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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Frostfall RP (Need RPers Desperately)

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

Ember would growl lightly "Zeigen Sie uns Ihr Flugzeug." (Show us your aircraft) ember would say to the quinterran, they would walk over to the hangar, where several Aircraft were seen, ember would turn to the others "They don't use snowspeeders here, they use cargo fighers, same thing but with a different name" Several quinterrans would move the aircraft outside, where they would sit on the runway, Ember would look toward the others "Two seaters each, One of you rides with me" Ember would look towards the three, he would hop in his speeder "Leutnant, lassen Sie Ihre Männer zurückziehen und bereiten ihre Mörser, dann Hopfen in einem der Sitze" ember would say (Lieutenant, have your men pull back and ready their mortars, then hop in one of the seats) The quinterran would shout orders to his Advisors, telling them to ready mortars, the fox would go to hop in one of the aircraft (You can decide who he picks)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((Also, DM me if you wanna join,please don't ask here))
((I did))

ORIN - Commander Kamura and the rest approved his plan! Still a little whelmed by pride, Orin followed the snowy canines and his leading officer to the hangar, were several speeders - or cargo fighters, as they called it here - were waiting for them. Woah, it must've been ages since he'd flown anything. The motorcycles in their previous assignment were good fun, but these things were must faster and stronger in every aspect.
"Two seaters each, One of you rides with me" the Commander instructed. Without even hesitating, Orin followed his Commander and sat down in the same fighter, watching Zaide climbing into his, accompanied by the Quinterran who spoke in a rare, southern tongue. A recruit, a poor rookie. To team up with someone as cold and harsh as Zaide during such an intense moment - he remembered his first heavy fight, and how he cried and trembled afterwards, hiding in an abandoned bathroom surrounded by dust and blood -, but maybe it was for the best. Being hard on someone - Zaide's expertise, after all - was sometimes all people required when they needed to man up.

ZAIDE - "This your first dogfight?" the dark gray Lycandros asked when he sat down in Blizzard-5. A muffled, shrugging noise was heard next to him, seemingly trying to make the situation frothy.
"Well... yes.. but I'm not afraid," the recruit said, his voice sparkling with confidence. Oh, a greenhorn to the bone.
"Yeah, but you will be. That's how it works," Zaide snapped back, only to realize his voice sounded way harsher than he meant. Oh well. "You think combat will be fun once you get used to the noise and traumas? Hell no, kid, think again! The only thing battle learns you is to ignore the fact that you're terrified, that you'd rather curl up and cry on mom's soft shoulder. Enjoying to fight is something only sociopaths do.."
He must've scared the boy off for a bit, because he was silent most of the ride. The squadron went through the blast doors and take a long way around the dread Cu'Madr, making sure the radars on the damned thing wouldn't detect them. If their cover was blown, the mission was over. But so far, so good...
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((German, not southern))
The squadron would suddenly fly towards the vehicle, the one that was firing at the quinterran tanks, Two of the aircraft would be shot down, Lucky none of them had any Members of the team "Forget it, This is our only chance to stop this thing" Ember's fighter would suddenly fly around the Cu'Madr, a tow cable was shot from the back of his speeder as it circled around, ember suddenly saw something, the windows were green, and inside was a fully-Functioning organ system, A brain was clearly visible from the underside,Ember's towcable was suddenly cut "IT HAS SHIELDS!!!!" Ember would fire at the vehicle, hitting it's shield generator, suddenly a round would hit Ember's engine, causing it to smoke "I'm hit! Damage is Major but not crippling! Continuing the mission!" Ember would growl, obviously frustrated with the vehicle "ORIN!!!! TRIP THAT THING!!!"
(( I was talking about Zaide’s friend, who talks Dutch and not German. Anyway, I’m gonna hit the hay, will reply tomorrow ))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((Understood, see ya!))

ZAIDE - Big snowflakes stuck to their windscreen as Blizzard-5 flew ahead of the squadron against the biting wind. The Quinterran, who was in charge of the canons and grappling hooks, stayed silent for the whole trip, either to nervous or intimated to say anything. Zaide listened to the soft, mechanic beeps and the steady rumbling of the engine, as they came closer and closer to the fearsome mech that was relentlessly firing at the Outpost.
But when it turned its mighty head towards the squadron and took out two fighters effortlessly, Zaide slowly came to realize that this was no ordinary machine. He took a wild turn and slightly separated Blizzard-5 from the rest of the group, and flew closer to Cu'Madr without distracting it. Dense green windows and... organs.
"Verdomme.." the Quinterran cursed under his breath. Another GMO, but this time, the Separatists crossed the line. This.. thing.. was even worse than the Blade Synths. Oh hell, to think what they had done to the original host to create something so unholy and devastating..
Too flabbergasted to control the speeder, Zaide realized it had turned its horrific head towards them and fired one single shot at their engine, after which Blizzard-5 crashed into the snow.

ORIN - Zaide! "Oh no.. Father no..." Orin stammered, barely keeping the fighter under control. He awaited the explosion that would end his brother, his companion and the speeder, but it never happened. Damn. That idiot had been lucky..
"ORIN!!! TRIP THAT THING!!!" Kamura's scream woke him up again. Shit, this mech couldn't be tackled like some kind of quadrupedal vehicle, it had mortal joints! If they really wanted to take it out they had to blast its-..
Crash! Thick shards of green glass were blown from Cu'Madr's abdominal area, and a foul liquid and some chunks of guts dropped on the ice. Was that..?
The blonde Lycandros looked down, only to see Zaide holding his muzzle to his communicator, instructing one of the Quinterran's speeders - Blizzard-3 by the looks of it - to keep firing at the green glass. Damn, that genius! But slowly after, the shield on the mech returned, and all the blasts were rendered useless. They had to find the station that provided Cu'Madr and blow that up, so that the others could shoot at the beast's intestines.
"Commander, we need to find the station that gives this thing its shields!" Orin said, barely understandable over the noise of the dogfight.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

Ember would scan his surroundings, seeing a large metal tower, the wolf would fire shots at it, causing one of the shields to fall, Ember would quickly turn around, focusing fire on the vehicle's joints, It would slowly start to break the legs of the vehicle, It would turn and fire another round at Ember's ship, causing damage to it "FIRE ON THE GLASS!!!! DESTROY THE BRAIN!!!!" Ember would quickly fire shot's at the creatures head, Most of them missed due to the main guns being damaged, Ember would notice something on the side, A symbol, the same one on the blade synths, Ember seemed Confused, Is that implying the project is larger than they thought? Suddenly the vehicles shields would raise again, Some damage was taken to the windows, Blood and the strange fluid was leaking out

ORIN - They made a spectacular dive and an even more spectacular turn around Cu'Madr's left ankle, at which Zaide had fired another shot from his risky yet nifty spot on the ground level. Orin suppressed a panicked yelp when the icy blue blast exploded on the shields, and took a massive swerve to get closer to the metal tower in the hills behind it. But it took only a single shot to blast it to pieces, and with the force of the violent explosion at their back, Commander Kamura and Orin's speeder was back on the battlefield in no time.
"FIRE ON THE GLASS!!!! DESTROY THE BRAIN!!!!" his Commander yelled, vigorously firing at its head with the less accurate sub-cannons. Though most of the blasts hit the energy-resistant metal, a few shots were enough to make the glass around the brain shatter. Slimy fluid poured from its maw like a waterfall of chemical water, along with some.. blood? Orin aimed a few blue blasts at its belly, only to realize that the guts falling into the snow were actually a mortal's. Oh All-Father.. was this another GMO? How could those Separatists be so cruel to the Darkwolves?
As far as Orin knew, there were no Darkwolves among the Separatists, as this radical band of terrorists were rebelling against the Darkwolf Empire and consisted of the 'conquered' races; the Velox, some Quinterrans, but mostly the Yurus* with their peculiar beliefs and culture. Now, as a Lycandros, Orin wasn't very fond of the Empire either, but what they had done to those poor test subjects was far from forgivable.

ZAIDE - Only one shot to go! Lividly kicking the glitching engine, Zaide couldn't help but aim his entire vocabulary of local, official and slang cussing words at the technological piece of junk, getting the weirdest of looks from the rookie, who was tending to his nosebleed by pressing sleeve against his muzzle.
"It is not going to work if you keep.. err.. kicking it," his muffled voice said to him. The dark furred Lycandros snarled and gave it one last kick, just to show 'em who was boss here, and to their amazement, it actually started humming again. Very softly at fist, barely audible over the loud dogfight above their heads, but it ended up running as smoothly as it used to. Too bad the rest of the speeder was smacked, Zaide had loved to rejoin the fight.
But right now, he had the honor to end it.
"Proved ya wrong - again!" A victorious smirk adorned his lips. Crawling into the smashed cockpit, Zaide squeezed his lean but well-muscled body into his seat, put his finger on the trigger to the main cannons and..
Splash!! The critically aimed blast hit Cu'Madr across her ugly metal face, shattering the green glass that covered up her brains in only a split-second. Blood, slime and chunks of brainy flesh squirted from the fracture, and with a lot of mechanical whining, the massive lupine mech collapsed on the ice, breaking it immediately and spraying a cloud of icy water into the air.

( * The Yurus are a species of anthropomorphic maned wolves and the tallest but also the physically weakest species of extraterrestrial lupines )
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

Ember would slowly exit his fighter, him and his Co-Pilot getting out "As usual.. Good work." Ember would look towards the destroyed Cu'Madr, seeing the same symbol as the ones on the blade synth's. Another Cu'Madr was walking down the hill, but it was quickly destroyed due to the lack of shield generators "Looks like they're making them there" Ember would wag his tail lightly "It's within walking distance" As if on Cue, an APC would come nearby, ember would flag it down as it stopped, The wolf would take out binoculars and would look toward the door "Wir hatten bereits Vorkenntnisse darüber, aber der Spaziergänger hinderte uns daran, an Boden zu gewinnen, jetzt, da das Fahrzeug zerstört ist, können wir seine Basis angreifen." Said the quinterran ((We did have previous knowledge of it, but the walker was preventing us from gaining ground, Now that the vehicle is destroyed we can attack it's base. )) Ember perked his ears up, hearing Power tools in the distance "Time to get a move-on"
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((Wait a minute, was my fighter shot down or was Zaide in a different one?))
(( Zaide was in Blizzard-5 with the Quinterran recruit while Orin was in another Blizzard with Kamura. Zaide was the one who crashed. ))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((Ok, just assume that happened right))

ZAIDE - Howling victoriously at the scene, Zaide watched the other Blizzard units return to the base, or what was left from it. He had to admit that due to the hangar being built between two sturdy rocks and having metal blast doors that were as massive as they got, the base was still mostly unharmed. For now, at least.
Setting out into the frozen wasteland, the dark furred Lycandros would regularly check up on the recruit, but the kid had no trouble at all keeping up, as the region where he was from - The Oxian Wastelands - were even harsher and colder than way up here. "You never told me your name," the young Quinterran said after a while. His nosebleed had finally stopped, but the bloody smears on his sleeve were still fresh and visible. A narrow paw, tucked away in a sturdy glove was extended. Zaide grinned lightly and shook the guy's hand. "My name is Rynts, by the way. Rynths IJsrayder." The much larger and burlier canine nodded.
"Zaide, Darkwolf Special Forces," he introduced himself with a solemn nod. "The blonde fella's my half-brother, Orin. And the big guy is Commander Ember Kamura, probably the only Darkwolf I ever got close to. Without slitting his throat, that is." Rynths gulped nervously. "What.. what do you mean by that?" he stuttered.
Zaide peered into the distance. Night had fallen upon the icy wastelands, and the light coming from the base were the only ones around. The sky had turned a deep purple, with the blueish gas-moon watching over the planet like an enormous eye. The lupine soldier smirked and said full of pride and with a teasing undertone in his voice: "You know damned well what I mean.."

ORIN - When he hopped out of the speeder, Commander Kamura was already conversing with the local forces, then pulling out his binoculars and aiming at the faraway base of the Separatists. The belly of the beast, so close... Orin approached the Quinverrans and his leading Commander, who already said confidently - with his ears perked and all -: "Time to get a move on." Wait, what about Zaide and his little friend? Orin sped up a bit and walked beside his Commander.
"But sir, Zaide and the recruit haven't returned yet. And Frostfall is not a place to roam at night.."

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((oof, I assume I am doing this correctly"
"Very well then," Ember said, He would yawn lightly, while wagging his tail, Ember would pull out a Beacon, Calling in a gunship to take them back to the base and to zade, Ember nd the others would hop in the gunship as it would take them to the base, Blizzard Aircraft were all over the runways, Being dragged into hangars for the night to protect them from the cold,Their gunship would land inside and they would Disembark, heading toward Zaide "We're gonna go for some Recreational time tonight, Tomorrow we will attempt to assault the separatist base." Frostfall was Very cold at night, But some Larger Cities were usually used as recreational areas for Military units, There they used artificial heat to make the temperature more bearable

ORIN - Uneasily settling down in one of the gunship's seats, Orin couldn't help but inspect every inch of wasteland ahead of them. He felt uncomfortable knowing that Zaide was still out there, plodding through heavy snow with chilling wind biting his face, with nothing more than his set of skills and the possible but futile support of a Quinterran recruit. Before they arrived at Frostfall, the blonde lupine had done some research on the local animals on this part of the planet, and he wasn't gonna lie: he was both frightened and impressed. Good thing he could stay on the ship for now. The All-Father knew what kind of arctic abominations they might come across soon.
About twenty minutes later or so, two canine figures appeared, fighting against the strong and freezing wind by covering their faces with their helmet and hands. The gunship made a swerve and stopped next to them, after which the frozen wanderers and Commander Kamura approached one another.
While still waiting at the ship, Orin overheard his burly officer mention something about recreational time, which made him twitch an ear in surprise and frustration. He'd expected they would liberate Frostfall's northern region the same night, but apparently they needed to rest first. Hmpf. He was just getting used to all the violence, and you could say Orin had rusty switches when he it came down to changing his warface to a friendly one.

ZAIDE - He and Rynths hopped on the gunship and when it headed towards the base, which even seemed warm and cozy from here, Zaide sat down next to his brother, who looked rather upset, despite keeping a straight face. Oh hell, what was it this time?
"Don't tell me you're not glad to see me again," the dark furred Lycandros chuckled, giving his sibling a brotherly bump against his shoulder. Rynths almost bend over to watch every movement he made, somehow impressed by the simple interaction between two half-brothers. Zaide himself never recalled being so nosy back when he was a greenhorn, but he didn't mind getting those curious, inquiring looks.
"We're this close to achieving peace in this area.." Orin whispered to him, making a vague gesture with his gloved hands. "Now's not the time to linger around some base or casino or.. wherever we're heading. One shot is all we need to-.." The canine rolled his glowing greenish eyes and elbowed him softly.
"Ah shut it you, it's not like a few hours of calming down will undo what those bastards have done. Besides, if we're given some time to breathe, chances are we'll perform better on the battlefield. If there's anything that makes you lose wars, it's not looking after those who fight your fight." The gunship made its way towards a small settlement close to the Frostfall Outpost. As they came closer, Zaide saw the colorful lamps cast vivid rays into the sky, and he could already feel the artificial warmth their generators produced warm his frozen fur.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

Ember would blink, "We will take 2 hours max, After that we have 4 hours of sleep, And then we will attack the enemy base" Ember would put his gear down, Taking out a Holo-Map "Where do you guys wanna go...." Ember would take something out of his pocket, giving them both 50 Quinterran Units "Don't blow it all at once..... you guys wanna go on your own? Or in a group?" Ember would begin to tap on the pad, showing a recreational center "Right... Let's put it to a vote... Do you both want to go?"

ZAIDE - He shrugged. "Is there a bar around here somewhere? I could use a drink." If it involved any ladies of pleasure*, he wouldn't hesitate to spend some of his own money - he was convinced he had some Quinterran Units scattered around his UniPass -, as he could use feminine company after a long and busy day. This time though, Zaide promised himself he would go easy on the booze, as the last time he fought with a hang-over, it didn't end well.
He got off the gunship and stepped onto the clean, seemingly warm streets, peering into the distance. Tall, concrete buildings reached as far as the eye could see, but despite their dull gray walls blocking the view, appealing neon signs and colorful lights and lamps adorned the sea of structures. Littering the doors and balconies, there were dozens of canines, but mostly Quinterrans, smoking cinders and drinking their drinks, some even gambling with a view over the city.
A place to be for a guy raised in the slums.

ORIN - Was that a Saaron's? Orin bend over Zaide's shoulder for a bit to get a better look at the seemingly normal building, that stood like a tiny oval dwarf between the sky-high clubs and gambling dens. Man, he loved the Saaron's! Not a place for a military elite, of course, but back when he wasn't and lived like normal city boy, he spend most of his days in the weekends there. Playing with those kick-ass toy guns and buying junk food from the tickets he claimed after hitting the red dot with ease.
"How about we meet up at the parking lot in front of Saaron's in two hours?" he suggested, already heading towards the off-white building down the street. He could already taste the fried lyon bits they served there. Nostalgic.

( * Don't worry, I'll fade to black immediately! )
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf) Topic Starter

((Well, imma be gone for an hour or two, see ya when I get back?))

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