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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Camp

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"IS that the only way Doc? Please tell me thats the only way?" He looks at him with a worry and hope on his eyes
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Yes all we have to do is close the stitches and watch over her for the next few days..” as he said this Jessica was having trouble breathing, “allec....” was all she managed to say, before she went into a seizure. She was shaking wildly. The doctor put the railing of her bed down and called for a nurse.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Jess!" He wanted to help her but he just let the doctor and nurses do their work
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

A nurse shoved him out of the room, “we will take care of her...” the nurse went back in closing the door. They began to run different medicines into her iv to stop the seizures
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

As he was out, he decided to take a seat on the visitor bench and wait for it to end.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She came out of the seizure and the pulled the railings up and began to lead her to the OR, she was wheeled right past allec in the visitor section.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec just watch her passed as he look in the ground and starts to hope that this surgery will went well and success.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

They took her into the OR and began the surgery, it had been a couple of hours and they were finished. The doctor walked out to allec and cleared his throat.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec look up at the doctor's face as he stand up firmly " So how is she doc?" his hands beginning to sweat to heard the news straight
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“The surgery went smoothly and she is recovering, she just needs some rest, but you can go see her if you wish..” the doctor gave a soft smile to him.

Jessica was still asleep after the surgery she lay on the bed covered by the blanket, her chest was wrapped in gauze as well.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Thank heaven and thanks for the news Doc." he gave a relief sigh "I guess this is the best time to leave her in her rest." He turns around as he started to leave "Oh by the way...Tell her I'll visit her tomorrow."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Alright will do..” the doctor nodded as he left
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He leaves the hospital as he went back at the camp to finish some unfinished business.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She awoke hours later to not see allec, but the doctor, “he said he would visit tomorrow...” he finished his check up, “but get some rest...” he smiled and walked out. She grabbed the tv remote and turned to the news were they were broadcasting the crash, saying how no one was dead, one in the hospital, which was her.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

It was early morning that Allec manage to pulled out the crash jeep and bring it back to the garage. He takes time to fix the damage until it became new again. It was almost noon that he took the jeep a test drive to the hospital.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She laid in the bed, being told not to move that much sucked. She watched as the news continued to play the story about the crash. She sighed and changed the station to a random channel. She closed her eyes, she was so drowsy, she slowly drifted to sleep.
Bethany Lover (played anonymously)

((can I join :) ))
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He got out from the jeep carrying a fruit basket that he went inside to the hospital. He knocks at the door and opened it slowly as he enter. " Yo Jess..How are ya?"
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She opened a eye to see allec, she shrugged, “on a whole bunch of meds...” she said softly

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