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"hey cut it out!" He started the chuckled as she poured water at him. "Someday I'll get you back"
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Alright we will see...” she said smiling, they had made it back to the jeep and she threw both of their shirts into the passenger seat, she leaned against the Jeep and drank another sip of water.

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